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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스

Over 500,000 students sit Korea's national college entrance exam - 올해 수능 응시자, 50만명 넘어

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 11. 19.



[NATIONAL] Over 500,000 students sit Korea's national college entrance exam

More than 500,000 high school seniors, graduates and other applicants took the state college entrance exam at 1,279 test sites across the country on Thursday. 목요일 50만명이 넘는 고등학교 3학년(재학생), 졸업생 및 기타 지원자가




More than 500,000 high school seniors, graduates and other applicants took the state college entrance exam at 1,279 test sites across the country on Thursday.
목요일 50만명이 넘는 고등학교 3학년(재학생), 졸업생 및 기타 지원자가 전국 1,279개 시험장에서 대학수학능력시험을 치렀다.


national college entrance exam = state college entrance exam = College Scholastic Ability Test 대학수학능력 시험

high school senior 고등학교 3학년

junior, sophomore, senior 1학년, 2학년, 3학년

test sites 시험 장소


This year, a total of 504,588 registered to take the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), down by 3,442 from a year earlier. Among them, high school seniors accounted for 64.7 percent and graduates 31.7 percent.
올해 총 50만4,588명이 수능 응시를 위해 원서접수를 했는데, 지난해보다 3,442명 줄어든 수치다. 이들 중 재학생이 64.7%, 졸업생이 31.7%를 차지했다.


a total of = the total aggregate of = all told = altogether = in all = in total 총, 총계의, 다합해서

from a year earlier = compared to the previous year = compared to the preceding year = year-on-year 전년대비

account for = constitute = take up = occupy = amount to = number 차지하다, 달성하다


The CSAT, held on the third Thursday of every November, is regarded as the most important event in students' academic careers, as it largely decides the outcome of 12 years of intense study for those seeking to enter top universities.
매년 11월 셋째 주 목요일에 치러지는 수능은 명문대학교 입학을 목표로 하는 학생들의 12년간 치열한 학업의 결과를 좌우하기에 학업 이력에 있어 가장 중요한 행사 중 하나로 여겨진다.


be held on = take place = happen ~에 개최되다

be regarded as = be deemed as = be considered as = be reckoned as = be believed to be = be meant to be = be counted to be ~로 여겨지다, ~로 고려되다, ~로 생각되어 지다

academic career 학업 이력

enter top universities 명문대 입학하다, 명문대에 들어가다


All aircraft takeoffs and landings across the country were restricted for 35 minutes from 1:05 p.m. to 1:40 p.m. during the English listening evaluation portion of the exam, to prevent potentially distracting aircraft noise.
모든 항공기 이·착륙은 비행기 소음으로 인한 주의분산을 예방하기 위해 영어 듣기평가 시간인 오후 1시5분부터 1시40분까지 35분 동안 전국적으로 금지된다.


aircraft takeoffs 항공기 이륙

aircraft landings 항공기 착륙

restrict = constrict = limit = control = curb = circumscribe = rein in = keep in check = regulate 억제하다, 규제하다, 통제하다

English listening evaluation 영어 듣기 평가

potentially = probably = likely = possibly = perheps = maybe = prone to = apt to = liable to = susceptible to = in all likelihood ~하기 쉬운, ~할 것 같은, ~할 공산이 있는 

distract = divert (정신을)산만하게 하다, 집중이 안되게 하다

aircraft noise 항공기 소음


It was the fourth CSAT held since COVID-19 broke out around the world in 2020. Mask-wearing, which had since been mandatory for all test takers for the past three years, was lifted for the first time this year.
올해 수능은 2020년 전세계적인 코로나19 발생 이후 치러진 네 번째 수능이었다. 지난 3년 동안 모든 수능 응시자에게 의무였던 마스크 착용은 올해 처음으로 해제됐다.

break out = come to pass = happen = take place 발생하다, 발발하다
outbreak 발생

onset (특히 불쾌한 일의) 시작

outset = begin = start = emergence = advent = appearance = surfacing 착수, 시초, 발단, 시작









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly



