Disabuse : (오해·틀린 생각 등을) 바로 잡아 주다
Disabused : 바로 잡아진, 계몽된, 깨달아진
to disabuse, this is great word
to disabuse somebody of something, this means to persuade somebody that what they believe is wrong
they thay wrong idea about something so you want to set the recod straight
to explain somebody who has the wrong idea the actual truth about something
I hate to disabuse you of your idea that life is fair but life is not fair
to disabuse, to free a person from an error from a misconception
to stop somebody's misconception
you enlighten them
you set the record straight
you open somebody's eyes to something
you are saying they are mistaken and they've got a misguided idea
you want to help people to rid themselves of this wrong idea
to show them that something that they believe is false
to correct them
to disabuse a common error or a misconception
I know he seems like a really nice guy but I hate to disabuse you but he is not a good person at all, I know a lot of unpleasant things about him
the government is trying to tell use that everything is fine and there's nothing to worry about but if you actually read the newspapers they will quickly disabuse you of this falsehood, of this lie, of this fallacy
you misconstrued what I said and I would like to disabuse you of your mistake
I quickly grew disabused (here is an adjective) of that idea, of that notion
we become disabused of this idealistic view of the world
Formality : 6.5