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Korea's top 4 conglomerates take up 40% of GDP in 2023 - 국내 4대 대기업이 2023년 GDP의 40%를 차지

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 10. 10.



Korea's top 4 conglomerates take up 40% of GDP in 2023

Korea's top four conglomerates accounted for more than 40 percent of the country's annual gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023, data showed Wednesday.



Korea's top four conglomerates accounted for more than 40 percent of the country's annual gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023, data showed Wednesday.

conglomerate = large company = big company = major company = behemoth 대기업

take up = account for = occupy = make up = constitute 차지하다

annual gross domestic product (GDP) 연간 국내 총 생산

gross domestic product per capita 1인당 국민 총 생산량


The combined sales of the four family-controlled groups — Samsung, SK, Hyundai Motor and LG — reached 980.5 trillion won ($729 billion) in 2023, accounting for 40.8 percent of the country's nominal GDP, Rep. Cha Gyu-geun of the minor Rebuilding Korea Party said, citing data from the Fair Trade Commission.


family-controlled groups = family-controlled conglomerates 가족이 지배하는 대기업들

account for = take up = occupy = make up = constitute 차지하다

nominal GDP 명목상의, 이름뿐인

Fair Trade Commission 공정 거래 위원회


The lawmaker highlighted that sales increased 25.2 percent from 783.4 trillion won in 2019, while the conglomerates' workforce grew only 7.9 percent during the same period, reaching 745,902 employees. Meanwhile, Korea's top 30 business groups saw their combined sales reach 1,845 trillion won in 2023, making up 76.9 percent of the GDP.


lawmaker = lawgiver = legislator = parliamentarian = politician = representative 입법자, 국회의원, 의회의원

highlight = underscore = underline = stress = emphasize 강조하다

during the same period 같은 기간 동안, 같은 시기에

the combined sales 매출의 총합

make up = account for = take up = occupy = constitute 차지하다


"Relying on a small number of chaebols will make the economy vulnerable, like putting all eggs in one basket," Cha said, criticizing the Yoon Suk Yeol government for offering more tax and financial support to conglomerates. 


rely on = depend on = bank on = count on = lean on = turn to ~에 의지하다, ~에 기대다

a small number of = a few = a handful of = a minority of = very few = a small minority of 소수의, 적은 수의

vulnerable = weak = fragile = brittle = easily breaking = easy to break = delicate 취약한, 약한

put all eggs in one basket 하나에 모두 걸다, 하나에 올인하다

don't put all eggs in one basket 한가지 일에 모든것을 걸지 마라

financial support 재정적 원조

criticize = blame = deprecate = accuse of = rebuke = inculcate 비난하다









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Korea Times Weekly



