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Korean battery firms brace for Europe to backpedal on climate goals - 한국 배터리 기업들 유럽의 기후 목표 철회를 대비

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 18.



Korean battery firms brace for Europe to backpedal on climate goals

Korean battery makers and materials producers are still betting on the European market, despite a worsening outlook for the continent’s electric vehicle (EV) industry after a recent swing to the far right, according to industry officials, Monday.



Korean battery makers and materials producers are still betting on the European market, despite a worsening outlook for the continent’s electric vehicle (EV) industry after a recent swing to the far right, according to industry officials, Monday.


battery maker 배터리 기업, 배터리 제조사

material producer 자재 생산업체

bet on = place a bet = wager on = lay a bet = put a bet = stake on ~을 확신하다, ~에 (돈을) 걸다

worsening = deteriorating = aggravating = compounding = exacerbating 악화하는, 악화되는

outlook = vista = prospect = view = perspective = forecast = fugure 전망, 미래

electric vehicle industry 전기차 산업

a swing to ~로 급 선회

go with a swing 활기가 넘치다, 성황을 이루다

far right 극우, 극단적 보수주의



The Korea Battery Industry Association (KBIA) plans to host the second edition of the InterBattery Europe trade show in Munich, Germany, from Wednesday to Friday. Although SK On, POSCO Future M and L&F will be absent from the event again this year, EcoPro and Lotte Energy Materials decided to make their debuts. LG Energy Solution (LGES) and Samsung SDI will participate in the exhibition as they did a year earlier.


host a trade show = host a trade fair 무역 박람회를 개최하다, 삽업 박람회를 열다

be absent from = do not attend ~에 결석하다, ~에 불참하다

make one's debuts ~에 뛰어들다, ~에 등단하다

participate in = partake in = take part in = engage in = join in ~에 참석하다

exhibition = trade show = trade fair 전시회, 박람회


In particular, EcoPro will promote its Hungarian cathode materials plant, which will go into operation in 2025. “We hope to introduce our excellent products and technologies and to diversify our customers through direct communications with buyers in Europe, which takes the lead in the global EV market,” an EcoPro official said.


promote = encourage = foster = tout = further = spur 발전시키다, 북돋우다, 촉진시키다

cathode materials 양극 재료

go into operation = be operational = become active 운행에 들어가다, 운영하다 

direct communications with ~와 직접적인 의사소통

take the lead = spearhead = head = take an initiative = set an example = take the helm = have the upper hand = hold a dominant position = gain an advantage 선두에 서다, 우위를 점하다 


Lotte Energy Materials will display its copper foil and various other battery materials. This is the first time for the company to participate in a trade show since it was renamed last year following Lotte’s acquisition of Iljin Materials in 2022.


copper foil 구리박

bettery materials 배터리 재료

participate in a trade show 무역 박람회에 참석하다

participate in = partake in = take part in = engage in = join in ~에 참석하다

rename 이름을 다시 짓다

acquisition 인수

mergers and acquisitions (M&A) 기업 인수 합병 


“InterBattery Europe will be the place for us to showcase our high-end copper foil technologies,” Lotte Energy Materials CEO Kim Yeon-seop said. “We will increase our share in the high-end market by introducing the excellence of our products to global clients preparing for the development of next-generation batteries.”


the place for ~를 위한 자리, ~를 위한 여지, ~위한 곳

showcase = display = show = demonstrate = illustrate 공개행사하다, 선보이

high-end = high-priced = costly = top-notch 고급의, 가장 정교한

prepare for = brace for = be ready for = hedge against = contradistinguish 대비하다, 준비하다

development = advancement = furtherance = amelioration = progression 발전, 진척, 개선



However, major European countries have recently cut their subsidies for EV purchases. In addition, the European Union is expected to delay its planned ban on internal combustion engine vehicles to 2040 from 2035, as far-right parties won in the recent EU Parliament elections.


cut subsidies 보조금을 삭감하다

cut = reduce = slash = deplete = lower = decrease = decline = bring sth down = turn sth down = minimize = scale down = cut down = downsize = run down 축소하다, 줄이다

delay = put off = defer = procrastiante = hold up = postpone = adjourn 중단하다, 연기하다, 미루다

internal combustion engine vehicle 내연기관 자동차

far-right party 극우 정당, 극우파

far-left party 극좌 정당, 극좌파

parliament election 국회의원 선거, 국회 선거, 의회 선거


“Policies create demand in the EV industry,” Eugene Investment & Securities analyst Han Byung-hwa said. “It is difficult to anticipate supportive policies from the EU and the U.S. for a while.” The analyst also advised investors to sell their EcoPro BM shares, lowering the stock price target of the EcoPro affiliate to 150,000 won ($109) from 200,000 won.


create demand 수요를 창출하다

investment and securities 투자 자산, 투자유가 증권, 투자증권

anticipate = expect = foresee = forecast = conjecture = estimate = guestimate = guess = look to = project = surmise = speculate = reckon = judge = calculate = presume = assume = suppose = dare say = imagine 예상하다, 추측하다, 추정하다

supportive policies 지원 정책

for a while = for a short while = for some time = for the time being = for the present = for now = quite a while 잠시동안, 한동안, 당문간, 얼마간

stock price target 목표 주가

affiliate = affiliated company = subsidiary 계열사, 자회사



Amid the growing skepticism about the EV industry, LGES and Samsung SDI decided to focus more on introducing their energy storage system (ESS) technologies during this year’s InterBattery Europe. “The European ESS market has been growing rapidly these days, so the region is strategically important for the Korean battery industry,” KBIA Vice Chairman Park Tae-sung said.


skepticism = doubts = incredulity = disbelief 회의론, 불신, 의신

focus more on = concentrate more on ~에 더 집중하다 

energy storage system (ESS) 에너지 저장 시스템

grow rapidly = increase steeply = rise sharply = burgeon = proliferate = go through the roof = skyrocket = multiply 급증하다, 빠르게 증가하다







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