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Inside Saemangeum's World Scout Jamboree fiasco - 새만금 세계스카우트잼버리 파행 살펴보기

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 8. 8.



[NATIONAL] Inside Saemangeum's World Scout Jamboree fiasco

Parents from more than 150 countries who sent their teenage children to Korea for the World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) are now wondering whether they misplaced their trust in the country, with its troubled safety record. 청소년 자녀를 한국 세계스카



Parents from more than 150 countries who sent their teenage children to Korea for the World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) are now wondering whether they misplaced their trust in the country, with its troubled safety record. Now the whole world is watching the news of this debacle coming out of Saemangeum, North Jeolla Province.
청소년 자녀를 한국 세계스카우트잼버리로 보낸 150개국 학부모들은 연이어 들려오는 안전 문제소식에 한국을 신뢰하는 게 옳았나 하는 의문에 빠져있을 것이다. 전 세계가 전북 새만금에서 흘러나오는 파행 소식을 지켜보고 있다.


fiasco = debacle = hell = chaos = pandemonium = failure = catastrophe = apocalypse = disaster = shambles mess = fuss = disturbance = madhouse = bedlam = commotion = disruption = anarchy = turmoil = mayhem = ruckus = havoc = uproar = clutter = tumult = unrest = snarl = jumble = tangle = rumpus = confusion 재앙, 재난, 소동, 소란, 혼란, 아수라장, 어수선함

teenage children = teen = the teenage = minor = minority = pubescent = adolescent = pubescent children = young adults = juvenile = the junior 10대 어린이, 청소년 자녀

misplace = mislay = lose (특히 짧은 시간 동안 무엇을) 제자리에 두지 않다 (그래서 찾지 못하다)

safety record 안전 기록, 안전 관련 소식


But complaints have been coming out since as early as July 27 when adult volunteers from foreign countries started arriving at the vast sunbaked site, a location that has the world's longest man-made dike, measuring 33 kilometers, resulting in a huge land reclamation project that has been years in the making.
하지만 항의는 지난 7월 27일부터 나왔는데 해외에서 성인 자원봉사자들이 수년간 진행된 대형 간척 사업인, 세계에서 가장 긴 길이 33km의 인공 제방이 있는 드넓은 뙤약볕인 전북에 도착하기 시작했을 때다.


complaint = grievance = quarrel = discontent = dissatisfaction = grumble = moan = whine = muttering = gripe = disgruntlement = disaffection = beef = grouse 불평, 불만, 우는 소리

sunbaked = parching = sweltering = suffocating = blazing = scorching = blistering = baking = ferociously hot = stifling = extremely hot = flaming 뙤약볕인, 엄청 더운, 지독히 더운, 찌는듯한, 햇빛에 타는 듯한, 이글거리는

man-made = artificial 인공의, 사람이 만든

dike = dyke = levee = embankment = bank 제방, 둑

land reclamation project 간척 사업

in the making 만들어 지고 있는, 형성되고 있는


"It's just very disappointing how the Korean Scouts worked so hard to portray their organizing of the event as a potential success and hyping it to be a great and innovative Jamboree," one International Service Team (IST) volunteer, traveling with a delegation from a Latin American country, told The Korea Times on Tuesday.
라틴아메리카 국가에서 대표로 파견된 한 국제운영요원(IST) 자원봉사자는 화요일 코리아타임스에 "한국스카우트연맹이 이번 행사를 잠재적 성공으로 묘사하고 대단히 혁신적인 잼버리가 될 거라고 과대 홍보했던 사실에 큰 실망감을 느낀다"고 전했다.


disappointing = disagreeable = unpleasant = displeased = displeasing = unhappy = disapproving = frustrating = disheartening 실망스러운, 불쾌한, 언짢은, 못마땅한, 좌절스러운, 낙담시키는

portray = describe = draw = paint = delineate = depict = hail as = depaint = bill as = tout = hype = advertise = propogate = disseminate = impart = apprise = convey = relay 묘사하다, 그리다, 선전하다, 광고하다, 전하다, 알리다

potential success 잠재적 성공

delegation = contingent = mission = delegacy = a group of representatives 대표단, 파견단


"The reality is that it has been a complete mismanagement and safety hazard for young people and the adult volunteers on site already."
"현실은 이번 행사는 완벽한 운영 부실이자, 현장 청소년과 성인 자원봉사자들에게 심각한 안전 상 위험을 준다는 것이다."


complete mismanagement 완전한 운영 부실, 완전한 관리부실

safety hazard 안전 위험

on site = on the scene = on the spot 현장에서


On July 31, three of 300 IST adult volunteers collapsed due to the heat, according to a document written by volunteers on site and shared with The Korea Times. "If one percent of the Jamboree collapses every day there will be around 7,700 injuries by the end of the Jamboree just due to heat," the volunteers claimed.
현장 자원봉사자들이 작성해 코리아타임스에 공유한 문서에 따르면 지난 7월 31일 300명의 IST 성인 자원봉사자 중 3명이 폭염으로 실신했다. 자원봉사자들은 "잼버리 인원 1%가 매일 실신한다면 대회 마지막 날에는 온열 질환으로 7천700명의 환자가 발생할 것"이라고 주장했다.


collapse = knock out = fall down = drop = crumble = be struck down = keel over = pass out = faint = swoon = lose one's sense = lose conciousness = black out 쓰러지다, 의식을 잃다, 졸도하다, 실신하다

share with ~와 나누어 갖다, 공유하다

keel over from the heat 더위로 졸도하다


The following day saw more than 400 heat-related illnesses, according to the organizing committee. However, it is difficult to draw conclusions from this data, as the actual number of participants on site on Tuesday remains unknown. While it was widely reported that all 43,000 Scouts visiting the country were present, the actual number was likely much smaller.
조직위에 따르면 다음날 400명이 넘는 온열 질환자가 발생했다. 하지만 이 자료에서 결론을 도출하기는 어려운데, 화요일 현장에 있던 실제 인원이 부정확하기 때문이다. 4만3000명이 스카우트에 참가한 것으로 널리 알려졌지만 실제 숫자는 훨씬 적을 것으로 예상된다.


the following day = next day 다음 날

heat-related illness = heat-related ailment 서열질환, 열관련 질병

heatstroke 열사병

organizing committee 창립 위원회, 발기인회

draw conclusions 추단하다, 단안을 내리다, 결론을 내리다, 견론을 도출하다

actual number 실제 수치, 실제 숫자

participant = candidate = contender = challenger = attendee = attender = competitor 참가자, 참석자

remain unknown (알려지지 않다) 미지수로 남아 있다, 알려지지 않다, 햇빛을 보지 못하다

be present 출석하다, 참석하다, 나가다,  (정신을)온전히 쏟다


As of Tuesday, only four of the total 17 camping zones were fully ready to receive participants, while nine were partially ready and another four were unusable. Major contingents including those from the U.S. and U.K. delayed their arrival in order to provide time for the organizers to prepare the campsites. Many also had to relocate to other camping plots.
화요일 기준 17개 중 4개 야영 시설만 참가자들을 받을 준비가 됐고, 9개는 여전히 준비 중이었으며, 나머지 4개는 사용 불가능한 상태였다. 미국과 영국을 포함한 주요 대표단들은 조직위가 야영장을 준비할 시간을 주기 위해 도착 시간을 늦췄다. 다수는 다른 야영지로 재배치됐다.


camping zone = campsite = camping plot 야영지, 캠프지, 캠프존

be fully ready to = be all ready to ~할 만반의 준비를 하다, 완벽히 대비를 하다

be partially ready 부분적으로 준비가 되다, 여전히 준비중이다

unusable = unsuitable (너무 엉망이어서) 사용할 수가 없는

delay = defer = postpone = procrastinate = hold on = hold up = hold off = put off = table 미루다, 연기하다

provide time to ~할 시간을 제공하다

buy time to = gain time to ~할 시간을 벌다

relocate to = move into = dispose = reallocate = rearrange 이동하다, 재배치하다


Much of the land had been floodedlooking like, as one British Scout put it, "Shrek's swamp," due to the recent heavy rainfall.
새만금 부지는 최근 폭우로 대부분 침수돼 한 영국 스카우트 대원이 말했듯 "슈렉의 늪"처럼 보였다.


be flooded = be inundated = be drenched = be sodden = be soaked = be waterlogged = be wet = be submerged = be swamped = be deluged = be overflew = be bathed = be saturated 침수되다, 물에 잠기다, 흠뻑 젖다

look like ~처럼 보이다

swamp = bog = marsh = mire = quagmire = wetland = morass 늪, 습지, 수렁, 진창, 빠져나오기 힘든 수렁

heavy rainfall = heavy rain = downpour = cloudburst = heavy precipitation = torrential rain = deluge 폭우, 호우, 집중호우









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