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Korean gov't slammed for mishandling victims of sex trafficking - 성매매 피해자 부실 대응으로 비판 받는 정부

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 12. 11.



[NATIONAL] Korean gov't slammed for mishandling victims of sex trafficking

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has urged the Korean government to provide full reparations to three Filipinas who were forced into prostitution. 유엔 여성차별철폐위원회는 한




The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has urged the Korean government to provide full reparations to three Filipinas who were forced into prostitution.
유엔 여성차별철폐위원회는 한국 정부에 성매매 현장에 내몰렸던 필리핀 여성 3명에 대해 완전한배상을 하라고 권고했다.


be slammed for = be accused of = be criticized for = be blamed = be reviled = be reproached = be reproved = be rebuked ~로 지탄받다, ~로 비난받다

sex trafficking 성매매 , 성인신매매

smuggling 밀수, 반입, 밀반입, 밀반출

elimination 퇴치, 제거, 없앰, 철폐

urge = exhort = admonish = advise = recommend = warn = caution 촉구하다, 권고하다, 경고하다

full reparations (국가가 지불하는) 완전한 배상금, 배상, 보성

be forced into = be compelled into ~에 하도록 강요당하다 

prostitution 매춘, 매매춘, 성매매, (가치 없는 일에) 재능을 팜, 썩임


Song Doo-hwan, the chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK), announced via a statement, Monday, that the government must adhere to CEDAW's decision, acknowledging its failure to identify and protect the three women as trafficking victims.
송두환 국가인권위원장은 4일 성명에서 정부는 유엔 여성차별철폐위원회(CEDAW)의 권고를 반드시 이행해야 한다며, 정부가 인신매매 피해자인 여성 3명을 찾아내 보호하는 데 실패했음을 인정했다.


chairperson 의장, 회장

the National Human Rights Commission 국가 인권 위원회

adhere to = stick to = cling to ~을 고수하다

acknowledge the failure 실패를 인정하다

trafficking victims 인신매매 피해자


He also emphasized that CEDAW criticized the government for not ensuring access to justice and adequate remedies.
송 위원장은 또 CEDAW가 우리 정부는 사법에 대한 접근권 및 적절한 구제방안을 보장하지 못했다고 비판했다는 점을 강조했다.


emphasize = stress = place an emphasis on = play up = accentuate = highlight = underscore = underline 강조하다

ensure 보장하다, 반드시 ~하게 하다

access to ~에의 접근

adequate = proper = appropriate = pertinent = apt = apposite = suitable 아주 적절한, 충분한

remedy = solution 치료약, 처리 방안, 해결책, 개선책


The committee released its decision on Nov. 24 after reviewing a complaint filed by the three Filipinas as well as the Korean government's official response to the issue.
CEDAW는 지난달 24일 필리핀 여성 3명이 낸 진정과 해당 사안에 대한 우리 정부의 공식 입장에 대해 검토한 뒤 이러한 결론을 발표했다.


release the decision 결정을 발표하다, 결론을 내리다

file a complaint = raise a complaint = issue a complaint 항의를 제기하다

official response to the issue 사안에 대한 공식 입장


The three victims initially entered Korea on special E-6-2 visas designated for the entertainment industry, all having been hired as singers in the summer of 2014. However, they were ultimately forced to work as waitresses at the Golden Gate Club in Seoul.
세 명의 피해자는 처음에는 2014년 여름 모두 가수로 고용돼 엔터테인먼트 산업으로 지정된 E-6-2 비자로 한국에 입국했다. 그러나 이들은 서울 골든게이트 클럽에서 종업원으로 일하도록 강요 받았다.


initally 처음에

initial = nascent = incipient = early = first = primary = inceptive = embryonic 초기의, 초반의, 막 시작된

designated for ~를 위해 지정된, ~를 위하 할당된

earmark  (특정 목적용으로) 배정하다, 결정하다, (전형적인) 특징, 특질

dedicated = reserved with = sth-only ~전용의

ultimately  궁극적으로, 결, 근본적으로

be forced into = be compelled into ~에 하도록 강요당하다 


According to the committee's report, the victims were confined and compelled to perform sexual services with customers, while working as waitresses. The club owner confiscated their passports and subjected them to both psychological and physical violence.
위원회의 보고에 의하면, 피해자들은 감금당한 채 접대부로서 고객에게 성적 향응을 제공하도록 강요 받았다. 해당 클럽은 이들의 여권을 빼앗고 여성들을 심리적, 신체적 폭력에 노출시켰다.

be confined 갇혀있다, 틀에 박혀 있다, 국한되다

perfom sexual service 성접대를 하다

confiscate = impound = forfeit = seize = deprive 몰수하다, 압수하다

subject to ~을 ~당하게 만들다, ~을 ~에 시달리게 하다

psychological violence 심리적 폭력

physical violence 신체적 폭력









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