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Burning waste shouldn't be only solution: Mapo District head - 마포구청장:“쓰레기 소각만이 유일한 해결책 아냐”

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 10. 15.



Burning waste shouldn't be only solution: Mapo District head

The head of Seoul's Mapo District - where the Seoul Metropolitan Government wants to erect a new household waste incineration plant despite local residents' fierce objections - has proposed an alternative to treat the city's brimming waste problem. 주민



The head of Seoul's Mapo District ― where the Seoul Metropolitan Government wants to erect a new household waste incineration plant despite local residents' fierce objections ― has proposed an alternative to treat the city's brimming waste problem. It was a last-ditch effort by the district head to avoid building the facility in Mapo, where there is already another trash-burning plant.
주민들의 강력한 반대에도 서울시가 생활 폐기물 소각장을 신설하고자 하는 마포구의 구청장이 넘쳐나는 쓰레기 문제를 해결하기 위한 대안을 제시했다. 이는 이미 다른 쓰레기 소각장이 위치한 마포구에 추가적인 소각장 설치를 막기 위한 구청장의 필사적인 노력이다.


burn 태우다, 태워없애다, (불이)타오르다, 불에타다, 화상을 입다, (음식/연료)태우다, 화끈거리다

incinerate = be destroyed by fire = burn 소각하다 

Seoul Metropolitan Government 서울시, 서울 대도시 정부, 서울 특별시

erect = build up = establish = set up = put up = construct = found 세우다, 설립하다 건설하다

household waste = household refuse 생활 폐기물, 가정용 쓰레기

waste incineration plant = refuse incineration plant = trash-burning plant 쓰레기 소각장

local resident = local populace = local inhabitant = local people = local villager 지역 주민

objection = disapproval = dissent = opposition = protest = rejection = disapprobation = disagreement 반대, 항의, 거부

fierce = bitter = vehement = vigorous = severe = violent = wild = ferocious = strong = intense = extreme = savage 격렬한, 사나운

propose = put forward = put forth = set forth = present = suggest = recommend = come up with = bring up 제시하다, 제안하다, 말을 꺼내다

alternative 대안

alternate 번갈아 생기는, 하나 거르는, 번갈아 나오게 만들다

brimming 넘쳐 흐르는, 가차차게 부은

brim (컵사발의)위끝부분, (모자의)챙, (넘칠듯)그득하다, 그득채우다

waste problem 쓰레기 문제

littered with ~로 어질러진, ~ 흩어진

laden with ~이 가득한, ~을 싣은 ~으로 괴로워하는

studded ~이 많은, 장식용 금속 단추를 붙인

star-studded 인기 배우들이 많이 출현하는

-stricken = -struck ~에 시달리는, ~에 고통받는, ~에 찌든

last-ditch (성공할 가망이 많지 않은데) 최후의 시도로 하는, 필사적인

make a last-ditch effort = shoot one's wad = shoot one's bolt = make a final effort 최후의 노력을 하다, 마지막 시도를 하다

desperate = arduous = strenuous = death-defying = at the risk of one's life 필사적인, 결사적인, 격렬한, 홉시 힘든, 몸시 고된

avoid = avert = spare = dodge = prevent = evade = escape =  duck down = elude = sidestep = shirk = deflect = divert 피하다, 회피하다, 면하다, 기피하다, 방지하다, 방향을 전환시키다


Mapo District Head Park Kang-soo said Tuesday that instead of building what's widely known as a "socially unwanted facility," a mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plant could be introduced to effectively reduce the mounting volume of trash. He also proposed that by introducing a MBT plant to other districts in Seoul as well, the city's total daily trash ― amounting to 3,680 tons each day (as of 2020, according to the Ministry of Environment) ― can be reduced enough so as not to require an additional incineration plant.
화요일 박강수 마포구청장은 "사회적으로 반갑지 않은 시설"로 널리 알려진 시설을 설립하는 대신, 양이 증가하는 쓰레기를 효과적으로 줄이기 위해 폐기물 전처리시설(MBT)이 도입되어야 한다고 전했다. 또 그는 서울 내 다른 지역에도 MBT를 설치한다면 3,680톤에 달하는 서울시 일일 쓰레기 배출량(2020년 기준, 환경부)이 추가 소각장이 필요 없을 만큼 충분히 감소할 것이라고 제안했다.


be widely known as ~로 잘 알려지다

socially unwanted facility 사회적으로 반갑지 않은 시설

unwanted = unwelcome = undesirable 반갑지 않은, 바라지 않는

obnoxious = unpleasant = offensive = foul = displeased = objectionable = nasty = disagreeable 아주 역겨운, 불쾌한

Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) 님비현상 (혐오 시설의 설치를 반대하는 지역이기주의)

Please In My Front Yard (PIMFY) = Yes In My Front Yard (YINFY) 핌피현상 (지역 발전에 유익한 것은 우리 지역에)

Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plant 기계적 생물학적 처리 시설, 폐기물 전처리 시설

mounting = increasing = incremental = burgeoning = brimming 증가하는, 증대하는

volume of trash 쓰레기의 양

total daily trash 일일 쓰레기 배출량

amount to = run into = tally = stand at = come to = reach = total ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

waste incineration plant = refuse incineration plant = trash-burning plant 쓰레기 소각장

waste treatment facility 폐기물 처리 시설

treatment facility = treatment plant = disposal plant = disposal facility 처리장, 처리시설sewage treatment facility[plant] 하수 처리장additional = extra = supplementary 추가적인, 보충적인, 추가의


Seoul now treats household waste by burning about 2,475 tons at five incineration plants scattered across the city, dumping about 1,083 tons at the Sudokwon Landfill in Incheon, and recycling about 120 tons. While the five incineration plants' overall capacity is less than 2,900 tons, Sudokwon Landfill, which has been accepting trash from the country's capital region of Incheon, Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, will no longer take deliveries of rubbish starting in 2026. The situation has propelled an urgent need to introduce a new incineration plant in Seoul to pick up the slack.
현재 서울은 서울시 내 소각장 5곳에서 약 2475톤을 소각하는데, 인천에 위치한 수도권매립지에서 약 1083톤을 매립하는 한편 약 120톤을 재활용하며 생활 쓰레기를 처리하고 있다. 소각장 5곳의 총 폐기물 수용량은 2900톤보다 적지만 인천시와 서울시 및 경기도를 비롯한 수도권의 쓰레기를 처리하는 수도권매립지는 2026년부터 폐기물을 더 이상 받지 않는다. 이러한 상황으로 인해 쓰레기 처리 공백을 메우기 위해 서울 내 신규 소각장을 설치할 필요성이 시급해졌다.


household waste = household refuse 생활 폐기물, 가정용 쓰레기

scattered = sporadic  드문드문 있는, 산재한, 산발적인, 간간이 있는, 흩어져 있는

intermittent = sporadic 간헐적인, 간간이 일어나는 

dump = throw away = throw out = junk (쓰레기 같은것을)버리다, ~을 ~에게 떠넘기다, (쓰레기)폐기장, 하치장

dumping ground = dump = rubbish dump = garbage dump = tip 쓰레기 매립지, 쓰레기 하치장

landfill (대규모)쓰레기 매립지, 매립쓰레기

reclaim (늪지/황무지)매립하다, 개간하다, (분실하거나 빼앗긴 물건을)되찾다, 돌려달라고하다, (개간해서 쓰던땅을)환원되다, 복구하다

land reclamation 토지 매립, 땅 매립

recycle 재활용하다, 재생하다, 다시 이용하다, 재사용하다

reuse 재사용하다

upcycle (재활용 품을)업사이클하다, 더 나은 것으로 만들다

propel = push ahead = push = drive = promote 나아가다, 몰고가다

urgent need 절실한 필요, 긴급한 필요, 시급한 소용

pick up the slack  자원을 전부 투입하여 효율적으로 움직이게 하다, 부족한 부분을 벌충/보완하다

take up the slack 기강을 바로잡다, 고삐를 죄다, (밧줄을 단단히 죄다)


The Seoul Metropolitan Government, after a search for the most ideal site for a new incineration plant, selected Mapo District last September. The selection had immediately drawn condemnation from the district's local residents including District Head Park, who were indignant at having another "socially unwanted facility" in their neighborhood.
9월 서울시는 신규 소각장을 위한 이상적인 부지를 물색한 끝에 마포구를 선정했다. 마포구청장을 비롯한 마포구민들은 이미 근처에 "사회적으로 반갑지 않은 시설"이 있다는 사실에 분노하며 선정 직후 비난을 이어갔다.


a search for ~의 물색, 탐구, 탐색

ideal site 이상적인 장소

ideal = perfect = impeccable = fit = suitable = optimum = optimal = apposite = appropriate = proper 이상적인, 완벽한, 흠잡을데 없는, 최적의, 가장 적절한

immediately = instantly = promptly = shortly after = soon after 즉시, 직후에

draw condemnation from = take the flak = come under fire = be accused of = be harshly criticized = draw heavy criticism 비난을 받다, 비난을 사다

local resident = local populace = local inhabitant = local people = local villager 지역 주민

indignant = furious = resentful = angry = upset = in a rage = enraged = infuriated 분개한, 분개하는, 화난

in the neighborhood = in the vicinity of = in the environs of = nearby = round here =  in the purlieus of = in the locality of ~인근에, ~주변에

contiguous = neighboring = close to = near = surrounding = nearby = vicinal 인근의, 주변의, 근처의


"Burning it shouldn't be the only solution," Park said Tuesday. "If we can reduce the volume of 1,000 tons of daily household wastes by any means, we don't need an additional incineration plant. In fact, half of the household waste that go into an incineration plant doesn't even need to be burnt but could be sorted for recycling."
화요일 박 구청장은 "쓰레기 소각만이 유일한 해결책이 되어선 안 된다"며 "어떠한 방식으로든 일일 생활 쓰레기 배출량을 1000톤 줄일 수 있다면 추가적인 소각장이 필요하지 않다. 실제로 소각되는 생활 쓰레기 절반은 소각되지 않고 재활용으로 해결될 수 있다"고 덧붙였다.


solution = resolution = countermeasure = answer = remedy = RX = demarche = measure = step = action 해결책, 대응책, 조치

by any means = at all costs = at any cost = by all means = somehow 어떻게 해서든, 어떻게 해서라도, 어떻게든지

in fact = actually = virtually = effectively = pratically = as a matter of fact = in reality 사실상, 실질적으로

go into = enter = get into = come into ~에 들어가다

sort (문제등을) 해결하다, 정리하다, 분류하다, 구분하다

sort out 문제를 해결하다, 문제를 정리하다, 처리하다, 선별하다, 분류하다

deal with = cope with = treat = handle = manage = tackle = navigate = address = sort out = settle 다루다, 처리하다, 해결하다

recycling 재활용

reusing 재사용

upcycling 업사이클링

reducingreusingand recycling campaign 줄이고, 재사용, 재활용 캠페인


To explain his argument, Park on Tuesday showed up at a public square in front of the district office. There were 190 samples of garbage bags that have been collected in the past five days from across Mapo. About 100 bags were from apartment buildings while the rest were from free-standing houses and public commercial buildings. With some 60 district residents watching the scene, the district head ripped through the trash and looked for what could be further recycled, like scraps of metal, plastics and used plastic bags. The efforts reflected what a MBT plant can do to collect daily household waste: carry out a last screening process for recycling and thus reduce the volume of trash to burn.
그의 주장을 설명하기 위해 화요일 박 구청장은 마포구청 광장에 등장했다. 광장에는 마포구 내에서 최근 5일 동안 수집된 종량제 봉투 샘플 190개가 있었다. 종량제 봉투 100여 개는 아파트에서, 나머지는 단독주택과 상가에서 수집되었다. 마포구 거주민 60여 명이 지켜보는 가운데 박 구청장은 직접 종량제 봉투를 찢어 금속 조각, 플라스틱 및 한 번 사용된 비닐봉지와 같이 어떤 것들이 더 재활용될 수 있는지를 찾아보았다. 이러한 노력은 MBT 시설이 매일 발생하는 생활 쓰레기 수집을 위해 재활용을 위한 마지막 검수 과정을 거쳐 결과적으로 소각되는 쓰레기의 양을 줄일 수 있다는 것을 반영했다.


explain = elucidate = expound = account for = eleborate = exposit = go into details = give particulars = dilate on = amplify on = expatiate on = expand on = explain in detail = furnish details 상세히 설명하다

argument = claim = assertion = insistence = protestation = averment = statement = utterance 주장

show up = appear = turn up = make an appearance = come on the scene 등장하다, 나타나다

public square 공공광장, 시민광장

sample = specimen = model = example 표본, 샘플, 시식하다, 맛보다, (경험삼아 잠깐)시도해보다, 표본조사를 하다

empodiment = epitome = exemplar = personification = model = example 전형, 화신, 본보기

garbage bags 쓰레기 봉투

apartment building = apartment block (대형)아파트 건물

free-standing house 단독주택, 단독으로 서있는 주택

public commercial buildings 공공 상업용 건물

rip = tear off = rend = destroy = mutilate 찟다, 훼손하다

scrap 조각, 조금, 폐기하다, 버리다, 싸우다, 다투다

scraps of metal 금속 조각

plastics 플라스틱

plastic bag 비닐 봉지

reflect = manifest = demonstrate = display = show = exhibit 나타나다, 반영하다, 보여주다

carry out = execute = put into action = put into practice = implement = fulfill 수행하다, 시행하다

screening process 검수 과정

trash = waste = rubbish = garbage = litter = refuse =filth 쓰레기

sewage 하수, 오물

night-soil = filth = human waste = feces and urine = excreta = excrement = shit = number two = dung = poop = poo = crap 분료, 똥 거름, 똥, 배설물

odds and ends 잡동사니, 자질구레한것들

disposable = throwaway = single-use 사용후 버리게 되어 있는, 일회용의, (금융)이용가능한

recyclable = reusable 재활용가능한, 재사용 가능한

precycling 프리사이클링 (처음부터 포장 안 돼있거나 재활용이 가능한 물건을 구매함)

3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) 3R운동(절약, 재사용, 재활용)


"Out of the samples, over 64 percent of collected trash items were recyclable, such as vinyl, paper, plastic and aluminum cans," Park Jun, head of Socially Obnoxious Facility Task Force under the district office, told The Korea Times. "And 35.7 percent of the volume of the originally collected trash remained for incineration."
마포구가 구성한 광역자원회수시설 입지선정 자체대응 태스크 포스의 박준 포스 장은 코리아타임스와의 인터뷰에서 "종량제 봉투 샘플들 가운데 수집된 쓰레기들의 64% 이상이 비닐, 종이, 플라스틱과 알루미늄 캔과 같이 재활용이 가능한 것이었다"며 "초기에 수집된 쓰레기 35.7%만이 소각을 위해 남겨졌다"고 덧붙였다.


collect = gather = garner = glean = gain = acquire = attain = secure 수집하다, 얻다, 모으다, 확보하다

vinyl 비닐

plastic bag 비닐봉지, 비닐 봉투

plastic product 플라스틱 제품

aluminum can 알루미늄 캔

obnoxious = unpleasant = offensive = foul = displeased = objectionable = nasty = disagreeable 아주 역겨운, 불쾌한

socially unwanted facility 사회적으로 반갑지 않은 시설

socially obnoxious facility 사회적으로 불쾌한 시설

unwanted = unwelcome = undesirable 반갑지 않은, 바라지 않는

task force 대책위원회, 기동부대, 프로젝트팀, 특수임무 부대

under the auspices of ~의 후원하에, ~의 보호하에, ~의 지원하에

originally = at first = at the start 원래, 본래, 애당초

incineration = destruction by fire 소각, 분멸

incinerate = burn = destroy by fire 소각하다, 태우다








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