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Selecting university students solely based on grades not fairest approach: BOK chief - 성적만으로 대학생을 선발하는 것은 가장 공정한 접근 방식이 아니다: 한국은행 총재

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 10. 2.



Selecting university students solely based on grades not fairest approach: BOK chief

Bank of Korea (BOK) Gov. Rhee Chang-yong said selecting college first-year students based solely on grades is not the fairest approach to college admissions.



Bank of Korea (BOK) Gov. Rhee Chang-yong said selecting college first-year students based solely on grades is not the fairest approach to college admissions. “No matter where you go in the world, universities select first-year students based on diversity, while in Korea, there is a prevailing belief that selecting students solely based on their grades is the fairest approach,” Lee said during his visit to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Monday.


solely based on 오로지 ~를 기준으로한, 오직 ~을 바탕으로한, 오로지 ~을 근거한

fair approach 공정한 접근

first-year student = freshman 1학년 학생, 최하급생

college admissions 대학입학

based on = founded on = grounded on ~을 바탕으로, ~을 기준으로, ~을 근거로 하여, ~에 입각한

prevailing = predominant = current = dominant 지배적인, 우세한

prevalent = omnipresent = widespread = common = ubiquitous = pervasive 널리퍼진, 흔한, 어디에나 존재하는

the Ministry of Economy and Finance 기획재정부


He made the comments in explaining the controversy over the BOK’s earlier suggestion that top universities, such as Seoul National University, should voluntarily allocate admissions quotas based on regional school-age population ratios. Highlighting the inheritance of socioeconomic status, the central bank said in its report on Aug. 27 that institutions offering private education have been concentrated in certain areas, such as the affluent district of Gangnam in Seoul.


make a comment = make a remark = express one's opinion 발언하다, 의견을 말하다, 논평을 말하다

controversy over = dispute over = argument over ~에 대한 논란, ~에 대한 논쟁

controversy = dispute = friction = confrontation = spat = squabbling =wrangle = argument = quarrel = row = bickering =  conflict = clash = debate = disagreement = discord = inharmony 논쟁, 불화, 충돌, 마찰

school-age population 학령인구

allocate quotas 할당량을 할당하다

highlight = underscore = underline = stress = emphasize 강조하다

inheritance (과거·선대로부터 물려받는) 유산, 유전, 상속받은 재산, 상속

socioeconomic status 사회경제적 지위

private education 사교육

be concentrated in = be given too much importance = be given too much emphasis = lean too much towards = lean too much on ~에 밀집되어 있다, ~에 편중되어 있다

affluent district 부유한 지역


It pointed out that the amount and quality of education that students can receive now depends heavily on the income level of their parents and where they live, and that this disparity has led to differences in the rate of admission to top universities. This proposal was made as part of measures to address today’s astronomical housing prices in Seoul, especially in the Gangnam area, but sparked controversy, being deemed unconstitutional by some critics who accused it of reverse discrimination against students from Gangnam.


point out = indicate = show = demonstrate = illustrate = represent 지적하다, 가리키다, 나타내다

quality of education 교육의 질

depend heavily on ~에 크게 의존하다

income level 소득 수준

disparity = difference = gulf = gap = dissimilarity = contras = variation (특히 한쪽에 불공평한) 차이 

discrepancy in = inconsistency in (같아야 할 것들 사이의) 차이, 불일치

inequality = unfairness = unevenness 불평등, 불균등

admission to ~에 입장, ~에의 입회

astronomical = enormous = massive = immense = huge 어마어마한, 거대한

housing prices 집값, 주택가격

spark controversy = cause controversy = trigger controversy = stir up controversy 논란을 일으키다

be deemed unconstitutional 위헌으로 여겨지다, 헌법에 위배되는 것으로 간주되다

accuse of = dissent = object = make objection to = raise objection to = go against = protest against = disagree with = fail to agree with = demur = deprecate 반대하다, 이의를 제기하다

reverse discrimination against ~에 대한 역차별

affirmative action = positive discrimination 긍정적인 차별, 사회적 약자 우대 정책


Regarding this, Lee clarified that the BOK report should not be misunderstood as stating that living in Gangnam is wrong. “Each university already selects about 20 percent of students based on regional representation. Since this alone doesn’t resolve the issue, we need to take a broader perspective,” he said.


regarding = concerning = as regards = with regards to = in regard to = with respect to = with reference to ~에 관해서, ~와 관련해서

clarify = manifest = make clear = articulate 분명히하다, 명확히하다

regional representation 지역 대표제

resolve the issue = solve the problem = settle the issue 문제를 해결하다

take a broader perspective 더 넓은 관점을 가지다, 더 넓은 관점을 보다


“Parents in Gangnam sacrifice their careers for their children’s education or spend a lot of time commuting with their kids. They should reflect on whether their children are truly happy.” Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok echoed Lee’s sentiment, expressing his gratitude to the central bank for “raising the issue, as Korean society has various challenges that need to be publicized and discussed.”


sacrifice = lay down one's life 희생하다, 희생시키다, 제물을 바치다

spend a lot of time ~하는데 시간을 많이 쓰다

commute with ~와 통근하다

reflect on = introspect = look back on ~을 반성하다, 되돌아보다, 곰곰히 생각해보다

echo one's sentiment ~의 감정에 공명하다, ~에 동의하다

express one's gratitude to = express one's thanks to ~에 감사를 표하다

raise the issue = bring up the issue 문제를 제기하다, 문제를 꺼내다


Lee’s visit to the finance ministry was in response to Choi’s visit to the BOK in February. This is the first time the head of the central bank, who has maintained a delicate tension with the government based on the independence of monetary policy, has visited the finance ministry.


finance ministry 재무부

in response to ~에 응하여, ~에 대응하여

the head of central bank 중앙은행 총장

maintain a delicate tension with ~와 섬세한 긴장감을 유지하다

independence of monetary policy 통화정책의 독립성


Commenting on this, Choi said, “If we view the relationship between the BOK and the finance ministry as one characterized by independence and some tension, I believe this visit marks a clear transition to establishing them as independent yet close collaborative partners.”


commenting on this 이를 언급하면서

view as ~으로 간주하다

characterized by ~로 특징짓는

mark a clear transition to ~로의 명확한 이행으로 기록하다, ~로의 명확한 이행으로 나타나다

collaborative partners 협업 파트너









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly

