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Urgent tasks for reform - [사설 읽기] 시급한 개혁 과제

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 12. 24.



Urgent tasks for reform

Yoon needs to embrace opposition to implement pledges 윤 대통령, 약속 이행 위해 야당 포용 필요해



Yoon needs to embrace opposition to implement pledges
윤 대통령, 약속 이행 위해 야당 포용 필요해


urgent = pessing = imminent = desperate 시급한, 긴급한, 절박한

reform = reformation = turn over a new leaf = renovation = revamp = reshuffle = realignment = reorganization = rearrangement = restructuring = shake-up = shake-out 개혁, 개선, 개편, 개혁, 쇄신, 개각

embrace = hug = encompass = hold in ons's arms 껴안다, 포용하다, (생각/제의등을 열렬히)받아들이다, 수용하다, 포괄하다, 아우르다

implement = carry out = pu in practice = execute = bring into force = come into force = enforce = go into effect = become effective = take effect = become operative 시행하다, 실시하다, 집행하다, 수행하다

oppostion = opponent = foe = enemy = dissenter = adversary = antagonist = rival = match = objector 상대편, 적수, 반대자

proponent = advocate = backer = suppoter = countenancer = adherent = cheerleader = cohort = well-wisher = upholder = loyalist = friend 지지자, 옹호자

pledge = promise = swear = vow = oath = commitment 약속, 맹세, 공약


Elated by the recent rebound in his approval rating, President Yoon Suk-yeol has geared up efforts to have brisker communications with the public. For starters, Yoon hosted a town hall meeting to discuss major national initiatives last Thursday. The meeting was designed to review the implementations of key policies since he took office in May and explore visions for the next year.
최근 지지율 반등에 힘입은 윤석열 대통령이 국민과의 소통에 박차를 가하고 있다. 우선 윤 대통령은 지난 목요일 주요 국가 이슈를 논의하기 위해 타운홀 회의를 주재했다. 이번 회의는 지난 5월 취임 이후 주요 정책 추진현황을 점검하고 내년도 비전을 모색하기 위해 마련됐다.


elated = exultant = triumphant 마냥 행복해 하는, 신이난, 의기양양한

rebound = rally = recover = recuperate 다시튀어오르다, (공이)다시튀어오름, 리바운드, (남을 노리고 한 행동의 나쁜 결과가 자기에게로) 되돌아오다, 역풍을 맞다

turnaround = turnabout = about-face = about-turn 호전, 급전, 반전, (태도·계획 등의) 180도 전환, 돌변

approval rating 지지율, 지지도

gear up effort = step up effort = roll up one's sleeves = be poised to = beef up = amp up = ramp up = strengthen = consolidate = solidify = double down on = spur up = pick up speed = gather speed = give impetus to = accelerate = put spurs to = speed up 박차를 가하다, 노력을 배가하다, ~할 태세를 갖추다, 강화하다

brisk 빠른,바쁜, 활발한, 딱딱한, 사무적인, (차갑지만)상쾌한

bristle 곤두서다, (화가나서)발끈하다, 짧고 뻣뻣한 털, (솔의 짧은)털 한 가닥

bustle 바삐움직이다, 서두르다, 부산함, 북적거림

bustling 부산한, 북적거리는

for starters = first of all = above all = first = first up = first off = to begin with = for a start = to start with = for a kickoff 우선, 먼저, 첫째로

town hall meeting 타운홀 미팅 (정책등의 논의를 위한 비공식적 공개회의)

national initiative 국가 계획, 국가 계획안

be designed to = be meant to = be planned to = be inteded to = be aimed to = be set to = be expected to ~할 예정이다, ~할 의도이다, ~할 계획이다

review = look through = reassess = go over 재검토하다, 재평가하다, 다시살펴보다

re-look = reconsider = think twice = rethink = have a rethink 재고하다, 재 고려하다, 다시생각하다

take office = inaugruate = be inaugurated = be sworn in as = take the helm of the state 취임하다

explore = quest = seek for = pursue = run after = chase after = follow = look through 탐색하다, 살펴보다, 모색하다


The 150-minute live video of the event featured briefings by relevant ministers in charge of three major issues — pensions, labor and education — with the theme of "economy, people's livelihood and vision and strategy in provincial era." Yoon and the ministers engaged in a question-and-answer session with some 100 public panelists.
약 150분 길이의 행사 생중계 영상에는 ‘경제와 민생, 지방시대의 비전과 전략'을 주제로 연금·노동·교육 등 3대 현안을 담당하는 관계부처 장관들의 브리핑이 담겼다. 윤 대통령과 장관들은 100여 명의 공개 패널들과 질의응답 시간을 가졌다.


feature 특별히 포함하다, 특징으로 삼다, ~의 특징을 이루다, 이목구비(각부분), 특색, 특징, 특성

briefing 브리핑(정보나 지시를 전달하는 회의), (브리핑에서의)정보, 지시

debrief (방금 수행한 임무에 대해) 보고를 듣다

debriefing 임무보고, 보고회, 정보보고

debriefing session 임무 수행 보고 시간

relevant ministers 관련 장관들

relevant ministries 관련 부처들

with the theme of ~주제로, ~테마로

livelihood = living = existence 생계, 생계수단

pension 연금

national passion = national annuity 국민 연금

annuity insurance 연금 보험

provincial 주의, 도의, (수도를 제외한)지방의, 지방사람, 출신자

municipal 시의, 읍의, 군의, 지방자치제의

prefecture = city = province 도, 현, 지방행정구역

precinct = district = constituency = borough 지역, 지구, 선거구, 관할구, 관할 경찰서

engage in = take part in = participate in = partake in = join in ~에 참석하다, ~에 참가하다

question-and-answer session 질의 응답 시간

panelist (panellist) (방송 등 공개 토론회의) 토론자, 패널리스트

jury = juror = judge = panel 심사위원, 배심원


It is the second time for Yoon to have a live-broadcast meeting since October when he convened an emergency economic meeting. The presidential office is set to hold a similar meeting early next year covering issues of foreign affairs, security and agriculture. Given this, such meetings presided over by the head of state will likely be the main format for briefing of the Yoon administration's policies to the people.
윤 대통령의 생중계 회의는 지난 10월 비상민생경제회의를 소집한 이후 두 번째다. 청와대는 내년 초 외교안보, 농업 등을 다루는 유사한 회의를 열 예정이다. 이런 점을 감안할 때 이와 같은 회의는 윤 정부의 정책을 국민에게 설명하는 주요 형식이 될 것으로 보인다.


live-broadcast = live video 생방송, 생중계

convene = convoke = summon = call (회의를)소집하다

preside over = chair (회의를)주재하다, 의장을 맡다

presidential office 대통령실, 청화대, 대통령 집무실

be set to  = be designed to = be meant to = be planned to = be inteded to = be aimed to = be expected to ~할 예정이다, ~할 의도이다, ~할 계획이다

cover = address = navigate = touch on = handle = tackle = anticipate = cope with = deal with = treat 다루다, 처리하다

foreign affairs 외교문제, 국제관계, 외무

agriculture = farming = farming industry = agricultural industry 농업, 영농

fishing industry = fisheries 수산업, 어업

angling = fishing (취미로서의)낚시

head of state = commander-in-chief 국가의 원수, 국가원수, 수뇌, 총사령관, 국군통수권자 대통령

format (무엇의 전반적인) 구성 방식, 포맷을 만들다, 체재를 갖추다

paradigm 전형적인 양식, 인식체계, 범례, 모범

framework = scaffold = system = frame = shell = skeleton = outline 체계, 틀, 뼈대


This new device came since the press doorstep meets on Yoon's way to work came to an end. Amid growing criticism for lack of communications channels since then, Yoon seems to have opted for the new format to facilitate contact with the public. It is encouraging that the meeting tackled major issues pertinent to the people's livelihood such as housing supply and health insurance coverage.
이 새로운 장치는 윤 대통령의 출근길 기자회견이 끝난 뒤 나왔다. 이후 소통 채널이 부족하다는 비판이 커지는 가운데 윤 대통령은 국민과의 소통을 위해 새로운 형식을 택한 것으로 보인다. 이번 회의에서 주택공급, 건강보험 등 민생과 관련된 주요 현안들이 논의된 점은 고무적이다.


device = apparatus = tool = system = format (특정 작업을 위해 고안된) 장치, 기구

doorstep 문간(의 계단), (보통 샌드위치용으로 쓰는) 두툼하게 썬 식빵, (기자가 취재를 위해 반기지 않는데도) 집으로 찾아 가다

doorstepping 호별 방문, (기자 등의) 남의 집 문 앞에서 대기하기, (주로 공개된 장소에서 이뤄지는) 약식회견

on one's way to ~로 가는 길에, ~가는 도중에

come to an end = finish = terminate = end = close = conclude = complete 끝내다, 마무리짓다, 끝마치다

communication channel 의사소통 채널

opt for (~을 하기로/하지 않기로) 택하다

facilitate = enable 가능하게하다, 용이하게하다

encouraging = cheerful = inspring = welcome  고무적인, 힘을 북돋아주는

impressive = imposing = splendid = eye-catching = inspring = memorable = toching = moving 인상적인, 감격적인

tackle = cover = address = navigate = touch on = handle = anticipate = cope with = deal with = treat 다루다, 처리하다

pertinent to = related to = pertaining to = linked to = connected to = coupled with = relevant to = associated with = involved in = concerning = regarding = as regards = with respect to ~와 관련된, ~와 연관된

housing supply 주택 공급

health insurance coverage 건강보험 보장범위

indemnity insurance 손해보험


Despite such a positive aspect, however, the Yoon government's such endeavors would remain only a "show-off" event unless they are reinforced by feasible measures for implementation. Minister of Health and Welfare Cho Kyoo-hong announced the ministry would come with a plan for pension reform by next October with a focus on guaranteeing fairness and sustainability in pension operation.
이러한 긍정적인 측면에도 불구하고 윤 정부의 이러한 노력은 실행 가능한 조치가 뒷받침되지 않는 한 ‘과시' 이벤트에 불과할 것이다. 조규홍 보건복지부 장관은 내년 10월까지 연금 운영의 공정성과 지속성을 보장하는 데 중점을 둔 연금 개편안을 내놓겠다고 밝혔다.


aspect = respect = facet = angle = side = part = sense = feature = trait = characteristic 양상, 면, 관점, 측면

endeavor = effort = exertion = attempt = bid = try = shot = stab = push = dedication = devotion 노력, 시도, 애씀, 분투

show-off 과시적인 사람, 자랑쟁이

reinforce = strengthen = cement = consolidate = amp up = ramp up = beef up = retchet up = enhance = solidify 강화하다, 보강하다

feasible = viable = practicable = workable = pragmatic = realistic = substantial 실행가능한, 현실적인, 실질적인, 실용적인

implementation = introduction = execution = establishment = enforcement = fulfilment = realization = materialization 시행, 실행, 집행, 실현, 도입

come up with = work out = map out = put forward = put forth = set forth = devise = think up = contrive 고안해내다, 생각해내다, 내놓다, 제시하다

pension reform 연금 개혁

focus on = concentrate on = target in[on] = focalize on = center on ~에 초점을 맞추다

fairness = justice = righteousness = equity = impartiality = fair play = indemnity insurance = openness 공정함, 공정, 공평

sustainability 지속가능성, 유지가능성


In fact, the reform of the four major pensions including the national pension had been the most-touted priority in previous governments. Yet, such attempts ended in failure despite ambitious and flamboyant pledges. The Moon Jae-in government, in particular, remained inactive, wary of enormous repercussions and political burden. It is necessary for the administration and the National Assembly to join hands to extract a singular reform plan by April as they previously agreed.
사실 국민연금을 비롯한 4대 연금 개혁은 역대 정부에서 가장 우선적으로 내세웠던 과제였다. 그러나 그러한 시도는 야심차고 화려한 공약에도 불구하고 실패로 끝났다. 특히 문재인 정부는 엄청난 후폭풍과 정치적 부담을 경계하며 소극적인 태도를 유지했다. 정부와 국회가 합의한 대로 4월까지 단일 개혁안을 도출하기 위해 손을 맞잡을 필요가 있다.


the most-touted 가장 내세웠던, 가장 광고했던, 가장 홍보했던

the most-coveted 가장 탐내는, 가장 인기있는, 가장 탐내하던

the most sought-after 가장 수요가 많은, 가장 인기있는, 가장 선호하는

priority 우선사항, 우선, 우선권, 우선주행권

prioritize 우선순위를 매기다, 우선적으로 처리하다

attempt = endeavor = effort = exertion = bid = try = shot = stab = push = dedication = devotion 노력, 시도, 애씀, 분투

end in = culminate in = terminate in ~로 끝나다, ~로 막을 내리다, 결국 ~이 되다

failure = frustration = flop = turkey = fiasco = debacle = disaster 실패, 낭패

ambitious = aspirant = aspiring = ardent = fervent = zealous = enthusiastic = passionate 야심있는, 열정적인, 열렬한

flamboyant = dashing = showy = ostentatious 화려한, 현란한, 대담한, 이색적인, 과시하는, 대놓고 드러내는

inactive = passive = namby-pambyish = lukewarm = half-hearted = tepid = unenthusiastic  소극적인, 활발하지 않은, 효력이 나타나지 않는, 열의가 없는

wary of = cautious of = careful of ~을 경계하는, ~을 조심하는

repercussion = fallout = aftereffect = aftermath = sequela = implication = complication = rampification  영향, 여파, 결과

headwind = backlash = outcry = clamor 역풍, 발발

political burden 정치적 부담

necessary = essential = vital = integral = indispensable = principal = paramount = crucial = critical = important = cardinal  필수적인, 중요한, 없어서는 안될

joint hands = work together = join forces = combine forces = cooperate = collaborate = team up with = work hand in glove 협력하다, 함께 일하다, 손을 맞잡다

extract 뽑아내다, 얻어내다, 뜯어내다, 뽑다, 추출하다, 발췌, 초록

singular 단수형, 단수형의, 뛰어난, 두드러진


Yoon vowed to speed up efforts to reform the labor market, describing it as "inevitable" for the nation's sustainable growthAs he put it, the envisioned reform in the labor market should not be postponed any longer. According to data released by the International Management Development (IMD), South Korea ranked 42nd among the 63 major countries in terms of labor market competitiveness.
윤 대통령은 국가의 지속가능한 성장을 위해 불가피한 노동시장 개혁 노력에 속도를 내겠다고 다짐했다. 그의 말대로 노동시장 개혁은 더 이상 미뤄서는 안 된다. 국제경영개발대학원(IMD)이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국의 노동시장 경쟁력은 주요 63개국 중 42위다.


step up effort = gear up effort = roll up one's sleeves = be poised to = beef up = amp up = ramp up = strengthen = consolidate = solidify = double down on = spur up = pick up speed = gather speed = give impetus to = accelerate = put spurs to = speed up 박차를 가하다, 노력을 배가하다, ~할 태세를 갖추다, 강화하다

labor market 노동 시장

describe = hail = bill = liken = depict 묘사하다

sustainable growth 지속적 성장

put it 말하다, 표현하다, 언급하다

envisioned = envisaged  구상중인, 가시적인, 구상하고 있는postpone = put off = defer = delay = procrastinate = put on hold = suspend = push back 미루다, 연기하다rank = chalk up = claim = record = log = resister = score = mark = set a record 기록하다competitiveness = competitive edge = competitive power = competitive advantage 경쟁력


Employment and Labor Minister Lee Jung-sik said in the meeting, "The laws and institutions in the labor market have failed to catch up with the rapidly changing situation." Most of the national agenda including the reform issues require legislation of related laws. This means the Yoon administration can make progress in its bid to enact the laws only when it secures support from the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) which now holds 169 of the 299 Assembly seats.
이정식 고용노동부 장관은 이번 회의에서 "노동시장의 법과 제도가 급변하는 상황을 따라잡지 못했다"고 밝혔다. 개혁과제를 비롯한 대부분의 국정과제는 관련 법의 제정이 필요하다. 국회의원 299석 중 169석을 보유한 더불어민주당의 지지를 얻어야 윤 정부가 법 제정을 추진할 수 있는 것이다.


institution 제도, 관습, 보호시설, 기관, 단체, 협회

catch up with = keep up with = follow = go after (종도나 수준이 앞선 것을) 따라가다, 따라잡다

stay abreast of = keep abreast of = follow = stay on top of  ~을 빠삭하게 파악하고 있다, (특정 주제나 대상의 최신 사실, 동향, 정보 등)을 파악하고 있다

be left behind = lag behind = fall behind = fall short of 뒤쳐지다, 못 미치다

national agenda 국가 의제

legislate = enact a law = establish a law = legalize 법제회하다, 법을 제정하다

legislation = enactment = lawmaking = legalization 입법, 제정, 법제화

make progress in = advance in 진전시키다, 개선시키다

majority party 다수당

National Assembly seat 국회 의석


Beyond brisk communications with the public, Yoon now needs to double down on soliciting cooperation from the DPK. In this vein, Yoon should learn a lesson from the case of Denmark which gave birth to a coalition government of liberal and conservative forces for the first time in 40 years. Though the leftist alliance took power, it chose the coalition toward designing a better future. The ultimate goal of the Yoon administration should be building a better nation based on cooperation beyond partisan differences.
윤 대통령은 이제 국민과의 활발한 소통을 넘어 민주당의 협조를 구하는 일에 더욱 매진해야 한다. 그런 점에서 윤 대통령은 40년 만에 자유·보수 연합정부를 탄생시킨 덴마크 사례에서 교훈을 얻어야 한다. 좌파 연합이 권력을 잡았지만 덴마크는 더 나은 미래를 설계하기 위해 연합을 선택했다. 윤 정부의 궁극적인 목표는 당파를 넘어 협력으로 더 좋은 나라를 만드는 것이다.

brisk 빠른,바쁜, 활발한, 딱딱한, 사무적인, (차갑지만)상쾌한

double down on = gear up effort = step up effort = roll up one's sleeves = be poised to = beef up = amp up = ramp up = strengthen = consolidate = solidify = spur up = pick up speed = gather speed = give impetus to = accelerate = put spurs to = speed up 노력을 배가하다, 박차를 가하다, 노력을 배가하다, ~할 태세를 갖추다, 강화하다

solicit = implore = beg = woo = entreat = supplicate = ask earnestly = request repeatedly = beseech = appeal for 간청하다, 애원하다, 호소하다, 지지를 구하다

in this vein = in this context = in this regard 이러한 맥락엥서

learn a lesson from ~로부터 교훈을 얻다,~로부터 한 수 배우다

give birth to = bring about = beget = cause = arouse = stir up = lead to = result in (아이·새끼를) 낳다, (결과/상황을) 낳다, 불러일으키다, 초래하다

breathe life into = bring life into 활력을 불어 넣다, 생명을 불어 넣다

coalition government =coalition cabinet 연합정부, 연립정부

take power = sieze power = come into power = take the helm of 정권을 잡다

ultimate goal 최종 목표

ultimate = final 최후의, 궁극적인, 최종적인

ultimatum 최후통첩

based on = founded on ~에 근거하여, ~에 기초하여

partisan 당파적인, 편파적인, (특정 지도자집단사상의) 열렬한 지지자

non-partisan = bipartisan 양당의, 초당적인, 양당간의









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Korea Times Weekly




