Paranoid : 피해망상적인, 편집성의, 편집증적인, 편집증 환자의, 편집증 환자
paranoia : 편집증, 피해망상
if somebody is paranoid, they have an unreasonable suspicion of eveybody else
paranoia talks about being worried that everybody is going to get you
you are got fear and anxiety that eveybody is persecuting
you are got fear and anxiety that everybody is being persecuted and everybody after you and trying to get you
you believe that there is a conspiracy or a threat towards you
this is a fear where you think that people are going to get you
she was really paranoid about catching covids so she didn't leave my house for six months
you are paranoid when if your character is a bit anti-social
I think society is becoming increasingly paranoid and fearful
you could have paranoid delusions
one of the important things about paranoia is these things that you believe are unreasonable
you are constantly thinking about it
this is an unreasonable fear
undue suspicion
it's just when you go over the top
you are just too suspicious about everyone
getting your fears out of proportion
paranoia, unreasonable feeling that people are going to harm you, that people don't like you, that people are going to criticize you
unreasonable false belief
some drugs cause paranoia they think that they are going to have problems or they are going to be arrested any momnet now
irrational feal
irrational distrust
paranoia is very common in a society with a lot of regulation
the amount of regulation in the society probably increases paranoia
it is a psychotic disorder
it is a delulsional disorder
you have delusions of persecution
Formallity : 5 for both paranoid and paranoia