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Government issues book on Korean alcohol in English - 정부, 한국 술에 대한 영문 단행본 발간

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 2. 27.



[Lifestyle] Government issues book on Korean alcohol in English

An English-language book featuring Korea's traditional alcohol, collectively called



An English-language book featuring Korea's traditional alcohol, collectively called "sool," has been published to help foreigners better understand the unique charms of Korean alcohol.
외국인들이 한국 술의 독특한 매력을 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 이른 바 "술"이라 고 불리는 한국의 전통 술을 다루는 영문 단행본이 발간됐다.


traditional alcohol = traditional liquor 전통술, 전통주

alcohol = alcohol beverage = alcoholic beverage = liquor = spirits = alcoholic drink = booze 술, 알코올음료, 주류

collectively call 총칭하다, 통틀어 부르다, 총괄하여 부르다

unique = uncommon = peculiar = characteristic = special = distinctive = unusual = individual = matchless = sui generis 독특한, 특유의, 흔치않은, 견줄데 없는

charm = fascionation = spell = entrallment = captivation = allure = attraction= magnetism = appeal 매력


The Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said Monday it recently issued "Hidden Charms of Korea: SOOL." The book is based on feature articles, interviews and expert contributions posted on the government's foreign language portal, Korea.net.
문화체육관광부 산하 해외문화홍보원 (KOCIS)은 월요일 "한국의 숨겨진 매력: 술"을 최근 발행했다고 밝혔다. 이 책은 정부의 외국어 포털인 코리아넷(Korea.net)에 게재된 특집기사와 인터뷰, 전문가 기고문 등을 엮어 만들었다.


issue = publish = bring out 발행하다, 발부하다, 발표하다, 지급하다, 교부하다

hidden charm 숨은 매력

hidden agenda = hidden intention = ulterior motive 숨은 의도, 숨은 저의

feature article = feature story 특집 기사 (어떠한 주제를 특별히 집중하여 쓴 기사)

expert contributions 전문가 기고문, 전문가 의견제시

post on = upload on 게시하다, 올리다


The 112-page book introduces not only famous green-bottled Korean alcohol "soju," but also traditional liquors that have not been widely known around the world, as well as foods that pair well with the alcohol and Korea's drinking culture.
112쪽 분량의 이 책은 녹색병으로 알려진 한국의 술 ‘소주'뿐만 아니라 그동안 세계적으로 널리 알려지지 않았던 전통주를 비롯해 술과 잘 어울리는 음식, 한국의 술 문화 등을 소개하고 있다.


traditional liquor = traditional alcohol 전통술, 전통주

not be widely known 널리 알려지지 않다

be widely known = be famous 널리 알려지다, 유명하다

pair well with = go well with = match well with ~와 잘 어울리다

suited for = suitable for = fit for = good = proper = appropreate for ~에 적합한, ~에 잘 어울리는

drinking culture 음주문화


Under the main theme of "Soolution," the book is divided into three sections ― "Soothing the soul," "Fusion of traditional and hip," and "Loved by Koreans and the world." Each of the sections has four to six sub-sections.
"술-루션"이라는 주제 하에, 이 책은 ‘영혼까지 달래주는 술', ‘전통과 힙한 현대의 만남', ‘우리 술, 한국을 넘어 세계로' 등 세 개의 항목으로 나뉜다. 각 항목별로 4~6개의 하위 영역이 있다.


under the theme of ~의 테마아래에, ~의 주제로

be divided into = be classfied into = parcel it off into = parcel it up into = be broken down into = be broken up into ~로 나누어지다

soothe = comfort = appease = placate = pacify = coax = cajole = calm down = soften = subdue 진정시키다, 달래다, 가라앉히다

fusion 융합, 결합, 퓨전음악

hip and trendy 최근 유행하는

sub-sections 하부 섹션, 하위절, 하위영역

a subset of = a part of ~의 부분집합, ~의 일부


The "Soothing the soul" section introduces traditional alcohols, including "munbaeju" which is made with grain but has the scent of pear; "gamhongno" with which a turtle tempts a rabbit to come to the underwater palace in the folk tale of "Byeoljubujeon" and the well-known rice wine, "makgeolli." It also tells the stories of alcohol-making masters who struggled to keep traditional methods of production from falling out of use.
‘영혼까지 달래주는 술'에서는 곡식으로 빚은 술에서 배의 향기가 나는 ‘문배주', ‘별주부전'에서 자라가 토끼를 용궁으로 유인하며 언급한 ‘감홍로', 쌀로 만든 유명한 술인 막걸리 등 전통주를 담았다. 또 전통주가 사라질 위기에서 고유의 술을 지키기 위해 고군분투했던 장인들의 이야기를 담고 있다.


be made with ~로 만들어 지다

be made of = consist of = be composed of = be comprised of ~로 구성되다, ~로 이루어지다

turtle = tortoise 바다거북, (모든 종류의) 거북 

tempt = coax = wheedle = sweet-talk = entice = lure = attract 꾀다, 유혹하다, 유인하다, 구슬리다

underwater palace = palace of sea kings 용궁

folk tale = folk story 민간설화, 민담

fairy tale = fairy story = children's story 동화, 꾸며낸 이야기

fable = allegory 우화

rice wine = makgeolli 막걸리

struggle to = grapple with = wrestle with ~을 위해 고군분투하다, ~하려고 애쓰다

traditional methods of production 전통 생산 방식

fall out of use 쓰이지 않게 되다, 필요없게 되다

gratuitous = unnecessary = superfluous 불필요한, 쓸데없는


The "Fusion of traditional and hip" section features a comparison of diluted soju and distilled sojucraft beer companies challenging prejudice against Korean beer; and some "premium" traditional liquor that innovates production methods.
‘전통과 힙한 현대의 만남'에서는 희석식 소주와 증류식 소주, 한국 맥주의 편견에 도전하는 수제맥주, 실험적인 제조 기법으로 주목받은 ‘프리미엄' 전통주 등을 다룬다.


featuer 특징으로 삼다, 특별히 포함하다, ~의 특징을 이루다, 이목구비(의 각 부분), 특색, 특징, 특성

comaprison ~와 비교, (A와 B의)비교, (A를 B에)비유

diluted 희석된, 희석식의

dilute = water down = adulterate = thin down 희석하다

distilled = spirituous 증류한, 증류하의 얻은

distill (distil) 증류하다, 정제하다, 증류하여 만들다

distilled liquor = hard liquor = spirituous liquor = spirits 증류주

craft beer 수제 맥주

challenge against = stand up to = confront = strike a blow against = face head-on ~에 도적하다, ~에 맞서다

production method 생산 방법, 제조 기법


In the "Loved by Koreans and the world" section, experts show ways of enjoying Korean alcohol and answer questions from foreigners about Korea's drinking culture. The experts include Yoon Sook-ja, the director of the Institute of Traditional Korean Food, and rapper and producer Jay Park, who launched Won Soju after setting up a new soju brand called Won Spirits.
‘우리 술, 한국을 넘어 세계로'에서는 전문가들이 한국 술을 즐기는 방법을 보여주고 한국의 음주 문화에 대한 외국인들의 질문에 답한다. 이들 전문가로는 한국전통음식연구소 윤숙자 소장과 원스피리츠라는 새로운 소주 브랜드를 설립한 후 원소주를 런칭한 래퍼 겸 프로듀서 박재범 등이 있다.

answer questions 질문에 답하다

drinking culture 음주 문화

rapper 래퍼, 랩가수

set up = establish = build = erect = found 세우다, 건립하다









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




