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Hasty relocation decision - 성급한 이전 결정

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 3. 22.



Hasty relocation decision

Hasty relocation decision



New presidential office plan lacks consensus
새 집무실 이전 계획은 합의 부족


hasty = hurried = rash = rush = impetuous = impatient = reckless 성급한, 무모한, 신중하지 못한

relocation = move 재편성, 재배치, 이전, 이동

rearrangement = realignment = reorganization 재정비, 재편성, 재조정

consensus = a unanimity of opinion = agreement = accord = concurrence = coincidence 의견일치, 합의

consent = agree = conform 동의하다, 허락하다

national consensus 국민적 합의

unanimity 만장일치

unanimous 만장일치의, 전원일치의, 모두 뜻이 같은

reach a consensus 합의에 이르다


On Sunday, President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol announced a decision to relocate the presidential office from Cheong Wa Dae to the Ministry of National Defense building in Yongsan, central Seoul. The decision is part of his campaign pledge to move out of a symbol of the "imperial" presidency and better communicate with the people.
윤석열 대통령 당선인은 일요일 청와대에서 용산 국방부 청사로 청와대 이전을 결정했다. 이번 결정은 ‘제왕적' 대통령직의 상징에서 벗어나 국민들과 더 나은 소통을 하겠다는 선거 공약의 일부이다.


president-elect 대통령 당선인

announce = inform = notify = pronounce = proclaim = declare = make public 알리다, 공표하다, 선언하다

presidential office = oval office = oval room 대통령 집무실

the Ministry ofNational Defense 국방부

be part of ~의 일부분이다

as (a) part of ~의 일환으로, ~의 일부분으로

campaign pledge[promise] = election pledge[promise] = electoral commitment 선거공약

move out of ~에서 나오다, ~에서 이동하다, 이사나오다

symbol = emblem = symbolic representation 상징, 표상

symbolize = be symbolic of = represent = stand for ~을 상징하다, 나타내다

imperial 제국의, 황제의

imperialism 제국주의, 제정

communicate with = have a talk with = have a conversation with = contact with = make contact with ~와 연락하다


Yoon said he will start his five-year presidency at the office to be created on the second floor of the defense ministry building after his inauguration on May 10. He plans to use one of the government's official residences in Hannam-dong, close to the ministry, as his residence. With the relocation, Cheong Wa Dae will be opened fully to the public on the same day.
윤 당선인은 5월 10일 취임 후 국방부 청사 2층에 마련될 대통령 집무실에서 5년 임기를 시작할 것이라고 말했다. 윤 당선인은 국방부와 가까운 한남동 공관 중 하나를 관저로 사용할 예정이다. 이번 이전 계획으로 청와대는 5월 10일 국민에게 전면 개방된다.


be created on ~에 마련되다, ~에 만들어지다

inauguration (대통령/교수등의)취임(식), (신시대의)개시, (공공시설등의)정식개시, 개업, 창업, 개통, 준공, 개막식, 취임식

inaugurate = commence work = begin[start] work = make a start 취임하게하다, 개관식을 선언하다, 개시를 알리다

presidency 대통령직, 대통령 임기

term in office = tenure 임기

official residence 관저

close to = nearby = close by = near = adjacent to = adjoining = neighboring 가까운, 인접의, 이웃의

be opened to the public 대중에게 개방되다

fully = completely = entirely 전적으로


In the lead-up to the March 9 election, Yoon had initially promised to relocate the presidential office to the Government Complex in Gwanghwamun. Several days after he won the election, his plan changed due to problems with presidential escorts, security, protocol and traffic. His transition team presented two options: move to the adjacent Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, or to the defense ministry compound.
3월 9일 대선을 앞두고 당시 윤 후보는 당초 대통령 집무실을 광화문 정부종합청사로 이전하겠다고 약속했었다. 당시 윤 후보가 당선된 지 며칠 후 이전 계획은 대통령 호위, 경호, 의전, 교통 문제로 인해 변경되었다. 윤 당선인의 인수팀은 두 가지 선택지를 제시했는데, 인접한 외교부 청사나 국방부 청사로 이전하는 것이었다.


in the lead-up to = in the face of = ahead of ~앞두고, ~에 직면해서

initially = at first = at the start = at the outset = at the beginning = originally 처음에, 처음에는, 당초, 원래, 본래

win the election 당선하다

several = a few = a couple of 몇몇의

several = respective = each = individual = separate 각각의, 각자의

presidential escorts 대통령 호위

escort 호위하다, 호송하다, 에스코트하다

presidential security 대통령 보안, 대통령 경호

protocal 외교의례, 의전, 보충협약, 초안, 프로토콜, 통신규약

presidential motorcade 대통령 차량행렬

-cade (연결형)행렬, 구경거리 뜻

presidential transition commitee[team] 대통령 인수위원회

adjacent 가까운, 인접한

compound = complex 복합단지, 구내, 수용소, 복합수용소


Finally Yoon choose the defense ministry building after taking into consideration all the problems, including security issues and relocation costs. If his decision is put into action, the defense ministry will move into the Joint Chiefs of Staff building in the compound. Then the Joint Chiefs of Staff is likely to be relocated to the Capital Defense Command compound in Namtaeryeong, southern Seoul.
결국 윤 당선인은 안보 문제와 이전 비용 등 모든 문제를 고려해 국방부 청사로 결정한다. 윤 당선인의 결정이 실행에 옮겨지면 국방부는 영내 합참 청사로 이전하게 된다. 합참 본부는 서울 남태령 수도방위사령부 영내로 이전할 가능성이 높다.


finally = eventually = lastly = ultimately = in conclusion = definitely = decidedly = decisively = in turn 결국, 최종적으로, 마침내, 결정적으로, 확정적으로

take into consideration = mull over = consider = take into account = take account of ~을 고려하다, 숙고하다

put into action = carry out = put into practice = implement = fulfil = execute = take effect 행동에 옮기다, 실행하다

move into ~로 이동하다

be likely to = be probable to = be apt to = be prone to = be liable to ~하기 쉽다, ~할 가능성이 있다

in all likelihood 아마, 십중팔구






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