Labor, business circles both unhappy about new wage hike
노동계, 경영계 모두 이번 인상안에 불만 표출
hourly minimum wage 시간당 최저 임금
labour circle 노동계
business circle 경영계
wage hike = wage increase = pay riase = pay rise 임금 인상
wage skike (갑작스런/급작스런) 임금 상승
unhappy = disagreeable = uncomfortable = unpleasant = disapproving = dissatisfied = displeased = unpleased = frustrated = displeasing = nasty 불쾌한, 기쁘지 않은, 탐탁찮은
discouraged = disheartened = demoralized = dispirited = downcast = dejected = despondent = thwarted = frustrated 낙담한, 실망한, 사기를 떨어트리는, 좌절한
slough of despond 절망의 구렁텅이
The hourly minimum wage for next year was set at 9,860 won ($7.8), a 2.5 percent increase from this year, the Minimum Wage Commission said, Wednesday, after the conclusion of marathon talks.
내년도 최저임금이 올해보다 2.5% 높은 금액인 시급 9천860원(7.8달러)으로 결정됐다고 최저임금위원회(최임위)가 수요일 장시간 논의 끝에 발표했다.
hourly minimum wage 시간당 최저 임금
the Minimum Wage Commission 최저 임금 위원회 (최임위)
conclusion = completion = end = close 결론, (최종적인) 판단, (연설·글 등의) 결말, 마무리, (협정 등의) 체결
marathon talks 마라톤 회의, 긴 협상, 마라톤 같이 오랜 인내를 요하는 회담
The new minimum wage translates into a monthly pay of nearly 2.07 million won, up from 2.02 million this year.
월급으로 환산하면 최저임금은 올해 약 202만원에서 내년 207만원에 가깝게 상승한다.
translate into ~로 번역하다, ~로 해석하다, ~로 옮기다, ~로 환산하다, ~로 인식하다
monthly pay = salary = monthly wage = paycheck = remuneration 월급, 급료
Both labor and business circles criticized the new minimum wage ― the former slammed it for failing to reflect inflation, while the latter claimed the hike will increase the burden of personnel expenses faced by businesses.
노사는 모두 이번 최저임금에 불만을 표출했는데, 전자는 물가 상승률을 반영하지 못했다며 반발했고 후자는 임금 인상으로 기업의 인력 비용 부담이 커질 것이라고 주장했다.
criticize = condemn = blame = censure = chastise = chide = castigate = admonish = reprove = reprimand = rebuke = slam = hurl criticism = level criticism = accuse of = upbraid = reproach = dissent = grumble = express one's grievance = moan = whine = disapprove = raise an objection = make a protest = protest = oppose = object 비난하다, 비평하다, 반대하다, 충고하다, 이의를 제기하다, 불평하다
reflect inflation 인플레이션을 반영하다
increase the burden of ~의 부담을 늘리다
personnel expenses = personnel expenditure = payroll costs = labour cost = cost of labour = staffing costs 인건비
The Minimum Wage Commission reached the decision at its 15th meeting that started Tuesday afternoon and continued through early Wednesday morning.
최임위는 화요일 오후 시작된 15차 전원회의를 통해 결정을 도출했고, 회의는 수요일 이른 아침까지 이어졌다.
reach the decision = reach the consensus = reach an agreement = arrive at a settlement = get to an agreement = reach a compromise = come to an agreement = find out a meeting point = come to terms 결정을 도출하다, 합의에 이르다, 타협에 이르다
continue through ~까지 계속되다
The commission was originally composed of 27 members ― nine each representing the public's interest, businesses, and labor, but currently, there are 26 members after the labor representative was arrested in May while holding a demonstration.
최임위는 공익위원(대중의 이익), 사용자위원(경영계), 근로자위원(노동계)이 9명씩 총 27명으로 구성되나, 노동계는 지난 5월 근로자위원이 시위를 벌이다 구속돼 현재 26명이 남아있다.
be composed of = constitute = be made up of = consist of = be comprised of ~로 구성되다, ~을 구성하다
public's interest 대중의 이익, 공익 위원
representative = delegate = lead = head = chief = president = chairman = chancellor = dean = doyen = principal = headmaster = director 대표자, 대표, 장, 수장, 감독관, 교장
be arrested = be in custody = be in prison = be imprisioned = be jailed = be confined = be seized = be collared = be apprehended = be made a collar = be pinched = be nicked = have one's collar felt = be detained = be locked up = be held in custody = be placed under confinement 붙잡히다, 체포되다, 구금되다, 억류되다
hold a demonstration = stage a protest = stage a demonstration = hold a rally = conduct a march = organize a sit-in = lead a walkout = engage in civil disobedience = conduct a strike 시위를 하다, 집회를 열다
The decision was made in a vote, as the labor and business sides were sharply divided until the end and failed to reach an agreement through negotiations.
최저임금 결정은 표결에 부쳤는데, 노동계와 경영계 간 마지막까지 갈등이 있어 협상을 통한 합의에 실패했다.
be made in a vote 표결에 부쳐지다, 투표로 결정이 내려지다
be sharply divided = be starkly divided = be poles apart = be poles asunder = be diametrically opposed 극명하게 나눠지다, 분명히 나눠지다
reach the decision = reach the consensus = reach an agreement = arrive at a settlement = get to an agreement = reach a compromise = come to an agreement = find out a meeting point = come to terms 결정을 도출하다, 합의에 이르다, 타협에 이르다
through negotiations 협상을 통해, 협상을 통한
The 9,860 won that was finally proposed by the business side earned 17 votes, while the labor side's 10,000 won recommendation received eight. There was one abstention. The results of the vote showed that most of those representing the public's interest sided with the business side.
경영계에서 마지막으로 제안한 9천860원 안은 17표, 노동계의 1만원 안은 8표를 받았다. 무효(기권)는 1표가 나왔다. 투표 결과, 공익위원들이 사용자위원 안에 사실상 몰표를 던졌다는 점이 드러났다.
earn a vote 1표를 얻다, 한표를 얻다
cast a ballot = cast a vote 투표하다, 표를 던지다
abstention 기권, 자제
abstinence 자제, 금욕
abstain from ~을 삼가하다, ~을 그만두다
refrain from = keep off = abstain from ~을 삼가하다, ~을 피하다
side with = take sides with = stand with = support = be on the side of = take part with = joint the side of = lend a helping hand = advocate = back up = shore up = prop up = uphold = champion = countenance = consent to = assent to = concur with = subscribe to = believe in 편을 들다, ~의 편에 서다, 지지하다, 동의하다
What caught the most attention was whether the 2024 minimum wage would surpass 10,000 won for the first time, as the labor side had initially proposed 12,210 won, marking a 26.9 percent year-on-year increase, while the business side had initially suggested a freeze. The final decision fell short of the level desired by labor.
2024년 최저임금이 최초로 ‘1만원'을 돌파할지가 초미의 관심사였다. 노동계는 최초안으로 1만2210원을 제안하며 올해 대비 26.9% 인상을 주장했지만, 경영계는 처음부터 동결을 요구했다. 최종 결정은 노동계가 원하는 수준에 미치지 못했다.
catch the most attention = draw much public attention = make headline = be in the limelight = be in the spotlight = attract the public eye = catch public eye = receive the public's attention of 가장 많은 관심을 끌다, 관심을 받다, 주목을 받다
surpass = exceed = outdo = outstripe = overtake = outrun = overrun = run over = go beyond = surpass = exceed = outdo = outstripe = overtake = outrun 능가하다, 초과하다, 넘어서다, 뛰어넘다
freeze 임금가격 등의) 동결, (수도관기계 등이[을]) 얼다, 얼리다
wage freeze 임금 동결
final decision = final decree = final judgement = final ruling = fianl determination = concludsion = final outcome = final verdict = final consequence = final result 최종 결정, 최종 판단, 최종 결과
fall short of 기대에 못 미치다, 미흡하다, (기준에)미치지 못하다
achieve more than expected = be beyond one's expectations = exceed all anticipations = go beyond one's expectations 기대 이상이다, 기대를 넘어서다
The commission took 110 days to set the new minimum wage, marking the longest period of negotiations since the current wage determination system was introduced in 2007. Previously, the longest period on record was 108 days of negotiations in 2016.
최임위가 이번 최저임금을 결정하는데 110일이 걸렸으며, 2007년 현재의 결정 체계 도입 후 ‘최장 심의 기간'을 기록했다. 이전 기록은 2016년에 있었던 협상 기간 108일이었다.
set a new minimum wage 새로운 최저임금을 정하다
a period of negotiations 협상 기간
current = existing = present = in place = living = actual = established 현재의, 기존의, 사용중인
extant = existent 현존하는, 실존하는, 실제하는
existential 인간의) 존재에 관한, 관련된,실존주의적인
wage determination system 임금 결정 체계
introduce = bring in = impose = institute = come into effect = bring in practice = put into practice = put into effect = implement = carry out = put into action = enforce = execute 도입하다, 시작하다, 시행하다, 집행하다
on record = in history = throughout recorded history = over the course of time = in the annals of history = throughout documented time = in historical accounts = in recorded accounts = in the chronicle of history = in the chronicle record 기록상, 역사상
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