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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

Kakao service disruptions cause nationwide mayhem - 카카오 서비스 장애, 전국적 혼란 일으켜 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/10/742_338011.html?utm_source=CU Kakao service disruptions cause nationwide mayhem President says network disruptions can pose grave threat to national security 윤 대통령, “네트워크망 교란은 국가 안보에 심각한 위협 야기할 수 있어” www.koreatimes.co.kr President says network disruptions can pose grave threat to national security 윤 대통령, "네트워크망 교란은 국가 안보에 심각한 위협 야기할 수 있어" disruptio.. 2022. 10. 17.
'Worst is yet to come' - [사설 읽기] '최악은 아직 오지 않았다’ https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/10/761_337893.html?utm_source=CU 'Worst is yet to come' IMF downgrades 2023 economic outlook IMF, 2023년 경제 전망 하향 조정 www.koreatimes.co.kr IMF downgrades 2023 economic outlook IMF, 2023년 경제 전망 하향 조정 be yet to come 아직 오지 않다 be yet to do 아직 ~하지 않고 있다 IMF (Internationl Monetary Fund) 국제 통화 기금 downgrade = relegate = degrade = lower the status = lower in ran.. 2022. 10. 16.
Burning waste shouldn't be only solution: Mapo District head - 마포구청장:“쓰레기 소각만이 유일한 해결책 아냐” https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/10/742_337878.html?utm_source=CU Burning waste shouldn't be only solution: Mapo District head The head of Seoul's Mapo District - where the Seoul Metropolitan Government wants to erect a new household waste incineration plant despite local residents' fierce objections - has proposed an alternative to treat the city's brimming waste problem. 주민 www.kor.. 2022. 10. 15.
12 international schools found using textbooks that do not contain East Sea name - 국내 외국인학교 12곳, '동해’ 아닌 '일본해’ 표기 교과서 사용 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/10/742_337829.html?utm_source=CU 12 international schools found using textbooks that do not contain East Sea name Twelve international schools in Korea have been found to be using textbooks that refer to the body of water that lies to the east of the Korean Peninsula only as the Sea of Japan, without mentioning East Sea, which is the name used by Kore.. 2022. 10. 13.
How webtoons became go-to source material for screen adaptations in Korea - 웹툰, 어떻게 한국에서 즐겨 찾는 영화 각색 소재가 되었나? https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/10/745_337773.html?utm_source=CU How webtoons became go-to source material for screen adaptations in Korea Webcomic sector rises as enormous storehouse of fresh stories for film, drama industry in OTT era 웹툰 업계, OTT 시대 영화 및 드라마 산업을 위한 참신한 이야기의 거대 저장소로 부상 www.koreatimes.co.kr Webcomic sector rises as enormous storehouse of fresh stories for film, drama.. 2022. 10. 13.
Where did all the young taxi drivers go? - 젊은 택시 기사들, 어디로 떠났나? https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/10/742_337741.html?utm_source=CU Where did all the young taxi drivers go? Low profits, excessive hours drove them into delivery, courier services 낮은 수입, 과다한 근무시간에 배달 및 택배 업계로 이직 www.koreatimes.co.kr Low profits, excessive hours drove them into delivery, courier services 낮은 수입, 과다한 근무시간에 배달 및 택배 업계로 이직 taxi driver = cab driver = cabbie = cabby 택시운전사 ch.. 2022. 10. 12.