Flat Earther : 지구가 평평하다고 믿는 사람, 이미 잘못이 증명된 이론을 고집하는 사람
somebody who believe in flat earth theory
this is somebody literally who continues to believe that the Earth is flat and it's not round
there are still people who believe that the moon landings weren't real that all of the video and film was a mock-up
these people I would call them flat eathers
if you call somebody a flat earther, you are saying you are being critical
you can apply this more metaphorically
somebody who refuses to acknowledge the truth of something despite the fact that there is a huge amount of evidence to show that they're not right
it's somebody who clings to an old theory
climate change flat earther
election flat earther
Formality : 4.5
Flatpact : 플랫팩(납작한 상자에 부품을 넣어서 파는 자가 조립용 가구)
you go to a buy a piece of furniture and it comes in a flatpact and then you open the pack and you take out the pieces and you've got to put it together
you've ever been to IKEA to buy a piece of furniture but it comes in a flatpack and then you need to put the bits together
this is effectively furniture that is sold in pieces inside a box and then ready for you to put all the pieces together
a flatpack furniture
Formality : 5
Flat-Footed : 평발인, 무방비 상태의, 대처할 수 없는 상태인
if you are flat-footed, the bottom of your foot literally has no curve
and also, if you are flat-footed, you are in a situation where you are something unexpected or difficult happens and you are slow to react
particularly the phrase, to catch somebody flat-footed
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his question caught me flat-footed, i wasn't ready to answer
the reporter's questions caught the politicians flat-footed, he wasn't able to react quickly to this and he was unable to give some glib politicians answer
if you are flat-footed, you are in a position where you can't react
in a game in sports, very often you can catch your opponent flat-footed, he is not ready to react to what you have done
Formality : 4
Flat Rate : 고정요금, 정액요금
a flat rate, is where everybody is charged the same amount no matter how much you use
with your mobile phone, if you have a flat rate subscription to our mobile phone company, you paid the same every month no matter how many gigabytes you use
everybody needs to make a flat rate contribution, everybody pays the same amount
a rate that is at a particular level and does not change no matter how much of service you use
a flat rate pricing
a flat rate inteset
Formality : 5
Flatbed : (짐칸이 노출되어 있는) 평상형 트럭, 평상형 트레일러
a flatbed truck, this is a vehicle to carry things that is just got a flat bed
this is normally a trailer for a truck
it's got no size and you can put a great big load on it
these trucks that carry trees or wood, normally they use a flatbed
you can also use this phrase for a railway carriage
that is just flat and then you can put wide loads on it or heavy loads on it
it's easier to load or to manipulate thing the load
Formality : 5