Hose : 호스, 호스로 물을 뿌리다, 호스로 씻어내다, 양말류(타이즈, 스타킹, 양말류 통칭)
Hose down : 호스로 ~을 씻어 내리다
Hosiery : 양말류(타이츠, 스타킹, 양말을 통칭. 특히 상점에서 쓰는 말)
Hosier : 양말·메리야스 장수, 제조업자
Air Hose : 압축 공기 호스, 공기 양말 (맨발로 신음을 일컬음)
Home and Hosed : 목표치에 무사히 도달하는, 목적을 달성한, (어려운 상황이후에) 안전한 상태에 도달한
Like Drinking from a fire hose : (많은 양의 정보나/데이터 등에 의해) 완전히 압도된
Get Hosed by : (~에) 속다, ~의 속임수에 넘어가다
If you want to water your garden, you've got these long flexible plastic tube that connects to the tap and turn on the water and you use the hose to hose down the garden
a hose, this is plastic tube
where you spray everything and everybody
a fireman uses a hose to put out the fire
hose down, to wash down with a hose
to drench
he hose down the patio
maybe you hose down the patio, you spray with water. this is a hose
to hose somebody or to hose somebody down, to spray them completely
before you let that dog in the house, you are gonna have to hose him donw because he's covered in mud
after putting soap all over the car, I had to hose it down
to hose off, to spray in order to clean it as well
hose, also means tights
you know in medieval times, these things sort of like tracksuit bottoms or tights that people used to wear, these are hoses
people no longer really wear hose but this still survives in the word pantyhose
a pantyhose, tights
a ladies tights, but old-fashioned days medieval trousers that men used to wear
the hosiery department or section in the department store, this is talking about where they sell ladies stockings, they sell socks and they sell tights
and then you have a hosier, it is probably very old fashioned but this is the person who sells these things
a hosier or a hosiery, the personal and the place where they sell socks and tights and stockings and these sort of things
you could have an air hose as well
when you pump up your tires and check the pressure in the tires in your car, you use an air hose
but you can use this humorously, to say when you are not wearing stockings
my granny doesn't like it where young ladies are always in air hose
to be home and hosed, this is mostly Australian and New Zealand English
meaning to have finished something completely
like drinking from a fire hose
it's like drinking water from a fire hose
it's like driinking from a hose
to be overwhelmed completely by something
there were so many clients that it was like drinking from a fire hose
you could get hosed as well
to be deceived or to be cheated
I got hosed by that traveling salesman
Formality : 5 for a hose to spray
Formality : 5 for wearing a hose
Formality : 4 for idioms of like drinking from a hose, air hose
Formality : 4 for to be home and hosed