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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

344. High Tea - UK Culture - British English - High Tea / Lunch / Luncheon / Dinner Tea / Dinner / Supper

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 10. 23.

High Tea : 하이 티(오후 늦게나 이른 저녁에 요리한 음식, 빵, 버터, 케이크를 보통 차와 함께 먹는 것)

Lunch : 점심, 점심식사를 하다

Luncheon : 오찬, 점심, 아침과 저녁 중간에 먹는 가벼운 식사를 말한다.

Dinner Tea : 디너티

Dinner : (하루 중에 먹는 가장 주된)식사, 밥, 정식, 저녁

Supper : 저녁 식사 (하루중 가장 마지막에 먹는 것)


a meal served maybe between 4:30 - 5:00 o'clock and maybe 6:30 - 7:00 o'clock in the evening
High Tea, you have something cooked, you could have a steak and chips and them some cakes or bread and jam and you will probably drink tea with it 
high tea is like a meal

the concept of high tea is strongly liked to social class


wheareas tea normally you have cucumber sandwiches and a cup of tea and a cake
normally tea time is 3:30 or 4:00 o'clock


In British talk about meals
in the north of England, they normally call lunch dinner, this is a working class word, dinner is what they have at lunch time. 

I think problably the use of the word dinner for lunch is something that in the sountheast has disappeared or is disappearing, South England will call the midday meal lunch
the dinner ladies is the lady who serves the dinner lunch not supper

posh people will say lunch or luncheon
in the evening working-class people will have high tea or just tea
I think high tea is a word that middle class people use to say it's something more substantial, not a cup of tea and a cucumber sandwich

if you think about agricultural workers, they go out to work and they maybe have a sandwich for lunch and maybe 5 o'clock they come home and they are hungry and that is when they eat their tea or high tea
high tea is a full meal, fish or meat with vegetables and then maybe cakes and bread and butter with it and then you will drink with that
this is directly related to social class


it depends very much on who is saying this
have you had your tea? with working class accent 
Did you have your tea? with posh accent
so there's a very big difiference with whoever says it

notice, dinner or supper is in for middle class people in the evening 
you would have dinner or supper after 7 :30. after 8p.m.
whereas high tea, this is something that is earlier 

In working class area, the meal are breakfast, dinner, and high tea, those are three meals
whereas somebody posh or middle class, the meals would be breakfast, lunch or luncheon, and then dinner or supper
I think the word dinner is more formal than the word supper

the timings are different as well
working class breafast in the morning, middle class breafast in the morning
working class dinner and middle class lunch at the same time 1 o'clock, it's lunch time
in the afternoon posh people have tea at half past three, whereas working-class people will have tea or high tea at maybe 4:45 - 6:30 
dinner or supper after 7:30

Formality : 5






