As adverb As : 같거나 최대한으로
we know well as adjective as structure but we can also use this with adverb
as adverb as you can, so equal to the maximum
notice, the adverb is defining an a verb that comes before it
try to use this as adverb as, it's quite neat
it's more interesting than these metaphors like as adjective as, as black as, as cheap as
with adverbs, they will look nice
I push as hard as I could
I pushed as powerfully as I was able
de dressed as elegantly as he could
I want you to walk as slowly as you want
I would like this done as quickly as you possibly can
I want you to do this as detailed a way as you can, detailed a way which is an adverbial phrase
you can spend as extravagantly as you desire
Do it as often as you need
Do it as slowly as you wish
Do this work as carefully as possible
I spend money as quickly as I earn it
as quickly as
as rapidly as
nost commonly with the verbs
as adverb as you want
as adverb as you can
as adverb as you are able
as adverb as you need
as adverb as possible