Fury : 격분, 분노, 격렬한 분노, 격노한 상태, (고대 그리스 신화 속의) 복수의 세 여신
Furious : 몹시 화가난, 맹렬한
Infuriate : 극도로 화나게 만들다
Infuriating : 정말 화나는, 정말 짜증나는
Fury is extreme anger
he went into a fury
he flew into a fury at the suggestion that he should pay
a fury is an avenging spirit
if you are in a fury, you are really angry
I gess a fury, an angry malignant person
a fury, a fit of an anger
a fury as well, I guess a violent frenzied action
the fury of the storm dissipated after several hours
the invaders unleash their fury when they finally broke into the city
they rode like fury, as fast as they could, violently and quickly
the fury of the hurricane
she beat my head off becuase she was in such a fury, she has blown her stack, she had flown off the handle
fury, rage, madness, ire, ruth, absolutely livid
to get one's goat
to make one's blood boil
to make one's hackles rise
to put them back up
to cause anger
to feel anger
to show anger
to provoke soembody
Furious, he was furious about what hand happend
he was extrememly angry
he was in a rage
he was absolutely furious
he was furiously angry
it makes me furious when our people are rude
she was furious with me
and then we've got a verb, to infuriate
to infuriate, to make somebody extremely angry
his rasict attitudes infuriate me
he is really infuriating
I was infuriated by his infuriating attitude
if you infuriate someone, you make them extremely angry
you enrange them, they become incensed
you send them into a rage
to go into a fury
intense and destructive rage
it really infuriates me when people are rude or when people don't pay their fair share of things
the player was infuriated by the judge's decision or referee's decision
she was absolutelly infuriated with me
I had infuriated her, I'd made her very very angry
this is all to do with anger
to make crazy with anger
to madden
to enrage
the slowness of the bureaucracy was absolutely infuriating
Formality : 5 for all