Domino : 도미노 패, 도미노 게임, 사슬같이 이어지다, 연쇄적으로 발생하다
Domino Effect : 도미노 효과(하나의 사건이 비슷한 사건들의 연쇄적인 발생을 초래하는 효과)
Domino Theory : 도미노 이론 (한 나라가 공산화되면 인접 국가들도 공산화된다는)
we all know what is a domino, it's kind of game
but we have domino effect, domino theory
we use this domino effect, to talk about a situation which effects a series of additional events
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand dominoed into the first World War
a domino effect, this is one thing affacts another affects another and affects another
the start of a war has a domino effect, so the war starts and people start fighting and people become much more mervous so they spend less money so the economhy gets worse
it's like a row of dominoes where the first one falls and it hits the nex one which hits the next one
I am thinking about the butterfly effect as well. with a butterfly beating its wing causes a huge storm somewhere thousands of miles away. this is the same as the domino effect
one event causes antother event which causes another event. this is the domino effect
if you catch a train or an airplane, it's delayed by a little bit this causes a domino effect
it's knock-on effect
the train if it leave for half an hour late then it's not programmed into the system when it gets to a certain junction and it has to wait and if it han been on time it would have gone straight through the junction
the train arrives late which means that you can't catch your connection with the next train and this is the idea of the domino effect
you can use this verb, to domino
to domino into something
the initial effects dominoes into many other things
to concatenate
if something dominoes, you have a row of dominoes, you stand them up one next to the other next to the other next to the other and if you knock the first one over it knocks the second which knockes the third which knoks the forth and continue
Formality : 5