Excruciating : 몸시 고통스러운, 극심한, 아주 나쁜, 매우 난처한, 매우 지루한
Excruciatingly : 몹시 고통스러울 정도로, 극심하게, 극도로, 몹시
Excruciate : (육체적·정신적으로) 몹시 괴롭히다, 고문하다
Excruciate, as a verb, is much rarer. it's not something that is very commonly used
I think we are much more likely to see excruciating and excruciatingly
to excruciate on its own means to inflict severe pain on somebody
to torture or to make somebody very distressed mentally
if we say something is excruciatingly painful then it's extremely painful
so something that is excruciating is extemely intense
it's intensely painful both could be either for the mind or for the body
when he broke his leg was in excruciating pain, it was an excruciatingly painful experience
the situation was terribly embarrassing, it was absolutely excruciating.
it was agonizing, very painful, very embarrassing
we are using excruciating, something is extremely painful either physically or emotionally
it' was an excruciating experience, a very severe and unpleasant experience
very painful, very unpleasant
there was a very long silence that continued and eventually it became excruciating, this was excruciatingly embarrassing
the joke was funny at first but he went on and on with it to the point it became excruciating
the performancne by the actors was excruciating, it was painful to watch
something is excruciatingly embarrassing, you almost feel pain watching it
if someething is extremely boring or extremely embarrassing
i had to sit there waiting for the plane that had been delayed by 23 hours, it was excruciating, it was incredibly boring
we also use this word excruciating, to mean intense or extreme
he does things with excruciating exactenesss. he is so exact that it's extreme
intese, intensely painful
excruciating mental anguish, this is excruciating dilemma and I just don't know what to do
it's intensely painful
an excruciatingly bad joke
it was excruciatingly bad, it was extremely bad
to detail excruciating exactness
it's intense but so intense that almost to the point of pain
you can also use, excrucuating, meaning very bad
the meal that they gave us was excruciating
Formality : 5 for excruciating
Formality : 7.5 - 8 for excruciate