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Demographic gender gap in Korea's unmarried population widens - 한국 미혼 인구의 인구통계학적 성별 차이가 벌어져

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 18.



Demographic gender gap in Korea's unmarried population widens

Korea’s gender imbalance among the unmarried population has widened significantly, with unmarried men outnumbering unmarried women by nearly 20 percent. This imbalance is attributed to traditional parental preferences for boys over girls, as well as sex-



Korea’s gender imbalance among the unmarried population has widened significantly, with unmarried men outnumbering unmarried women by nearly 20 percent. This imbalance is attributed to traditional parental preferences for boys over girls, as well as sex-selective abortion practices decades ago.


gender imbalance 성비 불균형, 성별 불균형

unmarried population = single population 미혼 인구

widen = broaden = expand = extend 넓어지다, 벌어지다, 확대되다

outnumber = exceed in number = be numerically superior to = outpopulate = surpass in population 수적으로 우세하다, ~보다 수가 많다
unmarried women 미혼 여성

parental preferences 부모의 선호도

preference = liking = fondness = partiality = taste = liking bias 편애, 선호도, 편애취향, 취향

sex-selective abortion 성선택적 유산

abortion = termination = feticide 낙태, 유산, 중절

stillbirth = miscarriage 자연 유산


According to a report released Monday by the Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA), Korea’s unmarried male population is 19.6 percent greater than that of females as of 2021. Nearly half of Korean men born in 1985 and seven out of 10 Korean men born in 1990 are unmarried, the report showed.


unmarried male population 미혼 남성 인구

release a report = publish a report = issue a report 보고서를 발표하다

nearly = almost = about = c. = circa = in the neighborhood of = in the order of = of the order of = roughly = approximately = around = loosely = briefly = largely = generally = broadly 대략, 대게, 거의


In contrast, only 29.1 percent of Korean women born in 1985 and 61.3 percent of those born in 1990 remain unmarried. The demographic imbalance is especially severe in rural areas compared to Seoul and metropolitan areas.


remain unmarried 독신생활을 하다, 여전히 미혼이다

demographic imbalance 인구통계적 불균형

severe = serious = very bad = critical = grave 심각한, 좋지 않은

metropolitan area = capital area 대도시, 수도


Notably, the proportion of men who are unmarried in Seoul was 2.5 percent and in Busan 16.2 percent, whereas the figures stood much higher in southern rural regions — 34.9 percent in North Gyeongsang Province, 33.2 percent in South Gyeongsang Province and 31.7 percent in North Chungcheong Province.


the proportion of = the rate of = the ratio of ~의 비율

notably = especially = particularly = in particular = not least = specially 특히, 특별히

in rural regions 농촌 지역, 시골 지역

in urban aread 도시 지역


Such an imbalance resulted from the decades-long difference between the number of births of boys and girls, the report pointed out. The birth gender ratio only began to exceed the natural gender ratio in the 1970s, and remained unnaturally high into the late 1980s and mid-1990s.


result from = come from = arise from = spring from = stem from = emanate from = issue from = originate from = be caused by ~에서 나오다, ~에서 초래되다, ~에서 기인하다

decades-long 몇십년동안 이어진

point out = indicate = demonstrate = illustrate = show = display = criticize = manifest 지적하다, 가리키다, 나타내 

birth gender ratio 출생 성비

exceed = surpass = outstrip = outperfom = outdo = overtake = outrun = overrun = beat = do better than = outshine = outweigh = outnumber = outgrow 능가하다, 초과하다, 넘어서다, ~보다 많다

natural gender ratio 자연발생적 성비

naturally 자연발생적으로, 저절로

unnaturally 이상할 정도로, 자연발생적이 아니게, 부자연스럽게


The birth gender ratio refers to the number of boys born to every 100 girls. In 1970, the figure stood at 229.8 and in 1975 it reached 207.2, before dropping to 144.6 in 1990 and 107.5 in 2000. As a result, a gender imbalance appeared in society in the early 1990s and worsened after the mid-2000s.


stand at = amount to = run into = reach = arrive at = come in = get in = number = add up to = sum up to = tally = total up to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

drop to = decline to = decrease to ~로 하락하다, ~로 감소하다

as a result = consequently = in consequence = as a consequence = ultimately = in turn = resultingly = as the final outcome 결과적으로, 그 결과, 궁극적으로

gender imbalance 성별 불균형, 성비 불균형

worsen = deterioate = aggravate = exacerbate =  compound 악화되다, 나빠지다 


The difference in birth ratio is rooted in a traditional preference for boys over girls in the past, a growing desire to choose children’s gender in family planning and the availability of technologies that enable parents to know their unborn baby’s gender, such as ultrasound tests, and decide to abort the fetus if it is the undesired gender. Since 1970, the gender ratio of births has continued to exceed the natural gender ratio for more than 30 years,” the report said.


difference = discripancy = disparity = variation = variance = inconsistency = imbalance = chasm = gulf = gap 차이

be rooted in ~에 뿌리를 박고 있다, ~에 원인이 있다

preference = liking = fondness = partiality = taste = liking bias 편애, 선호도, 편애취향, 취향

family planning 가족 계획, 산아 계획

enable to = allow to = facilitate to ~을 가능하게 하다 

ultrasound test 초음파 검사

abort the fetus 태아를 중절하다

undesired = unwanted = unwelcome = uninvited = indesirable = unbidden = unasked 원하지 않은, 원치않은, 초대받지 않은, 반갑지 않은



“When they entered the reproductive age group, they had a profound effect on the gender ratio of marriage.” It added: “The regions where the imbalance in marriage gender ratio is particularly severe are characterized by a greater difference in birth gender ratio in the 1980s and 1990s compared to other regions." As a result, even if all Korean men and women of reproductive age are matched and get married, over 10 percent of the male population will remain unmarried, according to the report.


reproductive age  생식 가능 연령

profound effect 지대한 영향, 심오한 영향

it added that ~을 덧붙였다

be characterized by ~으로 특징 지어진다

get married = marry = get hitched = tie the knot = become man and wife 결혼하다, 부부의 인연을 맺다








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