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People are spending more to stay happy, healthy, beautiful, Shinhan Card report finds - 신한카드는 사람들이 행복하고, 건강을 유지하고, 아름다움을 유지하는 곳에 소비를 더 보이고 있다고 밝혔다

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 17.



People are spending more to stay happy, healthy, beautiful, Shinhan Card report finds

People are spending more to live healthier, both physically and mentally, as well as to look younger. They are also looking to get old at a slower pace as Korea turns into an aging society, data showed Monday.



People are spending more to live healthier, both physically and mentallyas well as to look younger. They are also looking to get old at a slower pace as Korea turns into an aging society, data showed Monday.


live healthier 건강하게 생활하다

both physically and mentally 육체적으로나 정신적으로

look younger 더 어려보이다, 더 젊어보이다

look to = expect = give attention to = look forward to 기대하다, 기대를 걸다, ~에 주의하다

get old 나이가 들다

at a slow pace 느린 속도로, 천천히

turn into = develop into = convert into = transform into ~로 접어들다, ~로 변하다

aging society 노령화 사회

super aging society 초고령 사회


Data compiled by Shinhan Card utilizing its advanced big data technology found that a number of sports facilities, ranging from fitness centers to indoor tennis courts, joined the card firm's payment network between the fourth quarter of 2019 and the same quarter of 2023 and saw increases in sales.


compile data  자료를 편찬하다, 자료를 편집하다

big data technology 빅데이터 기술

sport facility 스포츠 시설, 체육 시설

fitness center = gym 피트니스 센터

indoor tennis court 실내 테니스장

payment network 결제 네트워크

increase in sales 매출 증가, 판매 증가


The number of fitness centers in the firm's network was 44 percent higher than in the same quarter of 2019. The number of yoga studios and Pilates studios surged 90 percent during the same period, and indoor tennis courts saw their numbers increase by a whopping 213 percent.


during the same period 같은 시기에, 같은 기간동안

surge = soar = jump = skyrocket = go through the roof = increase sharply = rise sharply = rise steeply = burgeon = proliferate = multifly = increase exponentially = become more numerous = mushroom 급증하다, 급격히 증가하

whopping = whopping great = massive = enormous = gigantic = very big 엄청 큰


"The consumer spending at each of the facilities increased over the cited four years in accordance with the increase in their numbers," Shinhan Card explained. It noted that spending increased by 37 percent at fitness centers, 47 percent at studios for yoga and Pilates and 815 percent at indoor tennis courts.


over the cited years 언급된 연도 동안

in accordance with ~에 따라, ~에 부합되게

explain = delineate = expound = elucidate = explicate = explain in details = make clear = manifest = make explicit = clarify = spell out = account for = dwell on 설명하다, 상세히 설명하다

it noted that ~을 지적하다, ~을 주목하다, ~을 언급핟

spending = expenditure = outlay = outgoings = expense = payment = disbursement = payout 지출, 경부

disburse = spend = spurge on = splash out = blow = throw one's money away (돈을) 쓰다, 지출하다, 돈을 펑펑 쓰다


The number of mental health-related businesses part of Shinhan Card's payment network system also grew. Over the 2019 to 2023 period, the number of counseling centers increased by 44 percent, while that of psychiatry clinics grew by 31 percent.


mental health 정신 건강

payment network system 결제 네트워크 시스템

counseling center = counseling office 상담소

psychiatry clinics = mental clinics = psychiatric clinics 정신과, 정신의학과


Concerning the number of payments made, psychiatry clinics posted a 167 percent growth. Regarding beauty, the number of skin care shops and spas went up 35 percent, while that of hair and scalp care shops jumped 36 percent. For skin care shops and massage spas, the number of customers aged 60 or older grew 70.5 percent, which was the highest of all age groups.


concerning = regarding = in terms of = when it comes to = in respect of = with regard to = in the case of = as regards ~에 관해서, ~와 관련해서

go up = increase = rise = grow = up = jump 증가하다

scalp care 두피 관리

of all age groups = of all ages 모든 그룹에서, 모든 연령에서


The number of plastic surgery clinics increased 11 percent over the 2019-2023 period. "These spending patterns indicate that people are increasingly taking care of themselves for physical and mental well-being in an aging society," the firm said.


plastic surgery clinics 성형외과 수술

spending pattern 소비 패턴

purchasing behaviour 구매 행동

consumer behaviour 소비자 행동

indicate = point out = demonstrate = illustrate = display = show = manifest = exhibit = betray = reveal = substantiate = prove = turn out 보여주다, 가리키다, 드러내다

take care of = look after = care for = tend to = attend 돌보다, 보살피다

physical well-being 신체적 건강

mental well-being 정신 건강

in an aging society 고령화 사회









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




