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Rude cabbies in Seoul face stricter penalties - '불친절’ 택시기사, 불이익 커질 예정

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 6. 8.



[NATIONAL] Rude cabbies in Seoul face stricter penalties

Measures follow reports on cabbies harassing passengers 불친절 택시기사 민원 신고 늘자 조치 이어져



Measures follow reports on cabbies harassing passengers
불친절 택시기사 민원 신고 늘자 조치 이어져

cabby = cabbie = taxi driver = cab driver 택시기사

rude = impolite = naughty = ill-mannered = ill-bred = arrogant = insolent = pert = impudent = impertinent = cheeky = saucy = forward = haughty 무례한, 버릇없는, 당돌한

face a penalty = face a fine = face a punitive measure = penalize = punish = subject to punishment[penalty] 패널티에 직면하다, 불이익을 맞다

report on ~에 대한 신고, ~에 대한 보고

harass = harry = assault = torment = bully = hound = tease = ride = pester = badger = hassle = nag = annoy = irritate = vex = irk = provoke = bother = nettle 괴롭히다, 짜증나게 하다, 성가시게하다, 신경쓰이게 하다


The Seoul city government's recently toughened rules against ill-mannered taxi drivers to penalize first-time offenders, in a move the authority hopes will improve the public transport environment for local commuters as well as foreign visitors to the city.
서울시가 최근 불친절 신고가 누적된 택시기사 단속을 강화해 첫 대상자를 처벌하는 등 내국인은 물론 서울을 찾는 외국인 관광객을 위해 대중교통 환경 개선을 도모하고 있다.


toughen rules against ~에 대한 규정을 강화하다, ~에 대한 규정을 더 엄격히 하다

ill-mannered = rude = impolite = naughty = ill-bred = arrogant = insolent = pert = impudent = impertinent = cheeky = saucy = forward = haughty 무례한, 버릇없는, 당돌한

public transport environment 대중 교통 환경

commuter 통근자

passenser 승객

foreign visitor = foreign tourist = foreign traveler 외국인 방문객, 외국인 관광객


The three-strikes policy on private taxi operators started last February when the Seoul Metropolitan Government introduced new regulations for both private and corporate taxi operators registered in the city.
불친절 신고가 3회 이상 누적된 개인택시 기사에 대한 불이익은 지난 2월 서울시가 등록 개인택시와 법인택시를 대상으로 조치를 도입하면서 시작됐다.


three-strikes policy 삼진아웃 정책

three-strikes and you'r out 삼진 아웃제(범행을 세 번 저지르면 자동적으로 수감된다는 법)

zero-tolerance policy 무관용 정책

private taxi operator 개인택시 기사

corporate taxi operator 법인택시 운용자

introduce = impose = institute = bring in 도입하다, 시작하다, 소개하다

regulation = restriction = restraint = constraint = stricture = limitation 제한, 규제, 규정

registered in ~에 등록된

From February to April of this year, three passengers who rode in a self-employed driver's taxi each contacted the city's grievance report hotline called Dasan Call Center 120 and filed complaints. They reported the driver was rude to them, engaged in a verbal argument and refused to take a route specifically requested by the passengers.
올해 2월부터 4월까지 한 개인 택시를 탔던 승객 3명이 각각 시의 고충신고 핫라인 다산콜센터(120)로 전화해 민원을 제기했다. 이들은 운전자의 응대가 무례했고 자신들과 언쟁을 벌였으며 승객이 요청한 길로 가는 것을 거부했다고 보고했다.


ride in = ride on = ride by ~을 타다

self-employed taxi driver = private taxi driver 개인 택시

grievance = quarrel = grumblling = discontent = dissatisfaction = aggrievedness = complaint = nagging = gripe = murmur = muttering 불만, 불평

grievance report hotline 고충신고 핫라인

file a complaint = protest = complain = lodge a complain = voice a complaint 이이를 제기하다, 불만을 제기하다

engage in ~에 관여를 하다, ~에 참여를 하다

verbal argument = altercation = squabble = bickering = quarrel = wrangle = spat 언쟁, 말다툼, 옥신각신

refuse = decline = turndown = disbey = rebuff = reject = say no to = dismiss 거절하다

take a route 길을 취하다, 길을 택하다

specifically requested by ~가 특별히 요청한


Maeng Joo-seong, a Taxi Policy Division official under the city government's City Transportation Office, told The Korea Times that the offender is a male and in his 60s, an age group most of the city's cabbies belong to.
맹주성 시 교통국 택시정책과 관계자는 코리아타임스에 이 운전자는 60대 남성으로, 택시기사 대부분이 속한 연령대라고 전했다.


taxi policy division 택시 정책과

transportation = transport 차량, 이동, 이동방법, 수송하다, 수송

public transportation = public transport = public transit = mass transportation = mass transit 대중교통, 대중교통체계

belong to ~에 속하다, ~의 소유이다, ~의 차지이다, ~의 세상이다


"We are currently hearing explanations from him right now," Maeng said. "The penalization against him begins in early June."
맹 씨는 "현재 이 택시기사로부터 해명을 듣고 있다"며 "이 운전자에 대한 불이익 조치는 6월 초부터 시작된다"고 말했다.


hear explanations from = hear elucidation from ~로 부터 해명을 듣다, ~로 부터 설명을 듣다

hear excuses 변명을 듣다

explain = elucidate = clarify = justify = say for oneself 해명하다, 변명하다, 명확히 설명하다

penalization = punishment = penalty = fine = punitive action = disciplinary measure = sanction 처벌, 벌, 제재, 벌금


The penalty includes mandatory participation in an ethics lesson for four hours and a six month-freeze on his monthly subsidy from the city government. The authority has been providing him and other private operators with 2,500 won ($2.00) each month.
처벌에는 4시간의 친절교육 의무 이수와 및 시가 지원하는 통신비 6개월 중단이 포함된다. 당국은 이 운전자를 포함한 다른 개인택시에 월 2500원($2)을 지원하고 있다.


mandatory = obligatory = compulsory 의무적인, 강제적인

participation in ~에 참석, ~에 참가

ethics lesson 윤리교육, 도덕교육, 친절교육

N-month-freeze on ~의 몇개월간 동결

monthly subsidy 월간 보조금

subsidy = protection = grant = grant aid = grant-in-aid = incentive = benefit = subvention 보조금, 지원금


For corporate operators, penalization gets handed down when customers' reports amount to 10. They are subjected to two month-freeze on the city subsidy of 5,000 won per month.
법인택시의 경우 승객 신고가 10건 이상 누적되면 불이익이 따른다. 시 보조금 월 5000원이 2개월 간 동결된다.


hand down = pass down = face = sentence to = deliver 결정·진술 등을 공식적으로) 내리다, 공표하다, ~을 물려주다

amount to = number = sum up to = total up to = reach = tally = come up to = add up to = get to = arrive at = run into = near ~에 달하다, ~에 이르다

be subjected to = be subject to ~의 대상이 되다, ~의 지배를 받다, ~을 받다, ~을 따라야 한다, ~에 종속되다

N-month-freeze on ~의 몇개월간 동결


Bad-tempered taxi drivers have been under the city authority's watchful eyes, but the measure has been "extremely ineffective," the authority said. All of the reports were the subjective views of complainants and needed further investigation by the city authority to verify each filed complaint. Most of the reports, furthermore, did not have hard evidence to prove the drivers' offenses.
시는 불친절한 택시기사가 관리 대상이었지만 조치는 "실효성이 거의 없었다"고 밝혔다. 신고는 승객의 주관에 의존하는 부분이 커 시가 각 민원에 대해 조사를 벌여야 했다. 게다가 불친절 신고 대부분은 운전자 처분을 입증할 만한 구체적 증거가 없었다.


bad-tempered = ill-natured = peevish = crabby = cross = grumpy = cantankerous = crotchety = perverse = cross-minded = cross-grainded = churlish 고약한, 괴팍한, 심술궂은, 고약한, 꼬인
under the watchful eyes of ~가 지켜보는 가운데, ~의 예리한 눈초리 아래에
watchful eyes = sharp eyes = weather eyes 예리한 눈초리, 주의깊은 눈초리

extremely = utterly = patently = totally = incredibly 완전히, 지독히도, 틀림없이, 믿을 수 없을 정도로

ineffective = useless = hopeless = of no use = good for nothing = fruitless = unnecessary = pointless = of little avail = of no avail 쓸모없는, 실효성이 없는, 소용이 없는, 형편없는

subjective view 주관적인 견해, 주관

objective view 객관적인 견해

complainant = plaintiff 고발자, 불만을 제기한 사람, 고소인, 원고

defendant = accused 피고

complaint = grievance = quarrel = grumblling = discontent = dissatisfaction = aggrievedness = nagging = gripe = murmur = muttering 불만, 불평

verify = substantiate = confirm = prove = clarify = testify = give proof = demonstrate 입증하다, 증명하다, 확실히하다

filed = lodged = raised = made = brought up 제기된

hard evidence = solid proof 확실한 증거, 구체적인 증거, 명백한 증거

evidence = testament = testimony = proof 증거, 증인

witness account = eye-witness account 목격자의 말








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