Marshal : (특정 목적을 위해 사람(특히 군대) 또는 노력/사물/생각 등을) 모으다, 집결시키다, (육공군)원수, (스포츠 행사의) 진행 요원, (미국)연방법원집행관
martial : 싸움의, 전쟁의
if you marshal things or people, you organize them or you bring them together in order to achieve something, particularly this talks about the oganization of soldiers
the general marshaled his troops getting them ready for an attack
to arrange, to place, to maneuver, particularly for soldiers
we can also use this metaphorically
to put something in a methodical order, to arrange
the policeman interviewed me so that he could marchal the facts
if you are writing going to do an essay in an exame, you need to marshal the things that you are going to say one a piece of paper before you start
you could marshal your energy
to marshal something, to organize something for a particular aim
if your resources are limited, you need to marshal your resources to use them appropriately, or to arrange them so that you can use them to their best effect
to assemble something methodically
you arrange facts, ideas, objects
if you can marshal your thoughts, then it's easier to explain things
to marshal your facts
to marshal your resources
now we have the noun, a marshal
a field marshal, this is normally the top person in the army, maybe below the commander in chief field
a marshal or a field marshal orders the troops
the marshal marshals the troops
now very often at a public event, there will be marshals
these are people to tell you where to go or to tall you where to park
you arrive in your car at some big sporting events and there are marshals wearing yellow or orange jackets who tell you where to park or where to go
these are effectively ushers, they are people who are telling you what to do
they are helping with smooth running of the events
they are like the helpers of the organizers
they've always got a walkie-talkie as well at these big events
now in the U.S., a marshal is a law enforcement officer
a person who is a federal police officer
effectively a person who helps the sheriff
a federal marshal
notice, but, be careful
Don't confuse this word 'marshal' with 'martial'
martial arts
martial talks about things that are related to war, military
martial law
martial music
this is a different word
Formality : 5 for lawman or person telling you where to go
Formality : 6 for to marshal your efforts/resources