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Court recognizes same-sex partner as legal dependent - 법원, 동성 부부의 건강보험 피부양 자격 인정

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 2. 28.



[NATIONAL] Court recognizes same-sex partner as legal dependent

LGBTQ community welcomes landmark ruling granting health insurance benefits to same-sex couple 성 소수자 집단, 동성 부부에 건강보험 피부양자 자격 부여한 획기적 판단 환영해



LGBTQ community welcomes landmark ruling granting health insurance benefits to same-sex couple
성 소수자 집단, 동성 부부에 건강보험 피부양자 자격 부여한 획기적 판단 환영해

same-sex partner = same-sex couple 동성 부부, 동성파트너

legal dependant 법적 딸린 식구, 법적 피부양자

Lesbian, Gay, Bisextual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ or LGBTQ Plus) 성소수자

landmark ruling 전례없는 판결,  획기적인 판결, 역사적인 판결

health insureance benefits 건강보험 혜택

grant = approve = permit = allow = ratify = confirm = authorize = recognize = consent = assent 주다, 부여하다, 승인하다, 인정하다, 인가하다


An appeals court ruled in favor of a gay couple calling for equal health insurance coverage for same-sex couples, Tuesday, overturning a lower court's decision that sided with the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS).
21일 고등법원이 국민건강보험공단(건보공단)의 손을 들어 준 1심을 뒤집고 동성 부부에 대해서도 동일한 건강보험 피부양자 자격 인정을 요구한 동성 커플의 승소로 판결했다.


appeal court = court of appeal = appellate court 상소법원, 항소법원

rule in favor of ~에 우호적으로 판결하다

health insurance coverage 의료보험 적용범위, 의료보험 보상범위

overturn = overrule = reverse = override 뒤집다, 뒤집히다, (판결 등을)뒤집다, 번복시키다

lower court 하급법원

high court 고등법원

decision = ruling = judgement = finding = verdict = ajudication 판결, 결정

side with = take sides with = take sb's part = take sb's side = be on sb's side = stand by sb = speak up for = stick up for = stand up for  ~의 편을 들다, ~을 두둔하다



The landmark ruling by the Seoul High Court ordered the NHIS to cancel its decision made in 2020 to withdraw a gay man's eligibility to receive spousal health insurance benefits under the employer of his longtime partner.
서울고법이 내린 이번 획기적인 판단은 2020년 동성 부부라는 이유로 평생 함께 할 배우자의 건강보험 피부양자 자격을 박탈한 건보공단의 결정을 취소하라고 주문했다.


cancel = annul = revoke = withdraw = negate = do away with = rescind = abrogate = repeal = pull back = retreat = invalidate = pull out of 취소하다, 철폐하다, 철회하다

eligibility 자격, 적임, 적격

spousal 배우자의

spousal health insurance benefits 배우자의 건강보험 지원혜택

longtime 오랜(친구/연인 등)

long-time partner 오랜 파트너

significant other 중요한 다른 한사람(남편·아내·애인을 가리킴)


Although the court did not recognize the same-sex couple as common-law partners, it viewed that the NHIS' decision was discriminatory, considering that the state health insurance program has been giving spousal benefits to heterosexual civil marriage couples.
법원은 동성 부부를 민법상 부부로 인정하지는 않았지만 남녀 간 부부에게는 사실혼 관계 배우자에 대해서도 직장 가입자의 피부양자로 등록할 수 있는 상황을 고려할 때 건보공단의 결정은 차별적이라고 보았다.


common-low partners (정식으로 결혼식을 올리지는 않은 사실혼 관계의) 파트너, 커플, 부부(남편/아내)

discriminatory 차별적인

considering that = inasmuch as = given that ~인점을 고려하면, ~을 고려하면

heterosexual = straight 이성애자

homosexual 동성애자

heterogeneous 여러 다른 종류로 이루어진

homogeneous 동종의, 동질의

homogeneous country 단일민족 국가

civil marriage (종교의식을 하지 않는)민간 결혼식


In February 2020, Kim Yong-min, 33, was able to register his partner, So Seong-wook, 32, as his dependent in the public health insurance system. It was the first known case of a same-sex couple doing so. The couple held a wedding ceremony in 2019, although their relationship is not recognized under Korean law.
2020년 2월 김용민(33)씨는 건강보험 직장 가입자로서 배우자 소성욱(32)씨를 피부양자로 등록할 수 있었다. 동성 부부가 이런 시도를 한 첫 사례로 알려졌다. 이 부부는 한국의 법 체계 아래에서 정식 부부로 인정되지는 않지만 2019년 결혼식을 올렸다.


dependant 딸린 사람, 딸린 식구, 피부양자

the first known case 첫번째 알려진 케이스, 알려진 첫 사례

wedding ceremony = marriage = wedding 결혼식

marriage = matrimony = union 결혼생활, 결혼, 기혼임

get married = marry = tie the knot = get hitched = wed 결혼하다, 혼인하다

under the law 법에 따라

according to the constitution 헌법에 따르면, 헌법에 의하면


However, after finding out that the two were a same-sex couple, the NHIS reversed its decision saying that there had been an "administrative error." So filed an administrative lawsuit against the NHIS in January 2021, demanding it to rectify the decision.
하지만 이들이 동성 부부라는 사실을 알게 된 건보공단은 "행정 착오"였다며 결정을 번복했다. 따라서 이들 부부는 2021년 1월 결정을 바로 잡으라며 건보공단을 상대로 행정 소송을 제기했다.


find out ~을 알아내다, ~을 알게되다, ~을 적발하다

reverse = overturn = overrule = override 뒤집다, 뒤집히다, (판결 등을)뒤집다, 번복시키다

administrative error 행정상의 오류

file a lawsuit against = lodge a lawsuit against =institute a lawsuit against = bring a lawsuit against ~을 상대로 소송을 제기하다

administrative lawsuit 행정 소송

rectify = correct = fix = set right = set straight (잘못된 것을 바로) 잡다

disabuse = set sb straight = undeceive (오해·틀린 생각 등을) 바로잡아 주다


In November 2021, the Seoul Administrative Court ruled against the plaintiff, saying, "Based on existing civil laws, the union of a man and a woman is understood as the fundamental element of marriage and there are no legal grounds to expand that definition to same-sex couples."
2021년 11월 서울행정법원은 "현행법 체계상 혼인은 여전히 남녀의 결합을 근본 요소로 한다고 판단되고 이를 동성 간 결합까지 확장해 해석할 근거가 없다"며 원고 패소로 판결했다.


administrative court 행정재판소, 행정법원

rule against ~에 불리한 재결을 하다

rule in favor of ~에 우호적으로 판결하다

plaintiff = complainant 원고, 고소인

accused = defendant (재판에서)피고, 피고인, 피의자

civil law 민법

criminal law = criminal code 형사법, 형법

exising 기존의, 현재 사용되는

extant = existent 현존하는, 실존하는, 존재하는, 실재하는

union = marriage = matrimony 결합, 결혼생활, 결혼, 기혼임

be understood as ~로 이해 되어지다

fundamental element 가장 근본적인 요소

legal ground 법적 근거expand the definition to ~로 정의를 확장하다


The appellate courthowever, examined the issue based on the principle of equality before the law. During a hearing held in November 2021, it requested the NHIS to explain the difference between a couple in a civil marriage and a same-sex couple in regards to the Health Insurance Act.
하지만 이 2심 법원은 사법체계 안에서 평등의 원칙에 입각해 이번 사안을 검토했다. 2021년 11월 열린 청문회에서 법원은 건보공단에 건강보험법 상 이성과 동성 부부 간의 차이를 설명할 것을 요청했다.


appellate court = appeal court = court of appeal 상소법원, 항소법원

examine = inspect = invastigate = scrutinize = look into = check = study = review = consider 검토하다, 살펴보다, 조사하다, 면밀히 검토하하다

the principle of equality 평등의 원칙

before the law 법 앞에, 법 앞에서

hearing 공판, 청문회, 공청회, 해명할 기회, 청력, 청각

explain the difference between A and B ~사이의 차이를 설명하다

in regards to = as regards = as for = as to = in terms of = when it comes to = regarding = concerning = in the case of = about = on = referring to = pertaining to = touching = respecting = in respect to = with respect to  ~에 관해, ~에 관한한









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