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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

315. Mirage - CAE Vocabulary - Metaphors

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 12. 3.

Mirage : 신기루, 아지랑이, 신기루 같은것, 신기루 같은 헛된것, 착각, 몽상, 헛된 희망


Mirage, this is an optical effect
on a hot day when you look out and there's a very flat horizon and and it looks like there is a layer of water in the distanc.

this word Mirage gives me the idea of somebody who is walkinig in the desert and they haven't got any water and they can see this mirage in the distance and they are running towards this mirage but it's not real, it's not there



So we can also use this word Mirage figuratively

to mean that something that is unattainable and something that is an illusion
it's a mirage, it's something that appears to be ture but it's not
it looked like they were going to be able to find a peaceful solution to this problem but it was just a mirage, an illusion
a mirage is something that you wish or you hope that's going to happen but there's in reality no chance of it happening
the government talk about changing this law but in reality it's a mirage
it's something that they are not going to do 
I have a feeling that independence for Scotland this is a mirage and the government will try to stop this from happening one way or another
it's something that looks good and it loos plusible and possible but in fact it's a mirage
it's not realistic
it's something that you think it could happen but it's not going to happen
an illusion
a delusion
a phantasm
a pipe dream
a chimera
you would see some advertisement that say that is is possible to learn English in seven days, this is a mirage



Formality : 5 for an optical effect
Formality : 6 for a metaphor






