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Pathetic military leaders - [사설 읽기] 한심한 국방 지도자들

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 11. 19.




Pathetic military leaders

Stronger alliances can’t make up for lax discipline 동맹 강화로 해이한 규율을 만회할 수 없다



Stronger alliances can’t make up for lax discipline
동맹 강화로 해이한 규율을 만회할 수 없다


pathetic = pitiful = poor = miserable = piteous = pitiable = wretched = awful = nasty 불쌍한, 한심한, 형편없는

militery leader 군지휘자

strong alliance 강력한 동맹

alliance = partnership 동맹, 파트너쉽, 협력

allied nations = ally 동맹국

make up for = compensate for = indemnify against = fill in = redeem = catch up on = recover = regain (손실 따위를) 보상하다, 보전하다

lax = slackend = slack = loose = careless 해이한, 느슨한

discipline 규율, 징계하다, 훈육하다


Koreans have some misconceptions about their liberal and conservative leaders.
한국인들은 진보 및 보수 지도자에 대해 오해를 하는 경향이 있다.


misconception = misunderstanding = mistaken recognition 오해, 오인

liberal leader = progressive leader 진보 지도자

conservative leader 보수 지도자


Such prejudices stand out in two areas: economy and defense.
이런 편견은 ‘경제’와 ‘국방’이라는 두 분야에서 두드러진다.


prejudice = bias 편견

preconceived idea = preconceived notion = preconception = stereotype 선입견, 고정관념

stand out = be conspicuous = project out = protrude 두드러지다, 돌출되다, 튀어나오다

economy 경제

defense 국방


People believe the economy grew faster under tight-fisted conservative presidents than welfare-minded liberals. Still, statistics show the growth rate was higher under progressive leaders.
사람들은 복지를 중시하는 진보주의자보다 인색한 보수적 대통령의 통치 하에서 경제가 더 빠르게 발전했다고 믿는다. 하지만, 통계는 진보적 지도자 집권 시에 성장률이 더 높았음을 보여준다.


grow faster 더 빨리 발전하다

tight-fisted = mean = stingy = cheapy = close-fisted = niggardly = penny-pinching = miserly 인색한, 쫀쫀한, 옹졸한

welfare-minded 복지를 중시하는

growth rate 생장률, 성장률


The public also thinks inter-Korean hawks focused more on defense than doves. However, dovish ex-President Roh Moo-hyun, who stressed self-reliant defense, spent more on armed forces than business-oriented Lee Myung-bak, a hawk. Another dove, Moon Jae-in, made a drastic arms buildup in his later days, inviting backlash from North Korea.
대중은 또 남북 문제 관련 강경파가 온건파에 비해 국방을 더 중시한다고 생각한다. 하지만, 독립적인 국방력을 강조했던 온건파 노무현 전 대통령은 기업 친화적인 강경파 이명박 전 대통령보다 무력 강화에 더 투자했다. 또 다른 온건파 문재인 전 대통령은 집권 후반 급진적인 군비증강을 감행해 북한으로부터 반발에 직면했다.


hawk (특히 정치인이, 군사적 해결책을 지지하는) 매파, 강경파, (물건을) 팔러 다니다, 행상을 다니다, (기침을 하면서) 가래를 뱉다

dove 비둘기파, 온건파

focus more on = concentrate more on = center on ~을 더 중시하다, ~에 더 집중하다

stress = emphasize = underscore = underline = have a stress on = highlight = play up = point up 강조하다

self-reliant = independent = self-dependent = aunotomous 독립적인, 자주적인

armed force 무력, 국방력

business-oriented = business-centric = business-friendly 기업친화적인

arms buildup 군비 증강

invite backlash from = spark a backlash from = draw backlash from ~로 부터 반발을 사다


Nevertheless, military leaders preferred hawks to doves. They disliked Roh, who tried to retake wartime operational control from the U.S. These generals and admirals said the move was premature and would hurt the alliance with America. However, their disapproval of Roh seemed to stem from other reasons.
그럼에도 불구하고 군 지휘자들은 온건파보다 강경파를 선호했다. 이들은 미국으로부터 전시작전통제권을 회수하려 했던 노무현 전 대통령을 싫어했다. 이들 군 고위층은 이러한 조치가 섣불렀다며 미국과의 동맹을 훼손할 거라고 말했다. 그러나 노무현에 대한 이들의 반감은 다른 이유에서 연유한다.


nevertheless = nonetheless = notwithstanding = albeit = though = although = even though 그럼에도 불구하고, 그렇긴 하지만, 그렇더라도

having said that = that said = that being said 그렇긴 하지만, 그렇긴 해도

dislike = hate = detest = loathe = abominate = adhor 싫어하다, 혐오하다

retake = reclaim = win back = recapture 탈환하다, 돌려받다

wartime operational control 전시작전 통제권

general 장군

admiral 해군 장성, 제독

premature 너무 이른, 시기상조의, 정상[예상]보다 이른

disapproval = oppostion = disapprobation = disagreeability = unpleasantness 반감, 못마땅함

stem from = originate in = emanate from = come from = arise from = result from ~에서 발생하다, ~에서 나오다


Watching the confirmation hearing on Vice Admiral Kim Myung-soo, the nominee for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was pathetic. From May 2021 to last month, Kim was found to have made about 50 stock trades — during office hours.
합동참모의장 후보자인 김명수 해군 중장의 인사청문회를 보면 한심하다. 2021년 5월부터 지난해까지 김 후보자는 근무시간 중 주식 거래를 약 50차례 한 것으로 드러났다.

confirmation hearing 인사청문회

vice admiral 해군 중장

nominee 후보자

the Joint Chiefs of Staff 합동참모 본부

pathetic = pitiful = poor = miserable = piteous = pitiable = wretched = awful = nasty 불쌍한, 한심한, 형편없는

be found to = turn out ~하는 것으로 드러나다

stock trades 주식 거래

office hours (사무실의 일반적인) 근무시간, 영업시간









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