[NATIONAL] Minister apologizes for Jamboree controversy, but says it was not fiasco
Gender Equality and Family Minister Kim Hyun-sook made an apology, Thursday, for controversy over the mismanagement of the 25th World Scout Jamboree that took place in Korea in August. 김현숙 여성가족부 장관이 목요일 지난 8월 한국에서
Gender Equality and Family Minister Kim Hyun-sook made an apology, Thursday, for controversy over the mismanagement of the 25th World Scout Jamboree that took place in Korea in August.
김현숙 여성가족부 장관이 목요일 지난 8월 한국에서 열렸던 제25회 세계스카우트 잼버리 부실 운영 논란에 대해 사과했다.
apologize for = make an apology for ~에 대해 사과하다
controversy = dispute = argument = altercation = confrontation = contention = dust-up = spat = wrangle = squabble = quarrel = friction = polemic 논란, 논쟁
fiasco = pandemonium = chaos = inferno = fuss and mess = disaster = failure = debacle = madhouse = mayhem = bedlam = hell = washout 낭패, 아수라장, 지옥, 대혼란, 대실패
flop = turkey = failure 실패작
gender equality 양성평등
mismanagement 잘못 관리, 부실관리
World Scout Jamboree 세계 스카우드 잼버리
take place = be held = happen = occur = come to pass 일어나다, 발생하다, 개최하다
Yet, she denied criticism that the world's largest international youth camp event became a fiasco, saying everything was stabilized quickly, though there were difficulties in the early stages.
그러나 그는 세계 최대 규모 국제 청소년 캠프가 "실패"였다는 비판은 부인하면서 초기에는 어려움이 있었지만 모든 것이 금방 안정화됐다고 말했다.
deny = dismiss = refuse = refute = rebut 부인하다, 반박하다, 거부하다, 논박하다
rebuff = reject = turn down = refuse 거절하다
international youth camp event 국제 청소년 캠프
be stabilized quickly 빠르게 안정화 되다
in the early stages = in the initial stage = in one's nascent stage = at the embryo stage = at an infant stage = at an inceptive stage 초기단계에, 초반에
The minister made the remarks during a parliamentary audit of the Gender Equality and Family Committee where ruling and opposition lawmakers addressed the high-profile controversy over the Jamboree event, among other issues.
김 장관은 여성가족위원회의 국정감사에서 이러한 발언을 했으며 당일 감사에서는 여야 국회의원이 다른 문제와 더불어 세간의 이목을 끌었던 잼버리 행사를 다뤘다.
make a remark 한마디 하다, 발언하다
parliamentary audit 국정 감사
lawmaker = politician = lawgiver = legislator = congressman = member of the National Assembly = member of Congress = member of parliament 입법자, 정치인, 국회의원
high-profile = eye-catching 세간의 이목을 끄는
low-profile 주목[관심]을 거의 못 받는
"I apologize to the people and young Scouts for causing inconvenience during the Jamboree event," the minister said.
그는 "잼버리 행사에서 불편을 초래해 국민과 스카우트 대원들께 사과드린다"고 말했다.
cause inconvenience 불편을 끼치다, 불편을 초래하다
apologize for = make an apology for ~에 대해 사과하다
during the event 행사기간 동안에, 행사시에
"It was true that the extreme heat and sanitation problems were raised at an early stage of the event, but government offices and local governments as well as the private sector joined hands and stabilized the event quickly."
"대회 초기에 폭염이나 위생 문제가 제기된 것은 사실이지만 정부 부처와 지자체, 민간이 합심해 빠른 시일 내에 안정화됐다."
sanitation problem = hygiene problem 위생문제
raise a problem = pose a problem = raise an issue 문제를 야기하다
in the early stages = in the initial stage = in one's nascent stage = at the embryo stage = at an infant stage = at an inceptive stage 초기단계에, 초반에
private sector 민간 부문
public sector 공공부문
join hands = cooperate = collaborate = team up with = combine hands = work together = join forces with = combine forces with 합심하다, 협력하다, 함께일하다
stabilize quickly 빠르게 안정화 시키다
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