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513. Brobdingnagian / struldbruggian / Houyhnhnm / Lilliputian / Yahoo - Words from Gulliver's Travels

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 12. 3.

Brobdingnagian : 엄청나게 거대한, 굉장하게 큰, 거대한

Struldbruggian : 죽지 않고 이어져 온, 불멸의

Houyhnhnm : 매우 똑똑하고 문명화된 말을 닮은 사람[인종]

Yahoo : 짐승같은 인간, 야수같은 인간, 개망나니, 망나니, (신이나서 외치는)야후!

Lilliputian : 극도로 작은, 소인, 난쟁이

Lilliput : 릴리퍼트, Gulliver’s Travels에 나오는 난쟁이 나라


I am going to cover rather strange words this time. all of which come from Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift



brobdingnagian, this means enormous, enormously large, much bigger than unusual
if you continue to read Gulliver's travels, he goes to visit many other places and one of these is the brobdingnagian. this is land of giants. 
so we can use this word brogdingnagian to talk about something that is much much larger than normal 
they spent brogdingnagian quantities of money on this problem. they spent huge enormous gigantic amounts
it looks like you have a brogdingnagian problem 
I owe brobdingnagian sum of money to the bank
enormous, huge, being of tremendous size


Struldbruggian, this is an adjective talking about something that has lasted for very very many years

it's extremely ancient but it's lived beyond the point where it shouldn't exist anymore
this comes from and is the name of a race of people who are immortal but they continute to age. they get order and older
they had declared legally dead at the age of 80 but they don't die because they are immortal and they continue to live
therefore from this, we can use this word struldbruggian to talk about something that it continues to exist
it's extremely ancient and immortal 

this is something that has been around for ages
If you look at the British legal code, there are still some struldbruggian laws that exist from the Middle Ages
his struldbruggian ideas are something that need to change
the struldbruggian uncivilized traditions have gone on forever
so you can use it for something that has lived and existed for ages but it's no longer relevant or vaild 
something that is obsolete but has existed forever


Yahoo, as a noun, a yahoo is a brute and is somebody who doesn't think about what they are doing

it's a rough coarse person. somebody who is uneducated, uncouth, a bit of a yokel
a yahoo this was first coined by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels
the yahoos were a race of brutes
a race of coarse and uncivilizezd people who ruled the country where houyhnhynms lived. (houyhnhynm were the intelligent horse-like people)
the yahoos were a great big brutes
a yahoo, a yokel, a lout, somebody with no taste came from   

I think, also we have this word yahoo, yahoo! I've won and but I am not sure if the two are linked or not

Houyhnhnm, this one I think is probably not possible to use except in context

a race of horse-like people who were extrememly civilized
very civilized hose-like creature



Lilliputian in Lilliput , tiny little people or extremely small.

the amount of money that i spend is lilliputian compared to the amount of money that the government spends for example





