Hang about / Hang around : 어슬렁 거리다, 배회하다, ~와 많이 어울리다, ~와 많은 시간을 보내다
this means to stay in a place
to loiter
to linger
if you hang about after the party, I can show you my new project
if you hang about after the concert, I will introduce you to the star
to stay extra time
to stay longer
Hang about with / Hang around with / Hang out with / hang with : ~와 많이 어울리다, ~와 많은 시간을 보내다
to spend time with people
to hang around with, to hang about with, to hang out with are the same
he is hanging around with some rather unsavory characters
she hangs about with some bery interesting people
to spend time with
Hang about : 잠깐! 잠깐만! 일분만!
notice, quite interestingly, there is an interjection, an exclamation in English
hang about! wait a minute hold on one second
hang around! but it's normally hang about!
meaning, slow down, stop wait wait wait
hang about! don't act yet
Hang back / Hang behind : 잠깐만 좀 망설여봐!, ~을 주저하다, ~을 망설이다, 뒤로가다, 뒤에 서다
don't act now hang back hang back
don't act immediately hang back for a week and then you can act
when the vendor gives you
to be hesitant
to hang back, or maybye hang behind as well is to go behind a group of people
he was hanging behind his friends because he was afraid there was a confrontation
he was hanging behind everybody so that he wouldn't get hurt
soembody hangs back or somebody hangs behind, intransitive
Hang in : (역경에도) 굴하지 않다, 포기하지 않고 꿋꿋이 버티다
Hang in there
to hang in, don't give up
keep trying to do it
if you hang in long enough you will be successful
many students start studying English and give up after a couple of months, but if you hang in with it you would be successful
Hang on : (남에게 하는 말로) 잠깐, 기다려봐, 멈쳐봐, ~을 꽉 붙잡다,계속하다, (팔거나 버리지 않고) 계속 보관하다
to hang on, wait a second hang on
it's the same as this hang about expression
wait a second
wait wait wait
Hang on : ~을 꽉 붙잡다, 포기하지 않고 계속하다
this is the same idea is to continue to hold
to hang on, not to give up
if you want to stop doing it now, it's not a good idea, hang on for for a couple of weeks
wait don't act now continue trying
don't give up hang on, you will be able to do it
hang on until Christmas
Hang on to something : (팔거나 버리지 않고) 계속 보관하다
to hang on to something
to keep something
not to give it away
I am ging to lend you m book but hang on to it untile I see you next week
here are my car keys, hang on to them untile you've finished withh the car
to keep something until a certain point
to not get rid of it
Hang out : ~와 많이 어울리다, ~와 많은 시간을 보내다
to spend time with someone
kids hanging out in the park
he hangs out with his friends over the weekend
Hang over : (이전 부터 계속)이어져 내려오다, 계속되다, 숙취
something hanging over, it continues from the previous session
we've got a couple of items hanging over from last time
it's something that has come forward from a previous session
this is something haning over from last time
Hangover : 숙취, (더 이상 쓸모없는 과거의) 유물
also, hungover, hang over
all my head hurts, I drank too much las night
I've got a terrible hangover
Hang together : 잘 들어 맞다, 일치하다, 일관되다, 단결하다, 협력하다, 잘 붙어 다니다
to hang together, to be united, to make sense
his argument doesn't hang together, it doesn't hold together. it's not logical, the pieces don't fit
these two pieces won't hang together
it has cohesion
everything hangs together, it holds together very well
I think we also use this meaning don't fall apart
I know this situation is very stressful but hang together until the end. keep things together and don't let things fall apart
it's got this idea of coming together and the idea of unity
I guess people could hang together
this group is always hanging together
there is some sort of unity in the group
they hang out together
Hang Up : 전화를 끊다
he hung up on me
to stop a phone call
to finish a phone call
he hung up on me in mid-sentence
to finish a phone call
it's rud to hang up on somebody in the middle of conversation
Hang upon / hang on : ~에 달려있다, ~에 의지하다
my fate is haning by a thread
to be the pivotal point, to be the central thing, to hinge on
this project hangs upon whether we can get enough money to finance the project properly
hangs upon a thread
it depends on
whether we go or not
depends upon
hangs on
Hang with : (포기하지 않고)계속하다, ~와 어울리다, 사귀다, ~와 함께 남다
to hang with it, to continue doing it
don't give up, to hang on, to hang in, to hang with
hang with it, don't give up
he hangs with his friends
you could hang with people
he hangs with some very unsavory people
he spends time with
he hangs with his friends the whole time
Formality : 3.5 - 4 for all