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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

733. Gestalt - German in English - English Vocabulary - Gestalt / Gestalt Therapy

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 2. 6.

Gestalt : 게슈탈트, 전체적인 상태, 전체적인 형상 (부분이 모여서 된 전체보다는 완전한 구조와 전체성을 지닌 통합된 전체로서의 형상과 상태를 가리킨다)

Gestalt Therapy : 게슈탈트 심리 요법


the Gestalt of something is where you look at something as a whole
where something as a whole is much more in its individual parts
very often things have lots of individual parts but if you put it all together, it has a lot more or it's more beautiful or interesting
this is something where you consdier it as a whole
you could look at the individual charateristics of person, he is very generous and he is intelligent but maybe you want to look at the gestalt of this person, the whole person or the whole character 
an organized whole, that is more than just the individual parts put together

if you go to a really good restaurant, the gestalt is more important than just the quality of the food. it's the gestalt so it's the taste of the food that is the most important but the presentation on the plate and explanations that waiters give are also important as a whole for this Michelin-starred restaurant 
you need to look at going to this restaurant as one whole experience and that is the idea of the gestalt
going to the opera, there are various different factors like beautiful bright costumes, people on stages, singing, movement and theater. I think there is the thing has a gestalt where going to the opera are not just going for the music and you are going for the whole experience. this is the idea of the gestalt of something
looking at the whole thing
something that has particular qualities when you consider it as a whole  
these little tiny things are not obvious to you when you think about the separate parts of it
there is a lots of gestalt in cooking  
to consider as a whole



they often use this for in psychology
you even have a gestalt therapy where you try and improve the overall welfare of how they feel
psychological gestalt of a person



Formality : 6.5







