Bountiful : 많은, 풍부한, 너그러운
Bountious : 많은, 풍부한, 너그러운
Bountifully : 아낌 없이, 후하게, 풍부하게
Bountifulness : 아낌없음, 후함, 풍부함
Bounty : 너그러움, 풍부함, 포상금
It is in abundance
there is lots of it
it was produced in abundance, in a large amount
we had a bountiful harvest this year thanks to all of the rain during the summer
an abundant supplier
a plentiful supply
a bountiful crop
a bountiful harvest
a bountiful supply
you can al so use this word bountiful when to talk about giving generously
our bountiful benefector has given us a lot of money
life has been very bountiful to me, it's give me lots of wonderful things
life has given bountifully to me
the nature has been a very bountiful to this area
the bountifulness of your gift is quite stunning
bountiful, abundant, lots of, more than ample
bountiful, very generous, giving generously
more than ample amount
a very generous amount
generous quantity
the bounty, talks about generosity or gift-given, given liberally or a reward
I was looking for seashells, eventually I came across an area that have a bountiful number of seashells
thanks for your bountifulness, thanks for your generosity
there was a bountiful amount of food at the party
bountiful, generous, giving gift, giving favors
the king bountifully granted me half of the land of England
given abundantly, provided abundantly
there's loads of it
a bountiful amount
there is a large quantity of something pleasant
a bountiful area
a bouontiful period of time
it provides large amount of something, particularly food
generous, lavish, ample, lods of, plentiful, prolific, abundant
he is a most bountiful host, he gave us all of the best things to eat generous, liberal, hospitable, open-handed, unstinting, bountious, munificent
Formality : 6.5