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Korea to issue visas for K-culture training, rural workcations - 한국, K-문화 연수 비자 (한류 비자), 지방 워케이션 비자 (지역 특화형 워케이션 비자) 발행 도입

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 18.



Korea to issue visas for K-culture training, rural workcations

Korea will introduce a visa for foreign nationals who want to receive training in K-pop, choreography, fashion modeling and other categories of Korean popular culture, the government announced, Monday.




Korea will introduce a visa for foreign nationals who want to receive training in K-pop, choreography, fashion modeling and other categories of Korean popular culture, the government announced, Monday. The government is also contemplating expanding the existing workcation visa, which allows individuals to work remotely while traveling in Korea. This initiative aims to encourage longer stays in regions outside of Seoul.


introduce = bring in = institute = impose = adopt 도입하다, 채택하다

choreography 안무, 연출

fashion modeling 패션 모델 업

orchestrate = stage-manage (복잡한 계획·행사를 세심히 또는 은밀히) 조직하다  

contemplate = consider = dwell on = meditate on = think of = think about = map out = work out = ponder = reflect on = deliberate = mull over = ruminate 고심하다, 고려하다, 심사숙고하다

popular = famous = celebrated = famed = named = hot = desirable = attractive = sought-after = in demand = well-known = renowned = noted = prominent 인기있는, 유명한

announce = inform = declare = pronounce = impart = convey = make known = make public = report 알리다, 전하다

existing = extant = existent = living = present = in existence = surviving = remaining 존재하는, 현재 사용되는, 실존하는, 현존하는

workcation 워케이션, 출장 겸 휴가

work remotely 원격 근무하다

work from home 재택근무하다

outside of = outskirt of = a suburb of ~의 외각, ~의 변두리

pastoral = idyllic = bucolic = rustic = rural = countrified = countryside 목가적인, 시골풍의, 소박한, 전원적인


These initiatives are part of comprehensive measures aimed at attracting more long-term foreign visitors and increasing tourism in the country. They also aim to offer a variety of tour options that cater to the increasingly diverse needs of travelers.


initiative = scheme = plan = project = programme = strategy = stratagem = tactics = maneuver = move = movement = course of action = demarche 계획, 전략, 술책, 묘책, 움직임

comprehensive = full = complete = full-fledged = full-blown = full-scale = thoroughgoing = all-out = outright = entire = whole = out-and-out = utter = all-encompassing = all-embracing 완전한, 종합적인, 전면적인

cater to = live up to = meet = fullfill = satisfy = pander to = gratify 부응하다, 만족시키다, 충족시키다. 영합하다


The two visa programs mentioned are intended for foreigners seeking to stay in Korea for longer periods beyond mere tourism purposes. Named the “K-culture training visa,” this culture-oriented visa program will be implemented on a trial basis this year to meet the growing demand from people around the world for immersion in Korean pop culture.


visa program 비자 프로그램

visa-waver program 비자 면제 프로그램

be intended for = be aimed at = intend for = have a purpose of ~을 목적으로 하다, ~위해 의도되다

implement = impose = insitute = introduce = bring in = adopt = execute = apply = put into effect = put into action = carry out = put into practice = enforce 시행하다, 수행하다, 실시하다, 집행하다, 도입하다, 적용하다

on a trial basis = as a trial = for a trial period 시험삼아

run on a trial perod 시험삼아 운행하다, 시험운행을 하다

grace period 유예기간

meet the growing demand 늘어나는 수요를 감당하다

immersion in ~에 몰두

be immersed in = be absorbed in = be engrossed in = immerse in = bury oneself in = be lost in = give oneself over to = be bent on = be obsessed in = be preoccupied with ~에 몰두하다, ~에 푹 빠져있다, ~에 몰입하다


The workcation visa will build upon the "digital nomad visa," currently offered on a one-year trial basis since January. The government intends to expand the workcation visa through various incentive programs provided by regional governments, enabling remote workers to reside in regions beyond the Seoul metropolitan area.


build upon = build on = be based on = be founded on = be grounded on ~을 기반으로 하다, ~에 기초하다

workcation visa = digital nomad visa 워케이션 비자, 디지털 노마드 비자

reside in = live in = dwell in = inhabit in ~에 거주하다, ~에 살다

regional government = local government = municipal government = provincial government 지방 정부, 지역정부

Seoul metropolitan area 서울 대도시 지역

remote worker 원격 근무자

digital nomad 디지털 노마드


“Revisions of visa rules are necessary to successfully cope with changing tourism trends,” the Ministry of Finance and Economy noted, while announcing plans to ultimately draw 30 million tourists per year and reap $30 billion in tourism revenues by 2027.


revision = revised bill 개정안, 개정된 법안

necessary = essential = inevitable = unavoidable = inescapable = ineluctable = indispensable 피할 수 없는, 필수적인

cope with = deal with = manage = handle = navigate = address = treat 다루다, 해결하다, 처리하다

draw tourists = attract tourists 관광객을 끌다

reap N in toursm revenues ~액수를 관광 수입으로 거두다


Foreign arrivals in Korea increased from a pandemic low of 970,000 in 2021 to 11 million in 2023. However, this significant increase did not necessarily lead to a rebound in tourism revenues to the pre-pandemic level of $20.7 billion. The government attributed this gap to changing travel trends, such as a shift from group tours to individual travel, an increased reliance on travel apps, and a stronger focus on cultural experiences over shopping.


rebound in tourism revenues 관광업 수익의 회복

to the pre-pandemic level 팬데믹 이전 수준으로

attribute to = be attributed to = be attributable to = be ascribed to = ascribe to ~을 ~의 탓으로 돌리다, ~의 덕택이다

a shift from A to B a에서 b로의 전환, a에서 b로의 변화

group tour 그룹 투어, 단체 관광

reliance on = dependence on ~에 의존

cultural experience 문화적 경험


For instance, more foreign nationals have been interested in undergoing training in entertainment and other aspects of Korean culture in the long term, but could not do so because the valid duration of stay was far shorter,” the ministry explained.


be interested in = have a keen interest in ~에 관심이 있다

aspects of = sides of = facets of = angles of ~의 측면들

could not do so 그렇게 할 수 없었다

vaild duration 유효 기간


To improve the convenience of tourists during entry, the government will also expand infrastructure for visa issuance and streamline other entry procedures. For group tourists, the application process for K-ETA, an electronic travel authorization required in advance for visitors from visa-free countries, will be simplified.


visa issuance 비자 발행

streamline = make simple = simplify = rationalize 간소화 하다, 단순화 하다, 단순하게 만들다

entry procedure 입국 절차

group tourists 단체 관광객

application process  지원 절차, 지원 과정

electronic travel authorization (ETS) 전자 여행 승인

in advance 미리, 사전에

visa-free countires 무비자 국가


More automated immigration checkpoints will be set up at major ports to expedite the screening process for passengers arriving on cruise ships from abroad. Additionally, passenger terminals will extend their operating hours to accommodate travelers requiring extended travel times.


automated immigration checkpoint 자동화 출입국 관리소, 자동화 입국 심사대

set up = establish = put up = erect = build = construct 세우다, 설치하다

expedite = speed up = pick up speed = gather speed 신속하게 처리하다, 속도를 올리다

screening process 심사과정

cruise ship 유람선

extend operating hours 운영시간을 연장하다

accommodate = accept = embrace = include = encompass 포함하다, 수용하다, 받아들이다

operating hours 운영 시간

extended travel times 연장된 운영 시간


As part of efforts to boost regional tourism, new flight routes will open starting in the second half of this year to connect cities outside of Seoul with international tourist attractions. For example, routes will include connections between Busan and Jakarta, as well as between Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province and Bali.


as part of efforts 노력의 일환으로

flight route 비행 노선

in the second half of this year = in the latter half of the year 올해 하반기에

connect with = connect to ~와 ~을 연결시키다

international tourist attraction 국제 관광지, 국제 관광 명소


The luggage delivery service from KTX bullet train stations to hotels will be expanded, and a total of 16 locations, up from the current nine, will be available for the service. The Easy Drop service, which allows tourists to check their luggage outside the airport before departure, will be broadened.


luggage delivery service 수화물 운반 서비스, 수화물 배송 서비스

KTX bullet train KTX 고속 열차

a total of = in all = in total = altogether = all told = the aggregate total of = tallied  = a sum of 총 다해서, 다합해서

before departure 출발 전에 

broaden = extend = expand 넓히다, 확장하다, 확대하다, 증가하다









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