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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

728. Charm Offensive - Idioms - English Vocabulary - Charm Offensive / Launch a Charm Offensive

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 2. 5.

Charm Offensive :  (정치인 등이) 사람들의 마음 사로잡기, (원하는 것을 얻기위해 과도한 친절이나 호의적) 매력발사, 매력공세, 마음잡기



charm offensive, is an attempt to achieve something, to get someting done by using charm
to be terribly nice and terribly polite  and terribly helpful in order to get something that you want
if I ask my ded, can I borrow the car on next Saturday night, he's just going to say no. So, first of all I need to launch a charm offensive and then ask him and maybe then he will say yes and this is the idea of a charm offensive
particularly, to launch a charm offensive
you launch an offensive, an offensive is an attact in a military sense. so any army is on the offensive. but charm offensive is an attack of charm, an attack of being nice or being helpful
it's a concentrated attempt to gain favor or to look respectable by being incredibly cooperative and incredibly obliging



this phrase, charm offensive is very often used by journalists to talk about politicians 
if here is a political scandal, the first thing politician does or the political party does is launch a charm offensive, you have to reduce the impact of this scandal 
you could use launch a charm offensive against your opponents or somebody who is causing problems for you in order to get them to be more gentle with you in a much more favorable light
a government when they first get into power, they do exactly what they want and then as the election comes close they suddenly mount a charm offensive and they do everything they can look like they are helpful and to look very good because they want people to vote for them
it's using your personal charm or a calculated campaign to get favor or support
you could stage a full-on charm  offensive. in the media, so that everyone thinks you are wonderful
maybe the United States needs to launch a charm offensive to try to appease the African community or the Afro-American community
to calm people down, to make people friendly to your point of view


Formality : 5








