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Yoon's labor reform drive loses momentum - 윤 대통령의 노동개혁, 추진력 잃어

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 3. 28.



[NATIONAL] Yoon's labor reform drive loses momentum

Workweek reform plan likely to fizzle out 주 근로시간 개혁 흐지부지될 듯



Workweek reform plan likely to fizzle out
주 근로시간 개혁 흐지부지될 듯

labor reform 노동 개혁

reform plan 쇄신안, 개혁안, 쇄신방안

drive = initiative = move = pursuit = scheme = plan = impetus 계획, 추진, 움직임

lose momentum = lose ground = lose steam 세가 꺾이다, 탄력을 잃다

gain momentum = gain traction = accelerate = gather momentum = gain impetus = gain steam 탄력이 붙다, 가속도가 붙다

workweek = wroking week 주당 근무 시간

fizzle out = come to nothing = peter out 흐지부지 되다

President Yoon Suk Yeol's drive to reform the country's labor system and work culture is losing steamdue to mounting criticism over the government's ill-fated attempt to lengthen the legal cap on the workweek.
윤석열 대통령의 근로제도 및 직장문화 개혁 시도가 정부의 법정 근로시간 연장에 대한 비판이 거세지며 힘을 잃고 있다.


labor system 근로 제도, 고용 제도, 노동 제도

work culture 직장 문화

lose steam = lose momentum = lose ground 세가 꺾이다, 탄력을 잃다

mounting = growing = increasing = swelling = burgeoning = expansive = explosive = brimming = rising 커지는, 증가하는

ill-fated (특히 죽음·실패로) 불행하게 끝나는, 불운한

ill-conceived 계획이 잘 못된, 구상이 잘 못된

lengthen = elongate = enlarge = expand = extend 연장하다, 확대하다, 길어지게 하다

legal cap on ~에 대한 법적 한도


After the plan became hugely controversial, Yoon set a guideline on the maximum number of weekly work hours during a Cabinet meeting on March 21. But that was not enough to ease complaints as some workers' unions, which initially supported the president's efforts to rein in labor groups by requiring them to reveal their financial records, are now turning their backs on the leader.
개정안이 논란을 일으키자 윤 대통령은 지난 3월 21일 국무회의에서 주당 최대 근로시간에 대한 기준선을 제시했다. 그러나 불만을 잠재우기에는 역부족이었는데 재무기록 공개를 요구해 노동조합을 통제하려고 했던 윤 대통령의 시도를 초반에는 지지했던 일부 노동조합들이 이제 윤 대통령에게 등을 돌리고 있기 때문이다.


hugely = greatly = extremely = heavily = considerably = highly = seriously = remarkablyl = largely = badly = exceedingly = to a great extent = vastly = a great deal = much = far = on a large scale = in a large measure[way] 대단히, 극도로, 상당히 , 크게, 엄청나게

conotroversial = debatable = arguable = problematic = questionable = disputable = contentious 논란의 여지가 있는, 문제가 있는, 논란이 있는

set a guideline 가이드라인을 정하다, 지침을 정하다

weekly work hours 주당 근로 시간

cabinet meeting = cabinet council 각료 회의

esse = mitigate = reduce = relieve = alleviate = subdue = quell = lessen = subdue = put down = calm = appease = placate = pacify = conciliate = coax = cajole 진정시키다, 가라앉히다, 달래다

rein in = control = crub = suppress = repress = quash = oppress = keep in check = restrain = constrain = restrict 억제하다, 통제하다, 진압하다

financial record 재무 기록

turn one's back on = forsake = neglect = turn one's eyes away = avert one's eyes 저버리다, 무시하다, 외면하다


During the Cabinet meeting, Yoon said he still believes "working longer than 60 hours per week is undesirable in terms of protecting (employees') health" and that "it will be difficult to protect employees' health unless there is a cap in the workweek."
윤 대통령은 이날 국무회의에서 "주당 60시간 이상 근무는 (근로자의) 건강보호 차원에서 무리라고 생각한다"며 "주당 근로시간의 상한을 정해 놓지 않으면 노동자의 건강권을 지키기 어렵다"고 덧붙였다.


undesirable = unwanted = unwelcome = disagreeable = unsatisfactory = unpleasant = unfitting = unbecoming = unfavorable = objectionable = disapproving 원하지 않는, 바람직하지 않는, 달갑지 않은


120 hours, 92 hours, 69 hours, 60 hours and now what?
120시간, 92시간, 69시간, 60시간, 그 다음은 뭘까?


now what 이번엔 또 뭐야?, 자 이제 어떻게 하지


The comment on the 60-hour workweek was only the latest in a series of suggestions as the government flip-flopped on the issue of setting a new cap, which has placed a certain level of uncertainty on domestic businesses.
주 60시간 근무제에 대한 이번 발언은 근로시간 상한 설정 문제에 대해 발표를 정부가 번복하면서 국내 기업에 불확실성을 안겨준 일련의 제안 중 가장 최근에 나온 것이다.


comment = statement = utterance = remark = reference 발언, 언급, 말하기

a series of = a concatenation of = a train of = a string of = a chain of = a sequence of = in a row = straight = consecutive 일련의, 연이은

flip-flop = about-face = vacillate = waver = change one's mind = go back and forth = shift positions (태도가)표변하다, 와리가리하다

do a 180 태도나 입장을 완전히 바꾸다

poles apart = at opposite poles = diametrically opposed 정반대로, 거리가 먼, 전연반대인, 180도로 다른

a certain level of 어느정도의, 일정수준의


Currently, Korea has a 52-hour statutory workweek ― a 40-hour basic workweek plus 12 hours of overtime. Yoon has been arguing that the system should be overhauled because it harms labor flexibility and causes difficulties for businesses.
현재 한국은 주 40시간 기본 근로에 12시간의 연장 근로를 더한 52시간 법정 근로제를 시행하고 있다. 윤 대통령은 해당 제도가 노동시장 유연성을 해치고 기업을 어려움에 빠뜨리기 때문에 개편이 필요하다고 주장해왔다.


statutory 법에 명시된, 법으로 정한

overtime 초과근무, 잔업, 야근

overhaul 점검하다, 정비하다

reshuffle = reorganize = restructure = rearrange = reconstitute = reform = shake-up = restructuring = regroup 재편성하다, 재개편하다, 재편하다

harm = injury = damage = pose a threat = threaten = intimidate = endanger = put at risk = put in danger = menace = imperil = jeopardize 해를 끼치다, 위태롭게 하다

labour flexibility 노동 유연성, 노동시장 유연성

cause difficulties 어려움을 유발하다, 어려움을 발생시키다


When he was a presidential hopeful in July 2021, Yoon said in a media interview that the 52-hour workweek system had failed and added that "employees should be able to work 120 hours a week and then rest as much as they can," citing the computer game industry as an example.

윤 대통령은 2021년 7월 대선 후보 시절 언론 인터뷰에서 주 52시간 근무제가 실패했다고 말하며 컴퓨터 게임 산업을 예로 들어 "근로자는 주 120시간 동안 일한 이후 원하는 만큼 충분히 쉴 수 있어야 한다"고 덧붙였다.


presidential hopeful = presidential candidate = presidential contender 대선 후보자, 대통령 후보자

52-hour workweek system 주당 52시간 근로제

as much as ~만큼, ~정도까지, ~정도까지 많이

computer game industry 컴퓨터 게임 산업

example = quintessence = model = guiding light = template = epitome = pattern = embodiment = paragon = living proof = shining example 본보기, 예, 모범, 전형









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