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Step in wrong direction - 잘못된 방향으로 가고 있다

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 2. 21.



Step in wrong direction

Step in wrong direction



Fight against virus should not be swayed by politics
바이러스 극복 문제가 정치에 휘둘려서는 안 돼


step in = get in = go inside = go in 안으로 들어가다, 개입하다, 발을 디디다, 돕고나서다

in the wrong direction 엉뚱한 방향으로, 잘못된 방향으로

in the right direction 올바른 방향으로

fight against ~와 싸우다, ~와의 싸움, ~와의 전쟁

be swayed by ~에 의해 휘둘리다, ~에 지배되다, ~에 좌우되다

politics 정치, 정치적인 문제들, 정치적 견해, 정치적 사상

politic = prudent = wise = advisable = sensible = discreet = sagacious 현명한, 신중한


The Moon Jae-in administration cannot avoid criticism for easing social distancing rules ahead of the March 9 presidential election, despite an explosive surge in COVID-19 infections. On Friday, the government decided to allow cafes and restaurants to extend their business hours by one hour to 10 p.m., for about three weeks until March 13.
문재인정부는 코로나19 감염자의 폭발적인 급증에도 3월 9일 대선을 앞두고 사회적 거리두기를 완화했다는 비판을 피할 수 없다. 금요일, 정부는 3월 13일까지 약 3주간 카페와 식당의 영업 시간을 오후 10시까지 1시간 연장하기로 결정했다.


avoid = dodge = escape = sidestep = duck down = evade = shirk = eldue 방지하다, 막다, 모면하다, 회피하다

criticism = reproach = blame = reproof = rebuke = flak = condemnation = denunciation 비판, 비난, 비평

criticize = curse = swear = slam = censure = denounce = condemn = reproach = rebuke 비판(비난)하다, 비평하다

ease = alleviate = mitigate = allay = relieve = relex = slacken = loosen 완화시키다, 경감시키다, 약화시키다

ahead of ~ 앞에, 앞선, ~보다 빨리, ~보다 앞선, ~앞두고

presidential election 대선, 대통령 선거

explosive = tremendous = huge = remarkable = immense 폭발적인, 어마어마한, 엄청난

surge = upsurge = jump 급증

allow to = enable to = permit to ~가 ~하는 것을 허용하다

extend 더 길게 만들다, 연장하다

extension (세력/영향력/해택))확대, 증축, 증축된 방들

extent 정도, 규모, 크기

extensive = far-reaching 아주 넓은, 대규모의, 광범위한, 폭넓은

expand 확대하다, 팽창하다, 확장하다, 말을 덧 붙이다

business hour = service hour = operating hour 운영시간, 업무시간


The measure was apparently aimed at helping small merchants and self-employed people, who are most vulnerable to the economic fallout from the pandemic, reduce their losses arising from the strict social distancing guidelines. The government can no longer ignore the strong backlash from those people who complain that they have been driven out of business due to the tightened rules.
이러한 조치는 코로나19에 따른 경제적 여파에 가장 취약한 소상공인과 자영업자들이 엄격한 사회적 거리두기 지침으로 인한 손실을 줄일 수 있도록 돕기 위한 것으로 보인다. 정부는 강화된 규제로 인해 폐업으로 내몰려 아우성치는 국민들의 거센 반발을 더 이상 외면해서는 안 된다.


apparently = seemingly = on the surface = outwardly 보아하니, 듣자하니, 겉보기엔

aim at = intend to = have an eye to = have for one's object = target at ~을 겨냥하다, 노리다, ~에 주안을 두다

small merchant = small business owners 소상공인, 소규모 자영업자

the self-employed 자영업자

vulnerable to ~에 취약한, ~에 피해를 입기쉬운, ~에 상처 입기 쉬운

fallout = aftermath = aftereffect 여파, 좋지않는 결과, 후유증

arise from = result from = be due to = be owing to = be derived from = stem from ~에서 발생하다, 유래하다

strict = harsh = stringent = rigorous = thorough = rigid = watertight = severe 엄격한, 가혹한, 철저한

guideline = instruction = directions = order 지침, 지시, 설명

indication = sign = symptom = omen = portent 징조, 조짐, 신호, 기미

no longer = not ~anymore 더이상 ~아니다

ignore = disregard = take no notice of = overlook = turn one's eyes to = shut one's eye's to = turn a blind eye = do not care = neglect = pass over = disdain 무시하다, 못 본 척 하다, 묵살하다, 인정하지않다

ignorant = uncouth = coarse 무지한, 무식한, 무지막지한, 무학의

ignorance 무지, 무식

backlash = resistance = pushback 반발

backfire = boomerang 역효과를 낳다, 역화를 일으키다

complain = grumble = rumble = moan = groan 불평하다, 항의하다, 앓는 소리를 내다

complaint 불평, 항의, 고소, 통증, 질환

drive out 몰아내다, 사라지게하다, 내쫒다

tightened = reinforced = intensive = taut = enhanced 강화된, 보강된, 더 조인


"We could not overlook the reality of small merchants and self-employed people," Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said, announcing the decision. He also said the government has decided to postpone the introduction of a youth vaccine pass system by one month to April. The postponement was made due to a lack of preparation as well as strong opposition from students and their parents.
김부겸 국무총리는 "소상공인과 자영업자의 현실을 간과할 수 없었다"며 이같은 결정을 발표했다. 김 총리는 또 정부가 청소년 백신 패스 시스템 도입을 4월로 한 달 연기하기로 결정했다고 밝혔다. 이러한 연기는 준비 부족은 물론 학생과 학부모들의 거센 반발에 따른 것이다.


overlook = neglect = ignore = take no notice of = miss =turn a blind eye to 간과하다, 못 본 체하다

reality 현실, 실제상황, 실제로 존재하는 것

announce = inform = notify = pronounce = make an announcement 알리다, 공지하다, 선언하다

postpone = put off = delay = defer = slacken = hold off 연기하다, 미루다

introduction 도입, 소개

a lack of = a dearth of = a scarcity of = insufficient = deficient 부족한, 결여한, ~의 부족

preparation = provision = preparedness = safty-net 준비, 대비

opposition = dissent = objection = disapproval 반대, 항의, 반대측, 야당, 반감

conflict = confrontation = antagonism = hostility 대치, 대립, 적의, 적의감


The problem is that the Moon administration was apparently trying to compromise its principles in the fight against the coronavirus in the lead-up to the election. Taking into account the stunningly fast spread of the Omicron variant, the government should have tightened the social distancing and quarantine rules. But it is doing the opposite. It has refused to listen to medical experts who were calling for tougher measures.
문제는 정부가 선거를 앞두고 코로나19를 극복하는 과정에서 당국이 세운 원칙에서 벗어나 타협하려 했다는 의도가 보인다는 점이다. 오미크론 변종의 급속한 확산을 고려했을 때 정부는 사회적 거리두기와 방역 규정을 강화했어야 했다. 하지만 정부는 반대 방향으로 가고 있다. 정부는 보다 강력한 조치를 요구하는 의료 전문가들의 말을 듣지 않았다.


apparently = seemingly = on the surface = outwardly 보아하니, 듣자하니, 겉보기엔

compromise 타협하다, 절충하다, 양보하다, 굽히다

principle 원칙, 원리, 신조, 주의

in the fight against ~와의 싸움에서

in the lead-up to = in the face of = ahead of ~을 앞두고, ~앞에서

take into account = consider = take into consideration = make an allowance for ~을 고려하다, 감안하다

stunning = astonishing = astounding = amazing = shocking = surprising = marvelous 놀라운, 믿기어려운tighten = enhance = reinforce = intensify = strengthen = build up 강화하다, 증강하다, 더 조이다social distancing rules 사회적 거리두기 규정quarantine rule 방역조치, 격리조치, 방역규정, 격리규정opposite = reverse = contrary = inverse 반대의, 역의refuse = deny 거절하다, 거부하다listen = follow = obey = take one's advice = heed = mind 듣다, 귀 기울이다, 경청하다call for = require = demand = request = ask for 요청하다, 요구하다tough = harsh = had = rigid = rigorous = intensive = stubborn = strict = stringent 가혹한, 엄한, 냉엄한







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