Flare : (보통 잠깐 동안) 확 타오르다, (순간적으로) 확 타오르는 불길, 확 타오르는 불꽃, 터지다, 치솟다, 갈수록 넓어지다, 갈수록 퍼지다, (사진술) 빛을 정면으로 받다, (구조를 위한)신호탄, 조명탄
Flare Up : 다시 확 타오르다, (질병/화/폭력등 나쁜것 부정적인 것) 갑자기 재발하다,갑자기심해지다, 벌컥 화를내다
Flare-Up : (분노 등의) 갑작스러운 표출, 갑작스런 재발, (불길이) 확 타오름
Flared : 나팔 모양의
to flare, means to burst into flames
to suddenly start burning very intensely
the fire flared, it started burning strongly
to burn brihtly for a short time but not regularly
there were flares of gas burning off
they are flaring off the waste gas
you could have a solar flare where there is intense rediation and fire coming out of the sun out of the surface of the sun
if you've ever seen an oil refinery or an oil platform, very often they have a chimney and at the top of this, there is a big flame, this is a flare
to flare up, to start burning brightly agian
one of the problems that firemen often have is that they think they've put out a fire but it flared up again in a certain place so they keep putting water on it
and the, we can use this verb, to flare or to flare up, to sudden become more intense
to flare up something like bad, violence or pain or anger
this is something that is bad, I wound't use it for something good
I think 'up' give the idea of again
tempers flared, tempers started burning
tempers flared up, this just says it there was clearly bed feeling anyway and then it came out all that it cactuallly happened again
you can also use this, flare up, to talk about an injury or a disease
my bad back has started flaring up
I've had a problem with a bad back a quite before and it flared up again
he seemed to have recovered from the disease but it flared up agian
violence can flared up, it suddenly starts or it suddenly gets worse
violence flared up among the demonstrators
to flare up, a sudden outburst or sudden intensification
hostilities flared up despite the fact that there had been a peace treaty
you can also have a phrasal noun, a flare-up
there was a flare-up of the situation again
it's like a sudden burst or a spurt or an outburst or a flurry of it
there are jeans wear or trousers where the bottom of the leg gets wider and wider
you could call these bell bottomes or flares, flares pants
to flare, to get wider
the entry or the entrance flared as you went further down the corridor
his nostrils flared in rage
a flare skirt, a skirt that flares, it gets a lot bigger
in photography, if you take a photo or a video and you've got the sun directly behind the person you're taking the video of, so the sun is directly in the camera, you get flare
you can't see properly, you've got this shine and you can't actually see very well the subject that you are filming
you could have a flare, it's like something that produces light
they were at sea in a lifeboat and when they heard an aircraft and they send up a flare. it's something that goes up into the sky and shines brightly to indicate that you are there
your car maybe has broken down and you can't move it from and it's in a dangerous position and you might put a flare on the road to tell other traffic that you are there to indicate that there's a problem
notice, don't confuse to the word ' flair '
Formality : 5 for flare and flare up