728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with Essential Vocabulary14 #08 Essential Vocabulary (71~80) * deal 합의, 나누어 주다, 분배하다, 많은, 많이, 거래서, (사업상의)합의, 마약을 거래하다 cf) deal out = deal to ~을 나누어주다, 분배하다, 베풀다 cf) deal with 처리하다, 다루다, 대하다, 해우하다 cf) a great deal = a good deal = a lot of = plentifully = in great quantities = in great numbers 많이, 다량의 ex) The deal must be agreeable to both sides ex) Let me deal with some common misconceptions ex) They shook on the deal ex) Shuffle the cards and deal out sev.. 2021. 11. 21. #07 Essential Vocabulary (61~70) * assess 평가하다, 재다, 가늠하다, (가치나 양을)평가 하다, 산정하다 = estimate = reckon = evaluate = judge cf) assessment = appraiser = evaluation = estimation 평가, 판단, 사정 cf) assessor 감정인, 배석판사, (시험)평가자 cf) assessable 과세할 수 있는, 평가 할 수 있는, 산정 할 수있는 ex) It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage ex) I'd assess your chances as low ex) We are trying to assess how well the system works ex) His assessment of th.. 2021. 11. 16. #06 Essential Vocabulary (51~60) * appropriate 적당한, 전유하다, 충당하다, (불법, 무단으로)도용하다,전용하다, (돈의 사용처를) 책정하다 = suitable = proper = right = reasonable = adequate = vaild = make one's own = take to oneself inappropriate 부적절한 cf) misappropriate = embezzle = steal (자신에게 맡겨진 남의 돈, 재산을)횡령하다 ex) Please tick the appropriate box ex) Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party ex) You should not appropriate other people's belongings without thei.. 2021. 11. 14. #05 Essential Vocabulary (41~50) * anthropology 인류학 cf) anthropologist 인류학자 cf) anthropological 인류학의 cf) anthropologically 인류학상, 인류학적으로 cf) demography 인구변동, 인구통계학 cf) demographic 인구통계학의 cf) demographics 인구통계, 인구통계자료 cf) archaeology 고고학 cf) archaeologist 고고학자 ex) It comes from the field of anthropology and the social sciences related to anthropology ex) Anthropology has been described as the study of human behavior in all places.. 2021. 11. 12. #04 Essential Vocabulary (31~40) * alternative 하나를 택해야 할, 대안, 대체가능한, 대안이 되는 = substitute cf) alternate 번갈아 생기는, 상호의, 교차의, 하나 거르는, (A와 B가)번갈아 나오다 cf) alternative medicine 대체의학 ex) Alternative medicine has been gaining credence recently ex) There is no visible alternative ex) The practicable alternative is to postpone the meeting ex) The next week is a bit inconvenient, so could I suggest the week after that as an alternative? * .. 2021. 11. 11. #03 Essential Vocabulary (21~30) * agency 대리, 중개, 대리점, 대행사, (특정 서비스 제공)단체, 기획사 = company = organization = enterprise = firm = bureau ex) I was headhunted by marketing agency ex) Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency ex) I've been temping for an employment agency * agitate (마음을)뒤 흔들다, 선동하다, (액체를)휘젓다, (법적/사회적 사항 변경을 위해)주장하다, 요구하다 = campaign 캠페인을 벌이다 = disturb 방해하다, 불안하게 만들다 = stir 휘젓다 cf) agita.. 2021. 11. 11. 이전 1 2 3 다음 728x90 반응형