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2022 top culture news: Korean wave reaches dizzying new heights - 한눈에 보는 2022년 대중문화: 한류, 아찔한 정점 도달

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 12. 21.



2022 top culture news: Korean wave reaches dizzying new heights

An expanded global presence - this may best describe Korea's culture and art scene in 2022, as a wider sphere of cultural fields has been in the international spotlight. '확장된 세계적 존재감’은 광범위한 대중문화 영역이 국제적으



An expanded global presence ― this may best describe Korea's culture and art scene in 2022, as a wider sphere of cultural fields has been in the international spotlight.
‘확장된 세계적 존재감'은 광범위한 대중문화 영역이 국제적으로 주목 받는 중인 2022년 한국의 문화 및 예술 현장을 가장 잘 설명할 수 있을 듯하다.


Korean wave = hallyu 한류

reach a height 정점에 도달하다

height = pinnacle = apex = zenith = top = summit = apogee = peak = climax = pitch = acme = vertex = cacumen = fleek = high note = kaisen 정점, 절정

heyday = prime = glory days = glory years = golden age 전성기, 한창때

dizzying 어지럽게 만드는, 어지러운, 아찔한

dizzy = giddy 어지러운, 아찔한, (너무 변화가 심해) 어지러울 정도인, 멍청한

presence 존재감, 존재, 입지, 영향력

in the presence of ~가 있는 데서, ~의 입회하에, ~의 면전에서

describe = depict = characterize = bill = hail = delineate = picture = portray 묘사하다, 그리다, 설명하다

scene = territory = area = sphere = front = field = arena = industry = domain 영역, 분야, 산업, 업계

be in the spotlight = be in the limelight = bask in popularity = become the talk of the town = take a high profile = draw attention = gain popularity = make a splash = make headline 인기를 얻다, 세간의 이목을 끌다, 주목을 받다

international = global = worldwide 전세계 적인, 글로벌한


These achievements were embodied in the many firsts and accolades bestowed at internationally acclaimed cultural festivals, including Korea's and Asia's first win at the Emmy Awards with "Squid Game," a Korean actor's first Cannes prize, dozens of awards in literature and classical music, the opening of a renowned art fair and new waves in K-pop and K-dramas.
이러한 성과는 ‘오징어게임'으로 한국 및 아시아 최초 에미상 수상, 한국 배우 최초 칸국제영화제 수상, 문학 및 클래식 음악 부문에서 수십 개의 상, 유명 아트페어 개최 및 K팝과 K드라마에서의 한류를 포함한 국제적으로 인정받는 문화 축제에서 받은 최초의 상들에 반영되어 있다.


achievement = feat = accomplishment = fulfillment = attainment 위업, 성취, 성과, 달성

embody = represent = reflect = manifest 포함하다, 담다, 상징하다, 구현하다

accolade 포상, 칭찬

bestow an accolade on = confer an accolade on ~포상을 수여하다, ~을 표창하다

the ultimate accolade 최고의 영예

acclaim 칭송하다, 환호를 보내다, (특히 예술적 업적에 대한) 찬사, 창찬

cultural festival 문화 축제

dozens of 수십의, 많은

renowend = famed = noted = prominent = famous = distinguished = celebrated = named = outstanding = highly reputed = well-known = well-established = acclaimed 유명한, 명성있는, 저명한


Here are the top eight news stories in art and culture that have made the headlines in 2022.
지금부터 2022년 헤드라인을 장식한 예술 및 문화 분야의 핵심 뉴스 8가지를 소개한다.


make headline = be in the spotlight = be in the limelight = bask in popularity = become the talk of the town = take a high profile = draw attention = gain popularity = make a splash  인기를 얻다, 세간의 이목을 끌다, 주목을 받다


Korean cinema rides high
한국 영화의 상승세


ride high  잘 나가다, 높은 자리에 오르다

ride the high horse 잘난 듯이 날 뛰다

rise to stardom = climb to stardom스타가 되다, 스타덤에 오르다

rocket to stardom 순식간에 스타가 되다


Auteur Park Chan-wook won the Best Director prize at the 75th Cannes Film Festival in May for his romance noir "Decision to Leave," becoming the second Korean director to win the award.
박찬욱 감독은 지난 5월 제75회 칸국제영화제에서 로맨스 느와르 영화 '헤어질결심'으로 한국 감독으로는 두 번째로 감독상을 수상했다.


auteur (독창적·개성적인) 영화감독

movie director 영화감독

prize = award = accolade 상, 포상, 표창

triumph = victory = elation = pride 승리, 개가, 승리감, 환희, 대성공

acclaim = laud = praise = compliment = admire 칭찬, 찬사, 창찬하다, 환호를 보내다

applause = ovation = acclamation = plaudits = cheer = clapping and cheering 박수갈채, 환호갈채

standing ovation 기립박수

noir 누아르 영화, 암흑가 영화, 암흑가를 무대로한 비정한 범죄물, 누아르 영화[소설]풍의; 비정한, 암울한, 염세적인

wind an award = receive a prize = be awarded = carry off a prize[award] 상을 받다


It was his first directorial prize at Cannes although he had previously won the Grand Prix for the 2003 thriller "Oldboy" and the Jury Prize for the 2009 horror drama "Thirst."
스릴러 영화 '올드보이(2003)'로 심사위원 대상을, 공포 영화 '박쥐(2009)'로 심사위원상을 수상했지만 박찬욱 감동이 칸 영화제에서 감독상을 받은 것은 이번이 처음이다.


directorial (특히 영화) 감독의

previously = formally = before = last time = in the past = precedingly = antecedently 이전에, 그전에, 일전에

thriller = chiller = hair-raiser 스릴러물(특히 범죄·스파이 활동 등에 대한 흥미진진한 이야기를 담은 책·연극·영화)

action-thriller movie 액션 스릴러 무비

crime thriller 범죄 스릴러

horror drama[movie] 공포 드라마[영화]

sci-fi = science fiction 상 과학 소설[영화]

romantic comedy 로맨틱 코디미

jury = juror = judge = panel = examiner 배심원단, (시합의) 심사위원단

referee = umpire (스포츠 경기의) 심판, (취업 추천서를 작성해 주거나 하는) 추천인, 신원 보증인


"Decision to Leave" was also nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the upcoming Golden Globe Awards and Critics' Choice Awards.
'헤어질결심'은 다가오는 골든글로브 시상식과 크리틱스 초이스 시상식에서 외국어영화상 후보에 오르기도 했다.


be nominated for ~의 후보로 지명되다

nominate = appoint = name = designate = ordain = consecrate 임명하다, 지명하다, 선정하다

foreign language = foreign tongue 외국어

upcoming = forthcoming = coming = prospective 다가오는, 곧 있을

imminent = impending = urgent = pressing = forthcoming 목전의, 임박한, 금방이라도 닥칠 듯한, 긴급한


At Cannes, veteran actor Song Kang-ho won the Best Actor prize for his role in "Broker," led by Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda. He was the first Korean male actor to clinch a Cannes award.
칸국제영화제에서 베테랑 배우 송강호는 일본 고레에다 히로카즈 감독의 '브로커'로 남우주연상을 수상했다. 송강호는 칸 영화제에서 수상한 최초 한국 남자 배우다.


veteran = seasoned = skillful = skilled = experienced = practiced = weather-beaten = well-tried = consummate = trained = expert 숙련된, 경험이 많은, 노련한, 능숙한

led by = headed by = directed by ~가 이끄는, ~가 지휘한

clinch an award 상을 따다, 상을 획득하다

clinch = snag = grip = grasp = grab = seize = claim = acquire = garner = win = gain = accomplish = fulfil = achieve = attain = chalk up 획득하다, 얻다, 잡아채다, 성취하다,달성하다


BTS, as group and as individuals
개인 및 그룹 활동 펼친 방탄소년단


group = team = squad = organization = party = bloc = behemoth = juggernaut = syndicate 그룹, 조직

individual 개인, 개성있는 사람, 각각의, 개개의, 1인용 분의

individuality = personality = individual character = disposition = character = nature = temper = temperament = inclination = tendency = propensity = inherent character 개성, 특성, 성향


BTS has continued to write its illustrious history as an outstanding K-pop group in many ways. It got Grammy nominations for three consecutive years from 2021 to 2023, received a big win at the American Music Awards for the fifth year in a row, won prizes at the Billboard Music Awards for the sixth consecutive year and achieved several other outstanding feats.
방탄소년단은 여러 면에서 뛰어난 K팝 그룹으로서 눈부신 역사를 쓰고 있다. 2021년부터 2023년까지 3년 연속 그래미 후보에 올랐고, 아메리칸 뮤직 어워드에서 5년 연속 큰 상을 받았으며, 빌보드 뮤직 어워드에서 6년 연속 수상하는 등 여러 놀라운 업적을 달성했다.


illustrious = distinguished = glorious 저명한, 걸출한, 영광스러운

outstanding = striking = noticeable = noteworthy = prominent = famous = well-knon = remarkable = conspicuous = makred = exceptional = wonderful =awesome = brilliant = extraordinary = excellent = phenomenal 눈에 뛰는, 현저한, 우수한, 특출난, 비범한, 대단한

in many ways = in many respects = in various ways = in every way = manifoldly 여러모로, 여러면에서

nomination = designation = appointment = consecration 지명, 추천, 임명

nominate = appoint = name = designate = ordain = consecrate 임명하다, 지명하다, 선정하다

consecutive = straight = successive = in succession = in a row = a streak of = a concatenation of 연속되는, 연이은

feat = achievement = accomplishment = fulfillment = attainment 위업, 성취, 성과, 달성


In June, the K-pop superstar group surprised the world by announcing the halting of group activities and instead choosing to focus on individual endeavors. The decision was made because members of the group will have to carry out their mandatory military service in the coming years. Enlistment began on Dec. 13 for BTS' eldest member, Jin.
지난 6월에 이 K팝 슈퍼스타 그룹은 그룹 활동 중단을 선언하고 개인 활동에 집중하겠다고 발표해 전 세계를 놀라게 했다. 멤버들이 추후 몇 년 안에 군 복무를 완수해야 하기 때문에 이러한 결정이 내려졌다. 방탄소년단의 맏형인 진은 지난 13일 입대했다.


superstar 슈퍼스타(대단히 유명한 배우·가수·운동선수 등)

surprise = astonizh = throw into consternation = startle = shock = astound = amaze 놀라게하다, 뜻밖의 일, 놀라움, 소식, 기습하다, 뜻밖에 발견하다, 뜻밖에 마주치다

consternation = dismay 실망, 경악

halt = pause = hiatus = stop = standstill = suspension = cessation 멈추다, 서다, 중단시키다, 멈춤, 중단, (시골의)간이역

endeavor = exertion = effort 노력, 시도

mandatory military service = obligatory military service = compulsory military service 의무 군 복무

coming year = next year = new year 다가오는 해, 새해, 다음해

enlistment 입대, 징집

enlist (협조·참여를) 요청하여 얻다, 입대하다, 입대시키다, 징집하다, 모병하다

conscript = call-up = draft 징집, 징병

discharge = leave the army 제대하다


The members have since made several solo endeavors, so far successfully: J-Hope, Jin and RM released solo albums, which all garnered good responses for their quality; Jin appeared in a dozen entertainment programs; RM has been emceeing on an educational-entertainment TV show; and Jungkook participated in the official soundtrack for the Qatar World Cup and performed at the opening ceremony.
이후 멤버들이 여러 차례 시도한 솔로활동은 지금까지 성공적으로 진행되었다. 제이홉과 RM은 높은 퀄리티의 솔로 앨범을 발매해 좋은 반응을 얻었다. 진은 12개의 예능 프로그램에 출연했다. RM은 교육 예능 TV 쇼의 MC로 활동하고 있다. 또한 정국은 카타르 월드컵 공식 OST에 참여하고 개막식 무대에서 공연했다.


so far = hitherto = heretofore = to date = up to date = until now = up to the present = thus far = to this time = to this day = till now 지금까지, 지금까지는, 여때까지

hereafter = henceforth = henceforward = from now on = hereupon = from this time on = after this 이후로, 이제부터

garner = glean = gather = acquire = gather = gain = earn = obtain = get = chalk up 얻다, 모으다

good response 좋은 반응

rave review 호평,  (신문·잡지에 실린, 특정 영화·책 등을) 극찬하는 기사, 극찬하는 비평

emcee = MC (master of ceremonies) = compere (방송/행사) 사회자, 진행자, 엠시

participate in = take part in = join in = partake in = attend 참석하다, 참가하다

soundtrack (한 영화의 전체적인) 녹음 부분

opening ceremony 개막식, 개회식, 발회식

grand opening 개장, 개점, 개점축하, 개업식

closing ceremony 폐막식









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