Proportion : (전체에서 차지하는) 부분, 비율, (두개의 다른 것과 규모/양등을 비교한) 비, 비율, (측정가능한) 크기, 규모, 비례, 균형
Proportional (Proportionate): ~에 비례하는, 비례적인, 균형적인
Proportionately (proportionally): 비례적으로, 균형적으로
Disproportionately (disproportionally) : 불균형적으로, 맞지않게, 어울리지않게
Proportionality : (법에서) 비례의 원칙(과잉조치 금지의 원칙)
Out of proportion : (너무 많거나 심하거나 하여) (~와는) (전혀) 균형이 안 맞는, 어울리지 않는
In proportion : ~와 균형을 이루어, ~에 어울리는, ~에 비례하는
proportion, the number of something, the amount of something when compared to the whole
what proportion of the population have university degrees?
what proportion of the British population speak a foreign language?
poor families have to spend a larger proportion of their income on food
the proportions are the relative quantities of the two things when compared to another
when I cook the rice, the proportions I like to use are one amount of rice to 1.5 amounts of water
the proportion of boys to girls in my class was about two boys to a girl
in proportion to, out of proportion
when I draw something, sometimes I get things out of proportion, ther wrong relationship between width and height
if things are in proportion, they go welll together
if two amounts are proportional, they change at the same rate, at the same speed
weight is normally proportional to the volume of something
proportional representation, this is to do with voting and politics when you count all of the votes, so the proportion of people who voted for this party is directional proportional to the number of members of parliament they get
a proportion of a group is the part of it, the percentage of the fraction
the proportions of something, the measurement
What ar the proportions of your box? 20 centimeters by 15 centimeters by 15 centimeters. these are the proportions, the dimensions
to get things out of proportion
if you get things out of proportion, you give too much importance to one thing
it's normal to worry about things but you've got to keep it in proportion
you need to keep a sense of proportion
earning money is important but you need to keep a sense of proportion and not spend your whole life working
if somebody is rude to you, you need to keep your reply proportional , maybe you sya that I think that's extremely rude and you shouldn't do that
you don't take a gun and shoot them, that's disproportional, it goes too far, it's way out of proportion
a proportion, this is talking about the portion, the amount, the percentage, the ratio, the relationship
the proportions of something, the dimensions, the magnitude, the measurement
a sense of proportion, a sense of balance
judging the relative importanceof seriousness of different things
you need to keep things in proportion
you don't need to react disproportionally, out of proportion
Formality : 5 for proportion
Formality : 6 for proportional
Formality : 6.5 for proportionality