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Gold soars in Korea amid Middle East tensions, US rate cut - 중동 긴장과 미국 금리 인하로 한국에서 금값 급등

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 10. 4.



Gold soars in Korea amid Middle East tensions, US rate cut

The price of gold in Korea is rising, fueled by increased tensions in the Middle East and the U.S. Federal Reserve's rate-cutting cycle, which began in September with an unusually large half-percentage-point cut.




The price of gold in Korea is rising, fueled by increased tensions in the Middle East and the U.S. Federal Reserve's rate-cutting cycle, which began in September with an unusually large half-percentage-point cut. According to the Korea Exchange (KRX), the price of gold has been rising after surpassing the 110,000 won ($83) mark last month.


soar = surge = skyrocket = increase rapidly = rise sharply = rocket = gush = jump = suddenly increase 급격히 증가하다

rate cut = interest rate cut 금리 인하

rate hike 금리 인상, 금리대폭 인상

fueled by = stoked by = ignited by = kindled by = instigated by = precipitated by ~에 의해 불붙은, ~가 촉발한, ~가 불붙인

rate-cutting cycle 금리 인하 사이클, 금리인하 주기

surpass = exceed = overrun = outrun = outstrip = outperform = outdo = beat 증가하다, 초가하다, 넘어서다


For instance, the spot price of gold per gram closed at 112,500 won on Wednesday after gaining 0.46 percent from the previous trading session. The spot price for 3.75 grams of gold was 482,000 won, which is near this year's high of 485,000 won reached on Sept. 26.


the price of gold 금값, 금가격

the spot price of gold 금 현물가격

per gram 그램당 

close at ~로 마감하다, ~에 끝나다

trading session 입회, 개장시간

near = nearby = close by = close to 가까운, 근처의


"Gold is increasingly gaining attention as a safe haven asset as the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is deepening and can affect countries in the region," the Korea Gold Exchange, a trading platform for a range of precious metals, said. The exchange highlighted Israel's plans for a rapid retaliation against Iran following Tehran's launch of 180 ballistic missiles at Israel on Tuesday.


gain attention = grab attention = draw attention 관심을 끌다

safe haven asset 안전 자산

conflict = confrontation = clash = friction = discord = disharmony = collision = fight = wrangle = squabble = bickering = spat = row = strife = disagreement = dissension 갈등, 충돌, 불화

deepen = compound = intensify = heighten = precipitate = aggravate = deteriorate = exacerbate 악화시키다, 악화되다, 고조되다

trading platform 거래 플랫폼

a range of = a wide range of = various = diverse = varied = a variety of = variegated = numerous = many = a multitude of = multifarious = miscellaneous 다양한, 여러 종류의

highlight = emphasize = stress =  underscore = underline 강조하다

plan for ~을 위한 계획을 세우다

retaliation against = vengeance on = revenge on = tit for tat = requital ~에 대한 보복

revanchism 보복정책 (특히 한 국가가 영토를 되찾기 위해 취하는 정책)

avenge on = get back at = retaliate = take revenge on = revenge oneself on ~에게 복수하다, ~에게 앙갚음하다

launch of ballistic missiles 미사일 발사


This missile attack was part of a tit-for-tat escalation between Israel and the Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. A KRX official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, noted that the ability to make "small investments in grams" makes gold an attractive safe haven asset.


missile attack 미사일 공격

militant group = armed insurgent = terrorist 무장단체

tit for tat = retaliation against = vengeance on = revenge on = requital ~에 대한 보복

speak on condition of anonymity = speak anonymously 익명을 조건으로 말하다, 익명으로 말하다

unanimity 만장일치

attractive = appealing = compelling = exciting = interesting = intriguing = absorbing = cogent = convincing 매력적인, 흥미로운

safe haven asset 안전자산


Lee Young-hoon, a Samsung Securities analyst, pointed out that the Fed's rate-cutting cycle is contributing to the growing preference for gold. "It is expected that the easing cycle will persist, meaning investors will look for other safe-haven assets after investing in the greenback and earning high interest," Lee said.


preference = first choice = top of the list = favourite = inclination = liking = fondness = taste = love 선호, 애호, 취향, 기호, 마음

it is expected that = it is viewed that ~할 것으로 보여지다, ~할 것으로 기대되다

persist = insist = go on = keep going = keep at = hang on = persevere = continue = keep on = carry on 계속가다, 지속되다, 계속되다 

inveset in ~에 투자하다

greenback = dollar = buck 달러


The analyst noted that the U.S. central bank lowered the key interest rate by 50 basis points to a range of 4.75 percent to 5 percent on Sept. 18. This marked the first rate cut after over four years of tightening monetary policy and pausing on rate increases.


key interest rate = base rate = interest rate 기준 금리

tighten 엄격해지다, 조이다

monetary policy 통화정책, 화폐정책

tighten the belt = retrench 긴축하다, 벨트를 조이다

pause on ~을 잠시 멈추다


The Fed projected that the base rate would decrease by another half a percentage point by the end of this year, by a full percentage point next year and by half a percentage point in 2026, though it acknowledged that such predictions can be uncertain. In the first half of 2024, gold transactions on the KRX amounted to 879.3 billion won, representing a 40 percent increase from a year earlier.


project = estimate = expect = anticipate = surmise = conjecture = presume = assume = guesstimate 추정하다, 추산하다

acknowledge that = recognize that = admit that = agree that 인정하다, 인식하다

uncertain = unclear = ambiguous = vague = obscure = indistinct = blurry = blurred = dull = weak = faint = dim = hazy = ambivalent = equivocal = non-committal = indeterminate = unfathomable = in the grey zone = uncommitted = on the fence = in limbo 애매한, 불확실한, 어정쩡한


In terms of trading volume, it rose from 7,786 kilograms to 8,962 kilograms over the same time period. Retail investors made up the largest share of the transactions at 42.9 percent, while institutional investors accounted for 39.7 percent, and companies specializing in gold transactions represented 15.7 percent.


trading volume 총 거래량

over the same time period 동일 기간 동인

retail investor 소액 투자자, 개인투자자

made up = account for = occupy = take up = constitute 차지하다

the largest share of = the lion share of ~의 가장 큰 몫, ~의 가장 큰 부분

transaction 거래, 처리

institutional investor 기관투자자

represent = be tantamount to = be equivalent to = be akin to = be similar to = correspond to = sum up to = reach = arrive at = amount to = number = add up to = tally up to = get to = run into ~에 상응하다, ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다











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