Roll Over : 수긍하다, 나가떨어지다, 항복하다, 굴복하다, 뒤집다, 전복되다, (복권당첨금)이월되다, (만기 후) 재투자하다, (부채상환) 연장하다, (경쟁자를) 가볍게 물리치다, 가볍게 해치우다
Rollover (Roll-over) : 롤오버, 이월금 (복권 추첨 등에서 특정 주에 당첨자가 없어서 그 다음 주로 넘어가는 당첨금), (차량의)전복사고, (만기후)재투자, (부채상환)연장
to roll over, we can firstly use it to mean, to agree to what somebody wants you to do because they are pressuring you to do it or because you are under their control
my boss says I have to work this weekend but I am not going to roll over, I am not going to submit to his pressure
this idea comes from a dog when fighting, it does rolled over and this is a sign of submission
if somebody rolls over, they give in to pressure, they say yes because they don't want to any problems
I don't care how much my wife shouts at me about this but I amnot going to roll over
when you are accused of something by the police, it's probably beest just to roll over and accept your punishment
a car can roll over
the car came round the corner too fast, it skidded and rolled over
you can have special rollover bars to stop the roof crashing in on your head
I was asleep and I rolled over onto my back
when play the lottery, you could have a rollover lottery. the prize money rolls over
if nobody winds the lottery prize this week, this prive goes together with the prize for next wekk and you have double the prize money
that's a rollover lottery
if nobody wins that second one, the both prizes roll over to the next one
in lottery, this is to ocntinue to accumulate
to move from the previous one to the next one
a rollover lottery
you could also use the word, to roll over, rollover in finance
if you have an investment for example a bond or a future, this has a point in time where it terminates
if you roll over the future, you take the money that you get back from it and you invest that again in something similar
it's to move the money when an an investment finishes or when it expires into something else
you could roll something over into somehing different as well but you continue to invest
when the term of the bond expires, I am going to roll the capital over into another similar bond
it's effectively just reinvest the money in something similar normally
to roll over a loan
I could roll over a loan, this is you extend it or you renegotiate it by adding it to another loan
my team rolled over the opposition like they steamrolled the opposition
to be easily overshelmed
to beat very bery easily
I think probably prefer to use the word to stemroll but it would work like that
Formality : 4 for to roll over meaning to accept
Formality : 5 for to roll over in bed and the car rolled over
Formality : 5 for a rollover lottery and to roll over the funds
Formality : 4 for to roll over the opposition