[LIFESTYLE] More workers seek side jobs amid soaring living costs
Companies concerned about falling worker productivity. 기업들, 근로자 생산성 하락 우려해
Companies concerned about falling worker productivity
기업들, 근로자 생산성 하락 우려해
side job = side work = by-work = by-job = moonlighting = sideline = side gig = extra work 부업
living cost = the cost of living = living expenses 생활비
soaring = mounting = surging = growing = increasing = swelling = inflating = skyrocketing = rocekting = a gust of = proliferating = burgeoning = explosive = expanding = heaping = accrescent = an upsurge in = an uprush of = rising 증가하는, 치솟는, 커지는
concern about = worry about = be feared of = be worried of = be concerend about ~에 대해 우려스럽다, ~에 대해 걱정이다
productivity 생산성
A 39-year-old office worker surnamed Park is considering opening a self-service laundromat business to secure a source of secondary income apart from his main occupation. Although Park works for a major Korean business conglomerate, he is seeking to earn more money amid deepening economic uncertainties and rising living costs.
대기업에 다니고 있는 박 씨(39)는 주 업무 외 별도 수입원을 확보하려고 자동 세탁소 사업 시작을 고려 중이다. 박 씨는 대기업에서 근무하지만 경제적 불확실성 심화와 생활비 증가에 대비해 더 많이 벌기 위해 노력하고 있다.
open business = commence business = start business = set up in business 사업을 하다, 사업을 시작하다
self-service (상점·식당 등이) 셀프서비스식의
self-serving 자기 잇속만 차리는, 자기에게 득이 되는, 셀프서비스의
laundromat = launderette (개인이 기계에 동전을 넣고 자기 빨래를 하는) 빨래방
secure a source of income 소득원을 확보하다, 수입원을 확보하다
income = earnings = profits = gains = revenue = yield = crop 수입, 소득, 이익
apart from = aside from = except = excepting = with the exception of = exclusive of = excluding = in addition = besides = as well as = but = but for = save for = other than = outside of = leaving out = omitting = disregarding = not counting = not including = apart from that = in addition to that = in addition to this = save and except = not taking into account = stripping out = bar = cutting out ~을 제외하고는, ~외에, ~이외에
secondary = additional = extra = annexed = auxiliary = ancillary = subordinate = supplementary = supernumerary = collateral = incidental = subsidiary = accessory 부수적인, 이차적인, 보충적인, 추가적인
main occupation 본업
primary source of income = major source of income 주요 소득원
earn money = make money = earn profits = feather one's enst = enrich oneself = line one's own pockets 돈을 벌다
conglomerate = large company = big company = major company = giant enterprise 대기업, 복합거대기업
deepen = precipitate = compound = become worse = worsen = exacerbate = aggravate = deteriorate 악화시키다
economic uncertainty 경제적 불확실성
"Opening up unmanned shops has become a trend lately. You can find an unmanned shop in most neighborhoods these days. I myself am considering opening up an unmanned laundromat as it does not overlap with my main occupation and is a good secondary source of income," Park said.
박 씨는 "최근에는 무인 매장 개업이 유행이 되었다. 요즘은 대부분 동네에서 무인 매장을 찾을 수 있다. 나 역시 본업과 중복되지 않는 무인 세탁소 개업을 고려 중이고 이는 좋은 부 수입원이 될 것"이라고 말했다.
unmanned shop = unmanned store 무인샵, 무인가게
become a trend = gain popularity = win popularity = be in the spotlight = be in the limelight = draw attention from = be in vogue = be in wear = be all the ton = be in fashion = be quite the thing = spread throughout the country = prevail = be all the cry = catch on = be the latest craze = be the talk of the town = be all the rage = be highly popular 유행중이다, 유행하다, 인기를 얻다, 주목을 받다
lately = recently = in recent times = of late 최근에
overlap with ~와 겹치다
a secondary source of income 부수입원
primary source of income = major source of income 주요 소득원
Like Park, an increasing number of workers are seeking to find an additional source of income as the rising cost of living and high interest rates take a toll on their pocketbooks leading them to pursue side jobs as relying solely on the monthly salary from their main jobs is increasingly difficult.
생활비 상승과 높은 이자율이 개인의 예산에 타격을 주면서 주요 본업에서 제공되는 월급에만 의지하기가 어려워지자, 박 씨와 같이 추가 수입원을 찾으려는 근로자들이 갈수록 늘어나고 있다.
an increasing number of = more and more = incremental 점점더 많은 수의
additional = secondary = extra = annexed = auxiliary = ancillary = subordinate = supplementary = supernumerary = collateral = incidental = subsidiary = accessory 부수적인, 이차적인, 보충적인, 추가적인
high interest rates 높은 이자율
take a toll on = hit hard on = wreak havoc on = be more pressure on = put more burden on = put more pressure on = lay a burden = weigh down = double the burden on = burden = deal a blow = pose a risk to = threaten = jeopardize = endanger = be in danger = be at risk = imperil ~에 큰 타격을 주다, ~에 더 큰 부담을 지우다, 위험에 빠트리다
pocketbook (개인·국가의) 재정 형편, 경제사정, 주머니사정
side job = side work = by-work = by-job = moonlighting = sideline = side gig = extra work 부업
rely solely on ~에만 오직 의존하다
rely on = depend on = lean on = be reliant on = be dependent on = count on = bank on = resort on = have recourse to = turn to ~에 의존하다, ~에 의지하다
montly salary = monthly remuneration = monthly revenue 월급, 월수입
main job = main occupation 본업
The prolonged economic downturn also poses a risk as companies face difficulties with even well-known firms such as Meta Platforms and Tesla cutting personnel expenses. Having a stable second source of income, even if it is smaller than their main occupation, is seen as a way for employees to secure additional money in case their primary source is suddenly cut off, despite the government's goal of increasing the productivity of individual workers.
또 장기화되는 경제 불황은 메타 플랫폼스와 테슬라와 같은 유명 기업 역시 인건비 절감을 하는 등 기업이 어려움을 마주한 상황에서 위험이 된다. 정부는 근로자의 생산성 향상을 목표로 하지만, 근로자에게 안정적인 부 수입은 주 수입보다 적더라도 주 수입원이 갑자기 사라질 경우 추가 벌이 보장 수단으로 인식된다.
prolonged = protracted = long-drawn-out = drawn-out = long-drawn = long-lived = dragging = long-pending = extended = lingering 장기화된, 오래된, 질질끄는
economic downturn = economic doldrums = economic slump = economic depression = economic recession = economic stagnation = dreary economic climate = economic crisis = economic hardship = economic setback 경제적 침체, 경기침체, 경기부진
pose a risk to = take a toll on = hit hard on = wreak havoc on = be more pressure on = put more burden on = put more pressure on = lay a burden = weigh down = double the burden on = burden = deal a blow = threaten = jeopardize = endanger = be in danger = be at risk = imperil ~에 큰 타격을 주다, ~에 더 큰 부담을 지우다, 위험에 빠트리다
face difficulties with ~하는 어려움이 직면하다
well-known = popular = famous = famed = named = renowned = prominent = saught-after = celebrated = noted = notable = noticeable = proverbial 잘 알려진, 유명한, 인기있는
cut = cut down = slash down = cut down = curtail = scale down = deplete = reduce = retrech = tighten one's belt = trim = impose fiscal austerity 삭감하다, 축소하다, 긴축하다
expense = spending = expenditure = outlay = outgo 지출, 비용, 출비, 경비
cut off = sever = whittle down = whittle away 자르다, 잘라내다, 가로막다, 차단하다
According to a survey conducted by global consulting firm Deloitte, 46 percent of Generation Z (MZ) individuals in 44 countries worldwide have side jobs. Millennials (M) also had a high rate of side job participation, reaching 37 percent. Compared to the previous year, there was a 3 percent increase for Generation Z and a 4 percent increase for Millennials.
글로벌 컨설팅 기업 딜로이트가 실시한 조사에 따르면, 전 세계 44개국에서 조사된 Z세대 중 46%는 부업이 있었다. 밀레니얼 세대도 부업 참여율이 높은 편으로 37%에 달했다. 지난해와 비교해 Z세대 부업 참여율은 3%, 밀레니얼 세대는 4% 증가한 것으로 나타났다.
conducted by = carried out = compiled by ~가 실시한
participation = engagement = involvement 참여, 참가
compared to the previous year = compared to last year = from a year ago = over the preceding year = from the previous year = versus the previous year = in comparison with last year 전년대비, 작년에 비해, 작년과 비교해서
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