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Korean exporters start rethinking 'China strategy' - 한국 수출업체, '대중국 전략' 재고

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 7. 5.



Korean exporters start rethinking 'China strategy'

Korean exporters start rethinking 'China strategy'



Seoul asked to maintain strategic balance between US, China
한국, 미국과 중국 사이 전략적 균형 유지 필요

exporter 수출업자, 수출국, 수출회사

importer 수입업자, 수입국, 수입회사

rethink = reconsider 다시생각하다, 재고하다

strategic balance 전략적 균형

maintain a balance between A and B = strike a balance between A and B (a와 b사이에서) 균형을 유지하다

tip the balance in favor of = tilt the balance in favor of ~에 유리한 방향으로 국면을 바꾸다, 형세를 일변하다

drive a wedge between A and B  (a와 b사이를) 이간질 하다, ~사이를 틀어지게 하다

trade balance = balance of trade 무역 수지


There was a period when top-tier U.S. tech leaders were just "allin" when it came to China, followed by Korea's leading exporters including the tech affiliates of Samsung, LG, SK and Hyundai.
미국 일류 기술 선도자들이 대중국 사업에 ‘올인'했던 시대가 있었고 삼성, LG, SK, 현대의 기술 계열사를 비롯한 한국의 주요 수출 기업들 역시 이를 따랐다.


top-tier = first-rate = excellent = first-class = A-list = blue-chip 일류의, 정상급의, 최정상급의

all-in 올 인, 모든 비용을 포함한(=inclusive), 모두 합한, 총, (몸이)지친, 기진맥진한

affiliate 계열사, 가입하다, 연계하다, 제휴하다

subsidiary 자회사, 자회사의

subordinate = interior 부하, 하급자, 부차적인, 부수적인, 종속된

superior 윗사람, 선배, 상급자, 상관, 우수한, 상관의

predecessor 전임자, 이전것, 모델

successor 후임자, 계승자, 계승하는것

ascendant = ascendent = ancestor = forebear = forerunner = forefather 선조, 조상 우월, 우세, 지배

descendant = offspring = progeny = posterity 자손, 후예, 후손

follow suit 방금 남이 한대로 따라 하다


Given its vast population of some 1.5 billion, hugely growing middle-class, loosening economic restrictions, low-cost and high-labor-intensity manufacturing centers, China remains an indispensable market for these Korean exporters. Still, without a sizable presence in China, it will be difficult for Korean exporters to position themselves as "global" in nature and vice versa for multinational businesses.
약 15억의 방대한 인구, 급속히 증가하는 중산층, 완화된 경제 규제, 저비용 및 노동집약적 공업중심지들을 감안할 때 중국은 한국 수출업체들에게 없어서는 안될 시장이다. 중국에서 상당한 입지가 없다면 한국 수출업체는 본질적인 ‘세계적' 기업으로 자리 잡기가 어렵고 그 반대인 다국적 기업의 경우도 마찬가지다.


vast = huge = great = enormous = extensive = volulminous = massive = sizable = immense = tremendous = colossal = gigantic = giant = mammoth 어마어마한, 상당한, 막대한, 거대한

population 인구, 주민

middle-class 중산층, 중산층의

upper-class = high-class 상류사회, 상류층

working class 노동자 계급, 노동자 계층

low-class 낮은 품질등의, 하층계급과 관련된, 하급계층의

loosen = slacken = ease = relieve = abate 풀다, 느슨하게하다, 완화시키다

economic restriction 경제 규제

restriction = restraint = constraint = regulation = crackdown = clampdown = limitation = sanction = embargo 규제, 제약, 제재, 제한, 구속

low-cost = cheap = inexpensive 저렴한, 저가의

pricey = high-priced = high-cost = expensive = costly = exorbitant 비싼, 값비산

high-labor-intensity 높은 노동 밀도, 노동집약적

indispensable = essential = necessary = vital = fundamental = basic 필수적인, 없어서는 안될

integral (전체를 구성하는 일부로서) 필수적인, 필요불가결한, 일부로 들어가 있는, 내장된

integrate 통합시키다, 통합되다, (어떤 사회 구성원으로)통합시키다

integrated 통합적인

paramount 다른 무엇보다 가장 중요한

sizable = significant = considerable 상당한 크기의, 꽤 큰, 꽤 많은

presence 입지, 있음, 주둔, 존재감

position 자리를 잡다

in nature = substantially = practically = in reality = virtually = effectively = in effect = for the practical purposes 사실상, 현실적으로, 완전히

vice versa 그 반대도 마찬가지이다

multinational businesses 다국적 기업


Seoul's renewed focus in regard to China as well as both NATO and Washington's Indo-Pacific strategy — in terms of strengthening its relationships and also regarding trade matters — is making Korea's leading exporters rethink their business strategies in China, according to government officials and company executives contacted by The Korea Times.
정부 관계자와 기업 경영진은 코리아타임스와의 인터뷰에서 한국 정부가 중국뿐만 아니라 관계 강화 및 무역 문제 측면에서 북서대양조약기구(NATO•나토)와 미국의 인도-태평양 전략에 대한 새로운 초점을 맞추면서 한국의 주요 수출업체들이 중국에서 비즈니스 전략을 재고하게 했다고 밝혔다.


renewed 재개된, 새로워진

renew = resume 재개하다, 갱신하다, 연장하다, 재차 거듭강조하다(=reiterate = repeat)

in regard to = regarding = concerning = so as to = as to = in terms of = when it comes to = with regard to = respecting = with respect to ~에 관해서, ~에 관한한

strategy = maneuver = playbook = tactic = stratagem = plan 전략, 전술, 계획

strengthen = reinforce = beef up = enhance = consolidate = harden = firm up 강화하다, 굳히다

relationship = relation = rapport 관계

reciprocal relation = mutual relation = interrelationship = reciprocity 상호관계, 쌍무관계

fellowship = comradeship = comaraderie = friendship = companionship 동지애, 동료애, 유대감

affinity = sociability = affability 친화력, 친화성, 사교성 

trade matters = trade affairs 무역문제, 통상업무

rethink = reconsider 다시생각하다, 재고하다

business strategy 사업전략

action plan 활동계획, 사업계획


However, some consider President Yoon Suk-yeol's NATO Summit invitation acceptance as a kind of reward for recently aligning Seoul's foreign policy more closely with Washington and its democratic allies. However, it doesn't make sense at all for South Korea and Korean exporters to keep a distance from China, according to some political experts.
그러나 일각에서는 윤석열 대통령의 나토 정상회의 초청 수락을 최근 한국이 외교정책을 미국 및 민주주의 동맹국들과 더욱 긴밀하게 조율한 것에 대한 일종의 보상으로 여기고 있다. 그러나 일부 정치 전문가에 따르면 한국 및 한국 수출업계가 중국과 거리를 두는 것은 바람직하지 않다.


consider = deem = regard = count 고려하다, 여기다, 생각하다

ponder = think over = mull over = consider = deliberate  곰곰히 생각하다

invitation acceptance 초청 수락, 초대수락

as a kind of reward 보상의 형태로, 보상으로

recently = lately = latest 최근에

foreign policy = diplomacy 외교정책, 외교방침

democratic 민주주의의, 민주적인

make sense 의미가 통한다, 타당하다, 말이되다, 이해가 되다, 이해하기 쉽다

doesn't make sense 의미가 통하지 않다, 앞뒤가 안맞다, 말이 안된다

at all = not at all = not in any degree = not in the least = not a bit = not the slightest 전혀, 조금도

keep a distance from ~와 거리를 두다, ~와 거리를 유지하다


South Korea is just one of the few countries in Asia with long-standing historical relations with China while also being an important partner in Washington's Indo-Pacific strategy. China accounted for a quarter of South Korea's total exports, data provided by the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) showed.
한국은 아시아에서 중국과 오랜 역사적 관계를 맺고 있는 몇 안 되는 국가 중 하나일 뿐 아니라 미국의 인도-태평양 전략에서 중요한 파트너이기도 하다. 한국무역협회(KITA) 자료에 따르면 중국은 한국 전체 수출의 4분의 1을 차지했다.


long-lasting 오래 지속되는, 오래 지속될 수 있는, 장기적인, 지속적인

historical relations 역사적 관계

account for = take up = occupy = constitute = make up 차지하다

a quarter of ~의 4분의 1, 1/4

total exports 전체 수출, 수출 총액

total imports 전체 수입, 수입 총액

Korea International Trade Association (KITA) 한국무역협회








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