Domineering : 지배하려고 드는, 군림하려고 드는, 독재적인, 고압적인, 자기주장만 내새우는
Domineer : 압제하다, 지배하려고 하다, 권세를 부리다, 독재하다
Domineeringly : 지배하듯이, 군림하듯이, 횡포하게, 거만하게
if you describe somebody as domineering, they are always trying to control other people
he is a very arrogant and domineering person
he is incredibly bossy and tyrannical
she has a very domineering husband, he control everything she does
a domineering mother-in-law or a domineering mother
this is to assert your will but very arrogantly like you have the right to do it
a boss who is very domineering generally is not very effective
somebody who is overbearing, they are obsessed with controlling everyone else
if you say somebody is domineering, you are disapproving
authoritarian, oppressive
submissive, the opposite of domineering
bossy, assertive, over-assertive, oppressive, telling everybody what to do
overbearing, arrogant, authoritarian, oppressive, autocratic, dictatorial, bossy, tyrannical, despotic, high-handed
very preemptory
domineering attitude
they are imperious
domineering tyrant
people that are very domineering are there are toxic personalities
to domineer, i think to domineer is probably less common
the dictator domineered the population
to domineer, to dominate
Formality : 6 - 6.5