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Yoon spends 1st year struggling to divide world into friends or foes - 윤석열 대통령 취임 1주년, '편가르기’ 통치

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 5. 13.



[NATIONAL] Yoon spends 1st year struggling to divide world into friends or foes

President Yoon Suk Yeol's first year in office was marked by his struggles to define friends and foes. 윤석열 대통령 취임 후 1년은 '내편’과 '니편’을 가르는 대립과 갈등의 통치를 특징으로 한다.



President Yoon Suk Yeol's first year in office was marked by his struggles to define friends and foes.
윤석열 대통령 취임 후 1년은 ‘내편'과 ‘니편'을 가르는 대립과 갈등의 통치를 특징으로 한다.


divide into = split into = polarize into = pull apart into = fork off = branch off ~로 가르다, ~로 나뉘다

foe = enemy = adversary = opponent 적, 적수

struggle = grapple = wrestle = strive = endeavor = exertion = dedication = devotion = commitement 투쟁, 고심, 노력, 애씀

define = articulate = manifest = take shape 규정하다, 정의하다, 분명히 밝히다, 윤각을 분명히 나타내다


Unlike seasoned conventional politicians who instinctively seek gray areas where they can reach a compromise with opponents, Yoon, a career prosecutor, set his sights on sacred principles and embraced those who meet them, while rejecting those who do not.
상대방과 타협 가능한 ‘회색지대'를 본능적으로 찾아내는 노련한 기존 정치인과 달리, 직업 검사였던 윤 대통령은 엄격한 원칙을 세우고 이를 충족하는 사람은 포용하고, 그렇지 않은 사람은 배척했다.


seasoned = experienced = weather-beaten = skillful = skilled = well-trieid = veteran = practiced = consummate 경험많은, 경험있는, 노련한

conventional = traditional = orthodox = customary 전통적인, 관습적인, 관례적인

instinctively = intuitionally = instintually 직감적으로, 본능적으로

animal instinct = animal-like instinct  동물적 감각

emotionally 감정적으로, 정서적으로

gray area = grey zone = penumbra 애매한 영역, 확실하지 않은 영역

ambiguous = equivocal = imprecise = noncommittal = indefinite = vague = blurry = blurred = obscure = uncertain = indistinct = unclear = hazy = misty = faint = dim 애매한, 불분명한

reach a compromise 타협에 이르다

intransigence  (정치상의) 비타협적인 태도, 타협[양보]하지 않음

intransigent = stubborn = obstinate = headstrong = obdurate = pigheaded = stiff-necked = hardheaded = strongheaded 비타협적인, 고집센, 완강한, 단호한

set one's sight on = focus on = concentrate on = conter on ~을 목표로 하다, ~에 가늠쇠를 맞추다

sacred = sacrosanct = holy = divine 신성시되는, 신성한, 신성불가침의

reject = dismiss = rule out = exclude = disclude = preclude 거절하다, 배제시키다, 제외시키다


This is something he had been good at throughout his career as a prosecutor and a strength that helped him gain the public's trust and rise to the apex of power as a novice politician.
이는 검사 시절 윤 대통령의 주특기이자, 국민의 신뢰를 얻고 초보 정치인으로서 권력의 정점에 오를 수 있었던 원동력이다.


be good at ~에 능숙하다, ~을 잘하다

gain the public's trust 대중의 신뢰를 얻다

rise to = shoot to ~에 오르다

the apex of power 권력의 정점

apex = top = zenith = pinnacle = apogee = climax = summit = peak = acme = height 정점, 절정

novice = newbie = beginner = fledglling = greenhorn = tenderfoot 초보자, 신출내기, 애송이, 신입


On the domestic front, this was noticeable in his relations with the liberal main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK).
국내 정치에서는 이러한 면모가 진보 제1야당인 더불어민주당과의 관계에서 두드러졌다.


front 전선, (특정 활동의)일선, 영역, 겉모양, 외양, (불법비밀 활동을 위한) 위장

noticeable = noteworthy = conspicuous = illustrious = remarkable = striking = marked = salient 뚜렷한, 현저한, 분명한

ilberal party 자유당, 자유주의당

conservative party 보수당

democratic party 민주당


To gain a proper grip on managing state affairs, Yoon needs the cooperation of the DPK, which holds more than a majority of the seats in the National Assembly. However, Yoon has been reluctant to extend an olive branch to the opposition, distancing himself from values such as co-governance or cohesion.
원활한 국정운영을 위해 윤 대통령은 국회 의석 과반 이상을 차지하는 민주당과의 협치가 필수다. 그러나 윤 대통령은 화해의 손길을 내밀기를 꺼리며 합치나 결속과 같은 가치에서 멀어졌다.


gain a grip = take the control = take the mantle = take the helm = take the lead = take the power 힘을 얻다, 권력을 얻다, 책임을 떠맡다, 키를 잡다

state affairs = affairs of state = government administration 국정, 나랏일

cooperation = collaboration = cooperative attitude = teamwork = joint forces 협력, 협조

National Assembly = congress = parliament = council = legislature 의회, 국회, 입법기관

reluctant = hesitant = loath = averse = shilly-shallying = dawdling 꺼리는, 망설이는, 주저하는, 머뭇거리는, 꾸물정거리는

extend an olive branch = offer an olive branch 화해를 청하다, 화해의 손길을 내미다

distance oneself from = keep one's distance from ~로 부터 거리를 두다

co-governance 공동 통치, 합치, 공동 관리

cohesion = unity = solidarity 화합, 응집력, 결속, 연대


In his inauguration address on May 10 last year and speeches on Liberation Day on Aug. 15 or the New Year on Jan. 1, Yoon made no mention of cooperating with the main opposition party or national unity between conservatives and liberals.
윤 대통령은 지난해 5월 10일 취임사, 8월 15일 광복절 연설, 그리고 올해 1월 1일 신년사 등에서 야당과의 협력 혹은 보수와 진보 간의 국민적 화합을 언급하지 않았다.


inauguration address 취임 연설, 취임사

make no mention of ~에 대해 언급하지 않다, ~에 대해 아무런 말도 하지 않다

cooperate with = collaborate with = join forces with = join hands with = combine forces with = team up with = work together ~와 협력하다, ~와 함께 일하다

national unity = national solidarity = national cohesion 국민의 단결


"After the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye for her corruption scandal, the previous liberal Moon Jae-in administration promoted the catchphrase of 'draining old swamps,' which ended up distinguishing friends and enemies," said Park Sang-byeong a professor at Inha University's Graduate School of Policy Science.
박상병 인하대 정책대학원 교수는 "비리로 인한 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵 이후 진보적인 문재인 정부는 ‘적폐청산'을 강령으로 내세워 아군과 적군을 구분지었다"고 말했다.


impeachment = disgrace 비난, 고소, 탄행, 불명예

impeach 탄핵하다, 고발하다, 에 대해 의문을 제기하다, ~에 대해 의혹을 제기하다

corruption scandal = irregularities 부패 스캔들, 비리 사건

catchphrase = slogan = catchword (특정 정치가나 연예인과 관련된) 유명 문구, 선전 구호

"Yoon, who was at the forefront of a political group which was defined as the enemy of Moon, became the biggest beneficiary of this framing by becoming the president. Yoon appears to be retaining this right-or-wrong idea after taking the office, rather than seeking national unity as the core-value of his politics."
"문 대통령의 정치적 적대 세력의 최전방에 있던 윤석열이 대통령이 되면서 이 구도의 최대 수혜자가 됐다. 윤 대통령은 취임 후 정치의 핵심 가치로 국민 통합보다는 시시비비를 따지는 논리를 관철시킨 것으로 보인다."


at the forefront of = in the vanguard of = on the spearhead ~의선두에 있는, ~의 최전선에 있는, ~의 중심에 있는

political group 정치 집단

beneficiary 수혜자, 수익자, 수령자

retain = preserve = keep = maintain 유지하다, 보유하다

take the office = inaugurate = be sworn in as ~로 취임하다

national unity = national solidarity = national cohesion 국민의 단결

core-value (개인이나 조직이 추구하는) 핵심 가치


In line with this stance, Yoon is still blaming his predecessor, Moon, as the root cause of "various problems he fixed."
이러한 입장과 일맥상통하게 윤 대통령은 "자신이 고친 여러 문제"의 근본 원인으로 여전히 문재인 전 대통령을 지적하고 있다.


in line with = along with =  in conjunction with = coupled with = in connection with ~와 함께, ~에 맞춰

blame = ascribe = attribute = accuse = shift the blame = pass the puck = put the blame on ~을 탓하다, ~의 책임으로 돌리다

root cause = deep-rooted cause = underlying cause = ultimate cause 근본 원인









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