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Should we go back to wearing face masks? - 다시 마스크를 써야 할까?

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 8. 8.



[NATIONAL] Should we go back to wearing face masks?

COVID-19 numbers surge once more 2 months after returning to normality 일상으로 돌아온 지 두 달 만에 코로나19 확진자 또 한 번 급증



The number of daily new COVID-19 cases has increased for five consecutive weeks to surpass 40,000, with figures for seriously ill patients and deaths also showing clear upward trends.
일일 신규 코로나19 확진자 수가 5주 연속 증가해 4만명을 넘어선 가운데 중증 환자와 사망자 수도 뚜렷한 증가 추세를 보이고 있다.


go back to = return to = turn back to = bet back to = revert to ~을 다시 시작하다, ~로 되돌아 가다, ~로 거슬러 올라가다

face mask = face covering 마스크

the number of daily new cases confirmed 일일 신규 확진자 수

increase for five consecutive weeks 5주 연속으로 증가하다

surpass = outstrip = outdo = overtake = exceed = vault up = overrun = outrun = outgrow = go beyond = run over 넘어서다, 추월하다, 초과하다

seriously ill patient = critically ill patient 증환자, 중증환자

terminally ill patient 말기환자, 임종환자

show a clear upward trend = be on an upward trend = be on an upward trajectory = be on the rise = show a clear upward trend = be on an upward trend = be on an upward trajectory = be on the rise  상승세에 있다


The resurgence of infections, which came two months after the public health emergency was officially declared as moving toward an endemic phase here, is raising concerns regarding another pandemic wave, with health experts urging the government to be more cautious before deciding to fully lift the remaining indoor mask rules across the country.
공중보건 비상사태가 국내에서 풍토병 국면으로 공식 선언된 지 두 달 만에 다시 이 감염병이 확산되면서 또 하나의 팬데믹 파동에 대한 우려가 커짐에 따라 보건 전문가들은 정부가 실내 마스크 규제를 전면 해제하기 전에 보다 신중해야 한다고 촉구하고 있다.


resurgence (활동의) 재기, 부활

public health emergency 공중 보건 비상 사태

officially declare = officially proclaim = officially announce = officially pronounce = officailly promulgate = avow = make public = issue = state = articulate = aver = affirm = assert = manifest = confirm 공식적으로 표명하다, 공식적으로 선언하다

move toward = go toward ~에 가까워지다, ~을 지향하다

health expert 보건 전문가들

urge = recommend = exhort = advise = inculcate = admonish 충고하다, 촉구하다, 권장하다, 권고하다

indoor mask rule 실내 마스크 규제


According to the latest data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), Tuesday, the daily average for new infections for the week beginning July 25 stood at 45,529, up by 17 percent from 38,802 tallied the previous week.
질병관리청의 최근 자료에 따르면 7월 25일부터 일주일 동안의 일일 신규 감염자 수는 45,529명으로, 전주에 집계된 38,802명보다 17퍼센트 증가했다.


latest data = recent data 최신 데이터, 최근 자료

the daily average for new infection 일일 평균 신규 감염자 수

stand at = account for = amount to = tally = sum up to = add up to = total up to = reach = arrive at = run into = get to = come to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

in all = all told = altogether = in total 모두 합해서

be tallied = be aggregated = be totaled = be added up 집계되다

In particular, 57,220 new cases were reported on July 26 alone, marking the highest figure since June 1 when the country declared the end of the health emergency.
특히 7월 26일 하루에만 57,220명의 신규 확진자가 발생해 공중보건 비상사태 종료를 발표한 6월 1일 이후 가장 높은 숫자를 기록했다.


in particular = particularly = notably = especially 특히

mark the highest figure 가장 높은 숫자를 기록하다 

declare the end of ~의 종식을 선언하다, ~의 종료를 선언하다

health emergency 공중 보건 비상 사태

contingency = eventuality = emergency = possibility = the worst = a rainy day = the crunch 만일의 사태


What raised more concerns is the increasing rates of seriously ill patients and deaths.
더욱 우려를 불러일으키는 것은 중증 환자와 사망자가 증가하고 있다는 점이다.


what raised more concerns is = what is more worrisome is 더 우려를 불러일으키는 것은

the increasing rate of ~의 증가율

eriously ill patient = critically ill patient 증환자, 중증환자

death = death toll 사망자, 사망자수

fatality rate = motality rate = death rate = lethality rate 사망률


The weekly death toll hovered around 40 to 50 until the week beginning July 18, but rose sharply to 97 in the week beginning July 25, marking a 70 percent increase.
주간 사망자 수는 7월 18일부터 일주일 간 약 40~50명을 맴돌았지만 7월 25일부터 일주일 사이에 97명으로 급격히 증가해 70퍼센트 증가율을 보였다.


the weeklly death toll 주간 사망자 수

hover around 맴돌다, 서성이다, 머물다

rise sharply to ~까지 급격히 증가하다


The number of seriously ill patients, which was tallied at 110 for the last week of June, has also increased consistently, reaching 142 in the third week of July.
6월 마지막 주 110명으로 집계됐던 중증 환자 수도 7월 셋째 주에 계속 증가해 142명에 달했다.


the number of seriously ill patients = the number of critically ill patients 중증 환자의 수

be tallied = be aggregated = be totaled = be added up 집계되다

increase consistently = steadily increase = continue to rise 꾸준히 증가하다, 계속 증가하다 


The KDCA said the country's medical care system can still treat COVID-19 patients, as the fatality rate is still low compared to previous waves of the pandemic.
질병관리청은 이전의 팬데믹 파동에 비해 치사율이 여전히 낮기 때문에 정부의 의료 시스템은 여전히 코로나19 환자들을 치료할 수 있다고 밝혔다.


medical care system 의료 시스템

fatality rate = motality rate = death rate = lethality rate 사망률

comapred to = in comparison with[to] = versus = over = from = as opposed to = in contrast to = against = in juxtaposition with ~와 비교해 볼때, ~에 비교해서


Nevertheless, health experts warn that soaring infections will inevitably lead to an increase in the death toll among high-risk groups such as senior citizens.
보건 전문가들은 그러나 급증하는 감염 사례로 노인과 같은 고위험군의 사망자 수는 증가할 수밖에 없다고 경고한다.


nevertheless = notwithstanding = albeit = despite = in spite of = nonetheless = even so = yet = however = having said that = with that being said = that said = though = but = although 그럼에도 불구하고, 하지만, 그렇긴 해도

soaring = roketing = increasing = jumping = a gush of = proliferating = an upsurge in = an uprush of = burgeoning = surging = skyrocketing = rising = moutning = growing = brewing = explosive = escalating 증가하는, 급증하는, 치솟는

inevitably = undoutedly = indispensably = certainly = unavoidably = inescapably = necessarily = unwillingly = against one's will 필연적으로, 어쩔 수 없이, 반스시, 피할 수 없이

high-risk group 고위험군

People with underlying diseases 기저질환이 있는 사람들

senior citizen = the older group = the elderly = the aged = the old man 노인들


The KDCA data showed that 83.1 percent of the seriously ill patients in the third week of July were aged over 60, and the same age group accounted for 98 percent of the death toll.
질병관리청 자료에 따르면 7월 셋째 주 중증 환자의 83.1퍼센트가 60세 이상이었고, 같은 연령대에서 사망자의 98퍼센트를 차지했다.


the same age group 같은 연령대

account for = make up = constitute = take up = occupy = stand at = amount to = tally = sum up to = add up to = total up to = reach = arrive at = run into = get to = come to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

death toll = death 사망자, 사망자수

fatality rate = motality rate = death rate = lethality rate 사망률










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