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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스

From J-pop to animated films, Japanese culture catches on in Korea - J팝부터 애니메이션과 영화까지, 다시 흥행하는 일본 문화

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 5. 16.



[CULTURE] From J-pop to animated films, Japanese culture catches on in Korea

Resurgence in popularity signals new phase of cultural exchange 일본 문화 재열풍, 문화 교류의 새 국면 알려



Resurgence in popularity signals new phase of cultural exchange
일본 문화 재열풍, 문화 교류의 새 국면 알려

animated film = animation = animated cartoon = cartoon film = movie cartoon = anime 에니매이션 영화, 에니메이션, 만화영화

catch on in = be trendy in =  be in fashion = be all the cry =  be in vogue = be in the spotlight = gain the popularity = have a high profile ~에서 유행하다, 인기를 얻다

catch on to ~을 이해하다

resurgence = return = revival = resumption = restoration = comeback = renewal = reopen = reactivation = revitalization 재기, 부활, 재확산, 돌아옴, 귀환, 재개, 복구, 갱신

signal = imply = suggest = connote = denote = bode = intimate = make known = drop a hint = hint = allude = implicate = insinuate = hint at = signify = mean 암시하다, 시사하다, 넌지시 말하다

cultural exchange 문화 교환, 문화 교류

new phase 새로운 국면

phase = facet = front = aspect = respect = side = face = part = feature = point = place = frontier = development = stage = dynamics = movement 양상, 국면


Japan has long been a close but distant neighbor to Korea. The two countries are geographically close, but their relationship is full of twists such as the unresolved legacies of Japan's forced colonial rule of Korea in 1910-45.
일본은 긴 시간 동안 한국의 가깝고도 먼 이웃이었다. 양국은 지리적으로 가깝지만 1910~1945년 일본이 한국을 식민 지배하면서 해결되지 않은 잔재를 남긴 우여곡절이 많은 관계다.


a close but distant neighbor = a close yet distant neighbor 가깝지만 먼 이웃

next-door neighbor 이웃집, 이웃 국가, 옆집

geographically 지질학 적으로, 지리적으로

full of twists = full of twists and turns = full of vicissitude = vicissitudinous[vicissitudinary] = full of ups and downs = full of vicissitudes 우여곡절이 많은, 굴곡이 많은

unresolved = unanswere = unsettled = undecided = unsolved 미해결의, 대답되지 않은

insoluable = unsolvable 풀 수 없는, 해결할 수 없는, 용해되지 않는

intricate = complicated = entangled = complex = tangled = knotty = thorny = intertwined 복잡한, 얽히고 설킨

Japan's forced colonial rule = Japanese colonial period = Japanese occupation 일제강점기


Political spats between Korea and Japan have had a spillover effect on people's daily lives. When the relationship turned sour, many Koreans avoided traveling to Japan and buying its products. Fans had to hide their love of Japanese films or comics so that they were not seen as being pro-Japanese or unpatriotic.
한일 간 정치적 갈등은 국민의 일상에도 파급 효과를 가져왔다. 관계가 악화되자 많은 한국인은 일본 여행 및 일본산 제품 구매를 피했다. 팬들은 일본 영화나 만화에 대한 애정을 숨겨야만 친일파 혹은 비애국자로 비춰지지 않을 수 있었다.


political spat = political feud = political strife 정치적 불화

spat = feud = strife = row = confrontation = friction = disharmony = dissension = dispute = controversy = discord = trouble = enmity = conflict = collision = clash = squabble = quarrel = biskering = altercation = high words = arguement = antagonism = hostility = animosity = antipathy = ill feeling = bad feeling 불화, 다툼, 대립, 적의, 적대

spillover effect = ripple effect = domino effect = fallout = ramification = complication = implication = consequence = aftereffect = aftermath = sequela = repercussion = byproduct 파급효과, 여파, 휴유증, 영향

turn sour = go sour (일·관계 등이) 잘못되다, 틀어지다

hide = submerge = conceal = secrete = cover = veil = cloak = screen = shroud = cache = harbor  감추다, 숨기다, 은닉하다

unpatriotic 비애국적인

patriotic 애국적인


This phenomenon was most visible a few years ago when a plethora of Koreans started the "No Japan" movement, a boycott campaign of Japanese products following Tokyo's export curb on the critical components for the semiconductor and display industries here.
이러한 현상은 몇 년 전 일본이 국내 반도체 및 디스플레이 산업 핵심 부품에 규제를 가하자 다수 한국인이 일본 상품 불매 운동인 ‘노재팬 운동'을 시작하면서 가장 두드러졌다.


visible = tangible = palpable = obvious = manifest = clear = evident 분명한, 뚜렷한, 감지할 수 있는, 명확한

a plethora of = many = numerous = innumerable = a heck of = a majority of = a bunch of = a legion of = a throng of = a swarm of = a barrage of 많은, 다수의

boycott campaign 불매운동

embargo 금수조치하다, 금수조치, 통상금지령

export curb = export control 수출규제

trade sanction 무역 제재

critical component = linchpin = key component = major core parts 중요 요소, 핵심요소


The restrictions came shortly after the Korean Supreme Court's 2018 ruling that ordered its firms to compensate surviving Korean victims of wartime forced labor.
이번 규제는 2018년 한국 대법원이 전시 강제징용 피해 생존자들에게 배상 판결을 내린 직후 나왔다.


restriction = regulation = stricture = limitation = constraint = restraint = curb = containment = supression = repression = oppression = confinement = control = check 제한, 규제, 제약, 통제, 저지, 억제

supreme court 대법원

appeals court = court of appeals = appellate court 상소법원, 항고법원, 고등법원, 상고법원

ruling = judgement = verdic = trial = court decision = finding = ajudication = call = adjudgment 판결, 결정

compensate = make up for = pay back = make amends 보상하다, 벌충하다

reimburse = repay = pay back 배상하다, 변제하다, 빛을 갚다, 상환하다, 물어 주다

indemnify 배상을 약속하다, 보상을 약속하다, (손해/손실에 대한) 배상하다, 변상하다

surviving victim 생존 희생자, 생존자

wartime forced labor 전시 강제 징용, 전쟁 강제 노동자

sexual slavery 성노예


The boycott dealt a critical blow to several Japanese companies here including the casual wear manufacturer Uniqlo. The total sales of FRL Korea, the operator of Uniqlo in Korea, stood at 629.8 billion won ($469 million) from Sept. 2019 to Aug. 2020 ― more than a 50-percent fall from the same period in previous years.
불매운동은 일본 의류 브랜드 유니클로를 포함해 한국에 들어온 여러 일본 기업에 치명적인 타격을 가했다. 국내 유니클로 운영사인 에프알엘코리아의 2019년 9월부터 2020년 8월까지 총 매출은 6298억원으로 전년 동기 대비 50% 이상 감소했다.


deal a blow = pose a threat to = hit hard = strike a blow = give a blow = jeopardize = endanger = put at risk = put in danger = wreak havoc with = incur substantial losses 타격을 주다, 타격을 가하다, 손해를 끼치다, 위태롭게 하다 

stand at = run into = sum up to = total up to = tally up to = reach = arrive at = come up to = amount to = mark = log = chart = record = chalk up ~에 달하다, ~에 이르다

from the same period in previous years 작년 동기 대비


These days, however, young people in Korea are changing the game. They openly support J-pop singers, frequently watch Japanese animated films and fly to the neighboring country to explore its cuisine and culture.
그러나 요즘 한국 젊은 세대는 이러한 판도를 바꾸고 있다. 이들은 공개적으로 J팝 가수를 응원하고 일본 애니메이션 영화를 자주 시청하며 요리와 문화를 탐험하기 위해 일본으로 떠난다.


change the game = turn the tables = turn the tides 형세를 일변시키다, 판세를 바꾸다

game changer 게임 체인저(상황 전개를 완전히 바꿔놓는 사람이나 아이디어나 사건)

openly = overtly = publicly 공공연히, 버젓이

frequently = very often = repeatedly = occasionally = sometimes = from time to time = every now and them 빈번히, 종종, 흔히, 가끔

explore = quest = experience = seek 탐구하다, 탐험하다, 탐색하다, 경험하다

fly to ~까지 비행기로 가다

fly - flew/flied - flown/flied

cuisine = gastronomy = gastronomism = dishes = speciality 요리, (보통 비싼 식당의) 요리, 미식

goumet = gastronome = epicure 미식가, 식도락가 

gourmand 대식가

fine dining 고급 식사, 고급 정찬


"The cultural exchange of Korea and Japan seems to have entered a new phase, with their younger generations viewing culture and politics as two separate subjects," Jo Gyu-heon, a professor of Korean-Japanese cultural content at Sangmyung University, told The Korea Times.
조규헌 상명대 한일문화콘텐츠전공 교수는 코리아타임스에 "한일 문화교류는 젊은 세대가 문화와 정치를 분리된 영역으로 보면서 새 국면에 접어든 것 같다"고 말했다.


enter a new phase = enter on[upon] a new phase = take a new turn = assume a new aspect 새로운 국면에 들어서다, 새로운 양상을 띠다

separate subjects 불리된 영역, 별도의 주제, 별개의 문제

view as = see as = consider as = regard as ~로 보다, ~로 여기다, ~로 간주하다

cultural content 문화 컨텐츠


"Their resistance to each other's culture ― which is largely attributable to the two countries' political feuds ― is vanishing as they begin appreciating cultures together on diverse social media platforms like TikTok."
"상대 문화에 대한 저항은 주로 각국의 정치적 불화에서 기인하지만, (이러한 경향은) 틱톡과 같은 다양한 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 문화를 함께 감상하면서 사라지고 있다."


resistance = aversion = animosity = hostility = antipathy = anmity = antagonism 저항, 적의, 혐오, 적대감

be largely attributable to = be attributed to = be ascribed to = be owing to = be due to ~때문이다, ~탓으로 돌리다

political feud = political spat = political strife 정치적 불화

spat = feud = strife = row = confrontation = friction = disharmony = dissension = dispute = controversy = discord = trouble = enmity = conflict = collision = clash = squabble = quarrel = biskering = altercation = high words = arguement = antagonism = hostility = animosity = antipathy = ill feeling = bad feeling 불화, 다툼, 대립, 적의, 적대

vanish = disappear = fade away = go away = be lost to sight = be lost to view = go out of sight = pass out of sight 사라지다

diverse = miscellaneous = a variety of = varied = various = multifarious = manifold = many = numerous = a lot of = a host of = a good many = a great many = variegated 다양한, 다채로운, 다양한 종류로 이루어진









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Korea Times Weekly



