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Spreading makgeolli spirit in US - 미국에 막걸리 확산

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 5. 16.



[LIFESTYLE] Spreading makgeolli spirit in US

NEW YORK - Aiming to globalize Korean beverages, it is Carol Pak's sixth year leading the company Sool, a global wholesaler of premium Korean alcoholic beverage brands. Based in New York, Sool has introduced innovative beverages such as Makku and Soku to a



Sool CEO aims to introduce creative Korean beverage brand to the world
술(Sool) CEO, 창조적인 한국 음료 브랜드를 세계에 소개하는 것이 목표

spirits = liquor = booze = alcohol = alcoholic beverage = alcoholic drink 술, 알코올, 알코올음료, 주류

aim to = intend to = be intended to = be aimed at = have an object in view = have a purpose to ~할 목표를 가지고 있다, ~할 의도록 가지고 있다, ~할 작정이다

introduce = bring in = institute = present = let sb know 도입하다, 소개하다, 알려주다


NEW YORK ― Aiming to globalize Korean beverages, it is Carol Pak's sixth year leading the company Sool, a global wholesaler of premium Korean alcoholic beverage brands. Based in New York, Sool has introduced innovative beverages such as Makku and Soku to a diverse audience, selling more than 2.4 million cans since launching in 2019.
뉴욕 ― 한국 음료의 세계화를 목표로 하는 캐롤 박은 한국 프리미엄 주류 브랜드의 글로벌 도매업체인 회사 술(Sool)이 6년차를 맞았다. 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 술은 막쿠, 소쿠와 같은 혁신적인 음료를 다양한 고객에게 선보이며 지난 2019년 출시 이후 240만 개 이상을 판매했다.


globalize 세계화하다, 세계화되다

localize = confine  (영향 등을) 국한시키다, 국부화하다, 국부적이 되게 하다, ~의 위치를 알아 내다

glocalize 지역 여건에 맞추면서 현지화시키다

lead the company = operate the company = run the business = head the company 회사를 이끌어 가다

wholesaler = wholesale dealer = wholesale store 도매업자

retailer = retail dealer = retail store 소매업자, 소매상, 소매업

based in = headquartered in = nestled in = rooted in = located in = seated in = sitted in = grounded in = placed in = settled in ~에 기반을 둔, ~에 뿌리를 내린, ~에 본사를 둔

innovative = creative = original = ingineous = inventive = progressive = fresh = nove 혁신적인, 독창적인, 창의적인, 참신한, 새로운

audience = customer = client = user = consumer = patron 시청자, 독자, 고객


Her first encounter with "makgeolli," the traditional Korean alcoholic drink often dubbed rice wine, traces back to her trips to Korea for market research. She first noticed that the Korean makgeolli scene was changing quickly. "New bars were forming in Korea that put a spotlight on craft makgeolli. A new generation of people started to drink makgeolli and the average age of makgeolli brewers was getting younger. I saw that more and more makgeolli brewers, brands and bars were popping up every week," Pak said.
캐롤 박이 막걸리를 처음 접한 것은 시장조사를 위해 한국을 방문했던 때로 거슬러 올라간다. 캐롤 박은 한국의 막걸리 상황이 빠르게 변하고 있다는 것을 알아차렸다. 캐롤 박은 "한국에서는 수제 막걸리에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 새로운 술집들이 생겨났다. 새로운 세대의 사람들이 막걸리를 마시기 시작했고 막걸리 제조업자들의 평균 연령은 갈수록 젊어지고 있었다. 매주 점점 더 많은 막걸리 양조장, 브랜드, 그리고 술집이 갑자기 생겨나는 것을 보았다"고 말했다.


encounter with ~와의 만남

a glance at = a peak at = a look at = a furtive glance at = a peep at 엿보기, 살짝 보기, 맛보기, 얼핏 보기

stumble on = stumble across = encounter = run into = meet with = come across = come into contact with 우연히 만나다, 우연히 접하다, 우연히 맞닥뜨리다

alcoholic drink = spirits = liquor = booze = alcohol = alcoholic beverage 술, 알코올, 알코올음료, 주류

dub = bill as = hail as = call = name = label = nickname = tag ~라 부르다, 멸명을 붙이다

rice wine = makgeolli = Korean traditional alcoholic drink 막걸리

trace back to = go back to = originate in = begin with = start with (과거로) 거슬러 올라가다, ~에서 유래하다, ~에서 기원하다

market research 시장 조사, 시황 조사

put a spotlight on = shine a spotlight on = possess a keen interest in = take an avid interest in ~에 관심을 나타내다, ~에 관심을 두다

craft makgeolli 수제 막걸리

craft beer = microbrew = microbeer = home brew 수제 맥주

pop up = come from nowhere = come out of nowhere = appear from nowhere 갑자기 일어나다; 튀어나오다[오르다], 불쑥 나타나다, 어디선가 나타나다


"Looking at the changing landscape, I sensed a movement happening here. Makgeolli should have been receiving this attention a long time ago. There were many stigmas and there used to be a wide variety of options of alcoholic beverages besides makgeolli. But because Korean culture, in general, is becoming so popular globally, I felt like it's time for people to be introduced to real makgeolli and real soju," she added.
캐롤 박은 "변화하는 상황을 보면서 이곳에서 새로운 움직임이 일어나고 있음을 알았다. 막걸리는 예전부터 이러한 관심을 받아야 했다. 예전에는 다양한 종류의 술이 있어 막걸리를 제외한 다른 술들이 많았다. 하지만 한국 문화가 전 세계적으로 인기를 얻으면서 사람들에게 진짜 막걸리와 진짜 소주를 소개할 시점이라는 생각이 들었다"고 덧붙였다.


sense = recognize = perceive = discern = cognize = be aware of = detect = notice = find = realize = be conscious of 인지하다, 알아차리다

should have been p.p ~했어야 했다

might have been p.p ~이었을 지도 모른다, ~되었을 지도 모르다

could have been p.p ~했을 수도 있을을 것이다

must have been p.p ~임에 틀림이 없다

receive attention = be in the limelight = have a spotlight = gain popularity = be in the spotlight 인기를 얻다, 관심을 받다, 사람들의 이목을 끌다, 각광을 받다

stigma = tarnish = stain = disgrace = dishonor = taint = infamy = notoriety = blot = disrepute = obloquy = bad name = ill name = bad reputation = blemish 오명, 악평, 불명예, 나쁜 평판

there used to be  (지금은 없지만) ~이/가 있었다

a wide variety of = a great deal of = diverse = a good number of = a great number of = numerous = many = a majority of 다양한, 광범위한, 많은, 다수의

besides = in addition to = as well as = other than = on top of = except for = save = with the exception of = excepting = apart from = but for ~외에, ~이외에


She was able to execute her vision backed by her experience in the beverage industry. With an MBA degree from Columbia Business School, Pak worked as a global manager at ZX Ventures, which is the global investment and innovation group of AB InBev, known as the world's leading brewer. She worked between New York and Shanghai offices on a new product development line for China. Pak has been trying to introduce beverages to a wide consumer base by not limiting herself to the specific framework of East and West.
캐롤 박은 음료 산업에서의 경험을 바탕으로 자신의 비전을 실행할 수 있었다. 컬럼비아 비즈니스 스쿨에서 MBA 학위를 받은 캐롤 박은 세계 유수의 양조장으로 알려진 AB InBev의 글로벌 투자 및 혁신 그룹인 ZX Ventures에서 글로벌 매니저로 근무했었다. 캐롤 박은 중국을 위한 신제품 개발 라인에서 뉴욕과 상하이 사무실을 오가며 일했다. 캐롤 박은 동서양의 한정된 틀에 자신을 국한하지 않음으로써 다양한 소비층에 음료를 소개하려고 노력해 왔다.


execute one's vision 비전을 실행하다

execute = carry out = materialize = take shape = crystalize = implement = enforce = take form = actualize = realize = become reality 실행하다, 실현시키다, 현실화시키다, 구체화시키다

work as ~으로 일하다

global investment 글로벌 투자

new product development line 신제품 개발 라인

introduce = bring in = institute = present = let sb know 도입하다, 소개하다, 알려주다

consumer base 고객층, 소비자층, 소비자 기반

limit = confine = restrict = constrain = restrain = draw the line = circumscribe = ring-fence = set limits to = set bounds to = draw the boundary 제한하다, 한정하다, 한계를 긋다









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly



